Sunday, May 8, 2016

"I Am A Happy Mother Today"

Myself, Myrtle Jean Sharp, and friend, Bonnie Schafe, at the Citizen's Center Mother's Day Dinner. 5'8'2016 Perryton, Texas.
A great day at the Citizen's Center Mother's Day dinner. Very good food and fellowship. 5-8-2016 Perryton, Texas.

How nice it was to honored today at the Citizen’s Center Mother’s Day Dinner. A nice crowd filled the beautifully decorated tables, and many mothers were honored with their children by their side. The food was wonderful, and everyone enjoyed a super nice short visit with friends. I did not hear one word about politics except from me. That was just to tell a friend that I was so glad to hear something being said other than Donald Trump. I am a very, much involved, supported of Donald, but I can’t turn my television on without seeing, or hearing something about Donald Trump. it’s a long time until November so I am going to need to attend a lot more of these Mother’s Day dinners or such like to keep me sane.

While I did not have the privilege of having any of my family with me for Mother’s Day, I did get cards, and calls, from them all. I even had a Mr. “dear friend” pay for my dinner today at the center. God is so good to us, and we thank Him always. The picture I posted today is with a good friend whom I sit with for lunch every time I eat at the center. She is a retired teacher from Oklahoma City. She and I have a lot of things in common. Mostly we are both supporting Donald Trump. She had several members of her family with her today, and she has much to be proud of. I congratulate her. Even with all the love and support surrounding me I still feel like a marble going around and around in a round dishpan. It just won’t come to a stop. If I have to I will spin till I die, but I will never give up my faith in God. He is using me for something I know nothing about, and I will gladly approve His pick for my job. I know He will pay me well, and even give me bonuses.

While I wait upon the Lord to stop the spinning, I will continue to paint my heart out. I am making some very important people look very good. This is my way of saying, “I am proud of you.” Yes, I put a little of my heart into the picture. My love, my pride, my passion all go into the painting of my assignment. I just need to devote more time into my art work. I will be giving everyone a definite time that I will post the painting of Melania Trump on the network. I still like some finishing details before It is completed, but it shouldn’t be much longer. By the way, she is much prettier than her husband, but I did get the compliment that my painting of Donald was prettier than he really is, although he is definitely recognizable. I have had some to ask me to do a painting of them if I could make them look better than what’s natural. Somewhat a challenge. Who knows who or what?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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