Saturday, May 21, 2016

"Baby Robins And Grown Lizards"

Congratulations! Mother Robin. The new born babies were just hatched. This is the Robin that I have been writing about on my blog. She built a nest in the plum tree just outside my art studio window. I walked by the tree yesterday and there was no egg shell on the ground, but the Robin flew away as I walked by. Now this morning I walk by and I saw this blue egg shell on the ground, then the Robin flew away again. Some little birds are in the nest, but I don't dare climb up and look at them. They are just barely higher than I can tip-tow and see. 5-21-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I am so excited! We have baby Robins at our house. I want to see them, but I’m afraid if I get on a step ladder to look in the mother may abandon them. I was walking by the tree this morning and saw this piece of a blue shell on the ground. About that time the mother jumped out of the nest and flew. I walked by that tree yesterday, but there was no egg shell on the ground. Date of birth May 21,2016.  Place of birth, 1114 Michigan street, Perryton, Texas. I congratulate that mother because she built that nest within five feet on my window. The nest was barely above eye level. I feel sure she knew grandmother would help her protect the eggs. And I have kept an eye on them every day. Chuck even climbed up and looked in the nest before she laid the eggs. Since it was empty we thought she may have already abandoned the nest for some reason. Not so, today we have one or more baby birds. They may not all be hatched yet.

I also jumped a big high when I was watering the flowers this morning. For the first time in years a foot long, white lizard, or something, jumped right in front of me. I first thought it was a snake, but then I saw it was more like a lizard. When I went for my camera it had disappeared without me getting it’s picture. Then again I saw toad frogs all over the yard. I really don’t want to be friends with lizards and toad frogs. However they are part of the make up from the natural habitat of my yard. I am more fearful now of seeing things I don’t want to see. All in all I am satisfied with the small animal life that shares my yard, and soothes my sorrow.

We didn’t have rain last night, but I believe it’s been predicted for the week-end. It’s so nice to have the sun shinning bright, and the wind is cool and comfortable. I have started painting again, so I will not work outside again for a few days. I will be cleaning house and getting ready for company Memorial Day week-end. That is a job I hate, but I must do it once in awhile. I am always happy to have company. I have yet to buy flowers for the graves. I just haven’t been in the mood for shopping, and it depresses me to put flowers on the graves. Somehow I want my husband and little baby boy to come up out of those graves. It takes awhile for me to bounce back after Memorial Day celebration is over. Life can be almost unbearable sometimes. Thank God for His healing touch when we need it so badly. He promised me several years ago to never leave me nor forsake me, and He has always kept that promise. I thank Him every day.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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