Monday, May 30, 2016

"A Memorial Day Nightmare"

      My little Bumble Bee gardener is takinf care of my flowers. 5-30-2016 Perryton, Texas.

This Memorial Day turned out to be a nice one, but I was deprived of going to the cemetery for the services. That old enemy called Satan attacked me in a dream last night, and I was exhausted when I finally woke up at 9 o’clock this morning. The nightmare woke me up at 3 0’clock and it was after 6 when I fell back to sleep. The Memorial service started at 10 o’clock and I knew I could not make it. Today I am still fighting off that nightmare. It’s unbelievable how evil that old demon is, and how much damage he can do to a child of God. My Heavenly Father came to my aid, but I am still upset about such a terrible thing that I went through last night. Never in a million years could this horrible thing happened, but it still made an impact on my mind. I keep searching for reasons that I had this awful dream. It is one that will never be told to anyone. It could have a great mental effect on another life that is a little less than perfect to me. It is just about the worst demon trick that Satan could place on anyone. I am slowly recovering, and I know all memories will be erased. This was not a nightmare of fear, it was a shocking experience. I am left hating Satan more than ever before. He attacked me with a devastating lie. I cannot think of any reason why he would do that. Then I am made to wonder why God would allow him to do that. I just must continue to push it out of my mind until there is no memory at all.

I truly believe this nightmare was given to me for a reason that I needed to overcome something that I found extra hard to do. Even though I was trying hard to forget a matter of great hurt to me, I could not completely lay it aside. I am human, and I think that sometimes I keep telling myself that. Meaning that I have feelings, and I can not easily forget when a horrible disgraceful charge has been handed me. In younger days I did not let most such things bother me, but it is different now. I think it’s different for many reasons other than age. I will always try to please God no matter what the price I must pay. I can bind my tongue when I feel like I should, then I will unleash my tongue when I feel like God is directing me to do so. This takes a mighty strong amount of faith to apply such unpleasant remarks, but if it is required of me, I will do it. Faith will lead me to victory in time. I am who I am, and so is everyone else who they are. There is no perfection in any human being, so forgiveness is absolutely a constant must. God will take care of all vengeance if we do the right thing.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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