Wednesday, May 18, 2016

"Toil And Pray For Tomorrow We May Be Gone"

I have worked in the yard three hours today. Have made a lot of progress, but still lots to do. 5-18-2016 Perryton, Texas.
   Too shady to show the flowers, but will take another one later. 5-18-2016 Perryton, Texas.

The ground was still wet today, but I did a lot of garden work anyway. After three hours of digging, raking, and planting in the new flower garden I am very tired. I loved every minute of the time I worked fixing hangers from scratch with only a few odd and ends to work with. I have spent almost nothing on stuff for the flower garden except a little on plants. I hunted through all the storage and found things I didn’t remember I had. Most everything I used had to be repaired or painted, I even designed a chain hanger for some. I didn’t know I was so good with a hack-saw, and a pair of big pliers. I found an old gourd bird house that I bought at a family reunion auction paying $20.00 for it. Jerry Cope, you better remember this. You bid against me laughing all the time. You raised the gourd, and painted it red then made me pay a 20 dollar bill for it. After ten years all the paint had faded away, so I gave it a new face lift. I will be watching for a bird to claim it now. I planted a lot of seed today. Hopefully some of them will come up through the ground, but again I found them in storage and they may not be active. I was not ready to quit my work outside today as I kept getting ideas, but my tired body made me come inside. If it doesn’t rain tonight I will be back tomorrow chopping out the rest of weeds and grass tomorrow. 

I will spend the evening watching television. I am deeply involved in getting Donald Trump elected to the Presidency. I feel sure he is the one who can really make our country great again. He has been meeting with some very high-up individuals who have been against him, but are now trying to patch things up. They are having to admit they were wrong. That is so hard for some people to do. But those who have any respect for proven understanding, and  successful people usually will back off when they see they can’t compare. It’s those whom will never admit to being wrong that always comes to naught. Never even realizing what made them so dumb. It’s all a matter of thinking too highly of ones self.  Not smart at all. Suffer they must, because without repentance the trend goes on. A person out of touch with God, even though they claim to be holding His hand. Their God must not be the God of the universe. People’s God was tested many times in ancient bible history. The real God always came out victor. Still those same people would not let go of their faith in a failing God. We see the same thing happening today. People keep holding onto the way they want to believe, not the way God is asking them to believe. The difference is, live a victorious life, or a life of constant defeat.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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