Saturday, May 28, 2016

"Hurry And Be Gone Memorial Day Week End"

          I transplanted some Oriental grass in my new flower garden today. 5-28-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I worked in the yard a lot today. My body is telling me about it. I transplanted some Oriental grass, and dug a spot to set out some Marigold plants. The worst thing I had to do about getting this garden spot ready was to dig the entire space up with a shovel. It was solid grass with some of it being Bermuda which has deep rooted runners, I still like a little having it all taken out. I do enjoy working with it, and I sure need the exercise. I also have a lot of ideas that I will be working with.

With this being Memorial Day week-end there is not much news on television. Everything is re-runs. I am set for a long period of silently spending time with my deceased loved ones. I have no family living close to me but one son. Since I live so far away from them they seldom ever come to visit me. They have always expected us to do the going. When my husband was alive we didn’t mind driving long distances to spend time with our family, but now that I’m all alone I do not travel much. The friend that was suppose to spend the week-end with me had to cancel her trip because of such stormy weather we’ve been having. I will be looking forward to next week. Our Senior Citizens Center will also be closed Monday to let the workers and members spend time with family.

I did get my Sunday dinner cooked today. I baked a pork roast with carrots, celery, onions, and potatoes. I will bake the apple pie in the morning. Chuck and I will be eating together. If I did not have Chuck with me I don’t know what I would do. He doesn’t live for from me, and he comes over several times a day. He likes gardening as much as I do so we both have something to keep us busy through the summer. Most of his friends live far off so he too spends a lot of time on the telephone.

My next-door neighbors are still gone. They took their camper and went to Red River, New Mexico. I know they are having fun. Our family used to go there a lot. We mostly went in the winter for snow skiing, but we also spent some time in the summer there. There are always a lot of recreation that one can take in. It is a very beautiful place of nature. Now since my family have all grown up and moved away we no longer go to the mountains. We sold our Mountain home that we built at Rockwall, Colorado. We kept all memory rights to it. They pay us off big when we get together and talk about all the wonderful times we had there. The past is gone, but the memories will live forever. I have had a good live, and I thank God for it every day.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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