Sunday, May 31, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Steak Twice Today"

Jean's Comment's: "Steak Twice Today": Almost ready. Never seen steaks cook so fast. Just perfect. 5-31-2015 Perryton, Texas. Steaks for dinner today. Rick is the chief. Lots ...

"Steak Twice Today"

Almost ready. Never seen steaks cook so fast. Just perfect. 5-31-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Steaks for dinner today. Rick is the chief. Lots of other good stuff to go with it. 5-15-2015 Perryton, Texas.
New York strips will be on the menu today. Sauteed mushrooms, baked potatoes and salad. Also corn on the cob.5-31-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Nothing could be better than a grilled New York steak after hearing such a wonderful message at church this morning. A spiritual steak was served to us by our pastor. He prepared it from Isaiah’s hot coals found in chapter 6 verses 1-8. The title was, “ Send me Lord.” ” Wow! It was thick and well done, but we still needed a steak for our physical bodies. Rick is cooking steaks on the hot grill of our charcoal cooker. He is sautéing mushrooms, and baking potatoes. Also will have corn on the cob. Salad is an extra side-dish. He is serving strawberries with whipped cream for desert. This is my first time to be treated with his special style of cooking. In fact I never knew he ever ate anything but T V dinners all the years he lived alone in an upstairs apartment. I ate a couple of pieces of toast before church because I knew dinner would be late today. It is worth waiting for.

I had to take a break long enough to eat. The meal was ready at 1:00. I never tasted any better food before. Rick sure had me fooled. I wonder how much more he knows that I don’t know about. The strawberries and short cake will have to come later. We had enough left over for the evening meal. Rest and a nap has to come after a gorging like this. When I am finished with this blog I will be doing just that. I have to be excited about the weather. The sun is shinning so bright till one needs shades on their eyes to go outside. A nice cool breeze is floating around everywhere. I will be doing some watering a little later on this evening. I am feeling more than blessed.

After this sabbath day of rest is over I have a full week planned ahead. I never get everything done, but I do a lot of necessary jobs in order to keep up with the pace. I will be hitting Monday with full force. I pray I will be plowing through every day with much accomplishment. If so I will be coloring my gray hair that seems to have cropped up on me. A job I usually don’t let go for long. I can’t feel young if I look old. I can’t work hard if I feel old. I am on call twenty-four hours a day to do what God calls me to do. All other things have to be worked in between His jobs. I try to keep an “open” sign around my neck most of the time. I don’t want anyone to think I am not open for business. I also have Christian business people who wear the “open” sign around their neck also. I open their door often and ask for support when I feel overloaded. Twenty-four, seven, is a place everyone needs to live close to. There is no surprises when an emergency arises and we need something quickly. I have been there many times.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Let The Grass Grow"

Jean's Comment's: "Let The Grass Grow": A sprig of ornamental grass I transplanted last year from a flower bed that I needed to plant a rose bush in. It has done so well with all...

"Let The Grass Grow"

A sprig of ornamental grass I transplanted last year from a flower bed that I needed to plant a rose bush in. It has done so well with all the rain, and I expect it to get as tall as the fence. I love this grass. 5-30-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I was so pleased to see this little sprig of ornamental grass that I transplanted last year from a flower bed where I wanted to put a rose bush. It usually takes several years for it to multiply and grow tall, but with all the rain we’ve had this spring the grass has grown and spread out so much I am adoring it. I hope to turn this strip of ground into a lovely flower garden next spring. I also picked a few ripe cherries from the tree today. This was the first year for the tree to produce, and I couldn’t wait to see what they would taste like. It was incredible how good these cherries tasted. They don’t even cling to the seed. Since this is their first year to bare there wasn’t very many on the tree, but if we don’t get a late freeze next year there should be plenty. All the fruit is doing good, and I will be wondering what to do with it since I don’t can anymore. We will have some kind of fruit pies on the table most of the summer.

I can’t believe another week has passed since we were at church last Sunday. The time is just zipping by. Sunday means I have to fix dinner, go to church, come home and eat, then lay around the rest of the day. I don’t like wasting time by not doing anything but resting. I am always glad for Monday morning to get here. I have several things on my list of, “to do,” next week. I usually don’t get them all done, but at least some of them. I need to speed up a bit. No amount of interest we may have in anything can take the place of time spent with family. I cannot be with my family members much since distance is so great. My two sons who live here in my city are the only family I have within miles. I miss all the rest of them so much. I see less and less of them all the time. I admit I have to fight daily to keep my spirits up over being absent from my large family so much. It hasn’t always been that way. Over the years time has changed everything. School, and better jobs has created lots of distance between us. As the older ones gets older, they are unmovable including myself. But where would you move to be with more family when they all are scattered about?

I, myself, and my God will live here in my comfort zone till death do us part. I need no more company than what I have. I just need to quit recalling the “good ole days.” My grandmother and grandfather. My mom and dad. My six sisters and brothers and their families. My uncles and  aunts, and cousins by the dozens. Then the same family members on my husband’s side. Life is cruel at times, but I am thankful for the greatest friend one could ever have, Jesus Christ.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, May 29, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "The Sunshine Makes Me Happy"

Jean's Comment's: "The Sunshine Makes Me Happy":                                   The sun can't be hid. I love its rays. 5-29-2015 Perryton, Texas. Dark clouds of something is tryi...

"The Sunshine Makes Me Happy"

                                  The sun can't be hid. I love its rays. 5-29-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Dark clouds of something is trying to hid the sun, but the sun is brighter than the darkness. This is the day to be happy that the floods are vanishing away. I pray that all of the flooded areas will soon be normal again. Our part of the country is green and plentiful for the things that yield good fruit. We can’t rest long between mowing lawns, but we won’t complain about that. I am just trying to let everyone know that there is sunshine in places, and hopefully it will be in your place before long.

I am beginning to feel tired as I have been doing a lot of business today. It isn’t always the manual work that tires us, but the stressful changes that are constantly happening to make us take more steps and ask more questions in order to keep up with the lawful ordnance’s. As we all know we are living in a world of change like never before. What I did today will have to be done differently next year. I can live with that if only they do not change my mind.

I must hurry and run the sweeper before Rick gets here from returning from Fort Worth. He had to go see a doctor, and I have neglected to hurry along with my house cleaning. I think I enjoy resting too much. But how nice to be your own boss and work when you want to. I could live forever in this type of environment. I am thankful for it, and for all who help make it pleasant for me. With that all being said I wish you all a good evening and a good night’s sleep.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Jean's Comment's: "What Is Beyond Repair"

Jean's Comment's: "What Is Beyond Repair": The birds are thanking God from the house top this morning for all the wonderful rain. 5-29-2015 Perryton, Texas.                 Bl...

"What Is Beyond Repair"

The birds are thanking God from the house top this morning for all the wonderful rain. 5-29-2015 Perryton, Texas.
                Blessed results of heavenly rain. "Thank you Lord." 5-29-2015 Perryton, Texas
The sky is blue and true to its purpose. "Enjoy the rain I gave you. It was free." 5-29-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Oh! How sweet to trust in Jesus. This is a beautiful morning and everywhere I look I see something to be thankful for. A prayer and a good night’s sleep can do wonders for you. This morning I feel as though I could blast every sight of evil off the face of the earth. I wonder how long that feeling will last. As long as I keep believing in my God. He gives me rest, then power to plow on through. I stepped outside this morning to be welcomed by many birds excitedly flying and singing everywhere. I especially noticed two birds on my house top that had their heads raised toward heaven and were, no doubt,  thanking God for all the recent rain which helped their food supply of worms. Then I had to be thankful for the beauty of my roses which have been watered with the best fertilize on earth. I am still watching for that rainbow, but I did see a beautiful blue sky this morning that seemed to say, “peace unto you all.” I don’t know what today holds for me, but I do know who holds the day for me. I’m expecting something wonderful to happen. My thoughts and prayers are still with those who had too much of a good thing and some were even swept away by the floods. Many houses were lost, and much other damage was evident when you see the pictures on the news. God’s ways are above our ways and we must not question his doing.

I made some new friends yesterday, and visited with a few old ones. Sometimes I think I should retire from gallivanting around so much. The fact is I can’t be productive without putting forth some effort. Sometimes its like a chain of following every link till you find the end. Some chains are pretty long and have several knots in them, but with time, and work, they can be straightened. I love the challenge of proving my worth. Its all in, not a day’s work, but several day’s work. After all I’m not still alive to rock on slowly, but to hammer away at the rusty nail until the head is sunken in the thick board. I am using my physical strength, as well as my spiritual strength, to accomplish many things. Like the old saying goes, “if you don’t use it you will lose it.” I wouldn’t mind crawling into my own coffin and then say, “now you can give me that final pill, check my heart-beat, and close the door.” I may be exaggerating a bit, but the truth is I am not planning on entering a coffin. I want to go up with Jesus in a cloud. I want to be able to run to meet him. I must use my muscles every day if I make that happen. My love and prayers are with you all. Look for something good to happen today, and don’t fail to recognize it.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "A Turtable Accident"

Jean's Comment's: "A Turtable Accident": So sorry. The little turtle that stopped to rest under my rose bush yesterday ventured out into the street and was run over by a car. I fe...

"A Turtable Accident"

So sorry. The little turtle that stopped to rest under my rose bush yesterday ventured out into the street and was run over by a car. I feel sad. 5-28-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Its not fair for such tragic things to happen to fearful, little helpless, wildlife. They do no harm to anyone. 5-28-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Rick was feeling awfully bad yesterday when he found the little visitor turtle lying crushed in the street near his car. He feared that he was the one who ran over it. He and our neighbor, Doug, came looking in the flower bed to see if maybe the dead turtle was not the one who rested awhile yesterday in my flower bed. No trace of the visitor. I felt bad because I scared the turtle when I took its picture. I wanted it to know I would not hurt it, and left quickly for the turtle to feel safe again. I was shocked when Rick told me it had been run over. So goes life, here one minute and gone the next.

I had thought I was being a little disgusting to a lot of people about my feeling for the loss of a visiting turtle until I read the, well know, Glenn Beck’s comments on face book this morning. He was saying that he was taking his family to their ranch next week to feed the cows and castrate the young calves. It was going to be their first time and they didn’t know how they were going to handle it. One of the boys didn’t want to go. Glenn stated, “ I know how he feels. Every time we discuss it I want to cross my legs, but I tell my kids if they want to keep eating hamburgers we have to do those things.” I tell them if they can’t handle it then they should go vegan. The last time we did something like this I ended the practice of branding on my ranch. I think we ought to be gentle Stewarts over God’s creation. My son may be a vegetarian after next week. I may be one too.

Glenn’s theory is that we should teach our kids everything about life including the gross things that no one likes, but it has to be. He wants his kids to know the facts of life then make up their own minds as to what they want to practice. Glenn says most kids know nothing about raising vegetables and meat. I agree, but that also includes the eggs we eat for breakfast every morning. A friend of mine was bringing fresh eggs from her little chicken farm to anyone who  wanted them. Several was thrilled to get them, but some said, “oh! I just eat store bought eggs.” How much have we learned in life, and how much more are there to learn?” I have learned this. The most important thing to learn in this life is that we are all sinners and have to be saved by the blood of Jesus Christ or we will not live in heaven when this life is over. “Saved, but not perfected.” The daily struggle continues as long as we live on this earth. It is with the help of the Holy Spirit that we handle our problems. Let us all be grateful.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Sharing The Outdoors With Wildlife"

Jean's Comment's: "Sharing The Outdoors With Wildlife": Something new has been added to my flower garden. A turtle showed up there this afternoon. 5-27-2015 Perryton, Texas. Rick hard at work ...

"Sharing The Outdoors With Wildlife"

Something new has been added to my flower garden. A turtle showed up there this afternoon. 5-27-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Rick hard at work cutting tall weeds from around the fence and trees. 5-27-2015 Perryton, Texas.
          Caught this bird chunking it down. Lots of swere available. 5-27-2015 perryton, Texas

I was surprised to see a turtle in my flower bed today. I hadn’t seen any kind of reptile, frog, or toads in my yard in several years. Chuck told me today that all frogs died this year during the draught. I asked him why I never see a horny toad any more. He said its because they are on the protected list as a threatened species by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.  They cannot even be bought at a pet store. He also said it was against the law to own one. So much for my childhood frogie friends including tadpoles. I don’t want to see a lizard or scorpion, but they probably will be plentiful. The turtle of which I posted a picture of didn’t want to stick its head out of the shell long enough for me to take a picture. I didn’t bother it long, and left it to move freely along.

As Rick was finishing up with the weed eating this morning I was attracted by the many birds who were finding a feast of little red worms that came to surface while Rick scrapped the wet ground with the weed eater. They were flying around like a swarm of bees. Rick saw a rat that was 12 inches long without the tail, he declared. I was glad I didn’t see him. I didn’t have my gun. To say the least for the past three days we have been in the midst of a terrain of wild grass and weeds. We have had our “work-out” to the very best degree. But it has been fun, and I would do it again. Rats, birds, worms, and fire ants didn’t stop us from mowing um down. The next-door neighbor was busy in her yard also. We stopped and chatted awhile. She seemed to be enjoying her work as much as Rick and I was. We are all thankful for the nice places we have to call home and rest in peace after a day’s hard work. Most of us don’t have fancy homes, but we do have what God has provided for us and that’s good enough. I am reminded every day of the thousands of people I see on T V who are fleeing their home just trying to save their lives from the enemy. They are walking with no place to go. Can we not be more thankful after seeing that?  My prayers are reaching out to them, and I know somehow God will take care of them. If only I could make everyone in this world happy, I would be even more happier. Although it was not meant for this world to be all peace and harmony. That will come with our next life, but until then, let us live to the fullest, and thank God every day for our blessings. I expect to hear good news every day from someone who needs a touch from God. I love good news.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Proof Of My Youth"

Jean's Comment's: "Proof Of My Youth": Welcome night time. Very tired from helping Rick weed-eat and pull dead limbs from trees at the other house. 5-26-2015 Perryton, Texas. ...

"Proof Of My Youth"

Welcome night time. Very tired from helping Rick weed-eat and pull dead limbs from trees at the other house. 5-26-2015 Perryton, Texas.

It has been a tiring day working several hours cleaning up a yard at a rent house. I love to do hard work, but I need to rest good at night. I usually can sleep better after I have done a hard day’s work. We still have a lot more to do before the yard is in good shape. Rick is not used to hard work, and finds the patio swing most relaxing when he comes home. He is now watching a mother bird bring food to her young ones where she has found a place big enough in the patio roof to make a nest. He is intrigued by this slide show. The evening breeze is so cool and refreshing till it makes one want to stay in one spot for a long time. The sun is sinking fast, but still gives bright light to enjoy the birds and insects that are busy with their normal duties. We are lucky that the mosquitoes haven’t started biting yet. I haven’t seen a garden snake or even a frog while trampling through the tall wet grass that we’ve been cutting. God knows I don’t like those two creatures, and He is keeping them hid from me. I rode with Rick to the landfill today to dump a load of trash. We saw several lakes of water that I hadn’t seen in years. It will take a long time for them to dry up. The low spots in the fields were what made it look like lakes. Water, water everywhere. We had to go through a mud hole to get to the dump site. It made our pick-up look dirty. A wash job will be needed to wind up our host of things to do at the rent house.

Tomorrow is suppose to be in the eighties for temperature factors. If that holds true it will be scorching hot due to all the rain that makes everything steam for joy. I will be walking off the job before quitting time. I feel no joy from steam. Although I am glad the yards are drying out a bit. It makes mowing much easier. I can say these past three weeks have been fun and most productive since Rick has been here. I needed some company, and a muscle builder instructor. Every muscle I have is sore, but Rick says its good for me. His is sore too so we are both hurting in the same places. How nice it is to be living a young life again. Instead of sleeping till 9 we are getting up at 6. Just can’t wait to hit the work field again. We are even more anxious to get home and back to bed again.

I will close this blog by saying more good news came to me today. A good friend has had such a quick and satisfactory recovery from a very dreaded surgery. It looked bleak at first, but the prayer warriors kept the lines busy and now she is feeling much better just four days after surgery. Praise be to our Lord!

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, May 25, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep"

Jean's Comment's: "Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep": Mine and my husband, Charles Sharp's  tomb stone. The Memorial services were good today. 5-25-2015 Perryton, Texas. Part of the crow...

"Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep"

Mine and my husband, Charles Sharp's  tomb stone. The Memorial services were good today. 5-25-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Part of the crowd attending the Memorial services today at Ochiltree cemetery. 5-25-2015 Perryton, Texas.

It was a lovely morning today for the Memorial service being held at Ochiltree cemetery. The Veterans of Foreign Wars puts the program together with honor and dignity. All branches of the military are included in the service making it very “heart touching and honorable.” A large crowd attended the interesting service. Cannons were fired during the service and a 21 gun salute was presented. At the end “Taps” was performed by a local minister. Eight hundred and fifty flags were placed on veterans graves before the service began. All bodies as a whole, buried in the graves were given a few minutes of recognition  by eternal perpetuation. It was up-lifting to be part of the service.

Rick and I put flowers on my husband’s grave. I have posted a picture of his grave site. This is always a hard time for me, but I must face reality and go on with my life. Its always comforting to notice all the graves of mine and Charles friends’ close to our own tombstone. Its like some went ahead of us, but we are on our way. I met a good friend whose husband is lying close to Charles and we had a few minutes of wonderful recollection of good times together. I walked away feeling pain and grief, but it helped to have my middle son with me. How hard it is to try and figure out what life is all about, and why it happened in the first place. God is always good to comfort us with a scripture from His holy Word. “Take thy cross and follow me.”

A poem by Louise Bailey

I feel a warmth around me
Like your presence is so near,
And I close my eyes to visualize
Your face when you were here.

I endure the times we spent together
And they are locked inside my heart,
For as long as I have memories
We will never be apart.

Even though we cannot speak anymore
My voice is always there,
Because every night before I sleep
I have you in my prayer.

After the Memorial service Rick and I spent two hours cutting weeds in the back yard of another house I own. The rain had lasted so long till it looked like a forest instead of a home yard. It was good for us to work off some of our grief and rush home to get some rest. Hopefully it will stay dry tonight and we can finish up tomorrow. In addition to the weed-eating, we have a few trees to chop down. Unless the city is good to us we will have a few trips to make to the land fill. I feel like working both physically and spiritually while I finish my life on earth. Thank my Lord God and Heavenly Father, I am still fit to do the job. God is good all the time.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "If Only I Could Go Back To My Childhood Home"

Jean's Comment's: "If Only I Could Go Back To My Childhood Home":           A quick pic of me, Myrtle Jean Sharp, after church today before I changed cloths. 5-24-2015 Perryton, Texas. Church services ...

"If Only I Could Go Back To My Childhood Home"

          A quick pic of me, Myrtle Jean Sharp, after church today before I changed cloths. 5-24-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Church services today was different, but very impressive. It was a combination of celebrating the Lord’s supper, and lighting a candle for all of those who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom, just like Christ sacrificed His life for our sins. Memorial Day and communion services were combined. It was well organized, and everyone gladly entered into the sacrificial celebration of both our Lord Jesus Christ, and our soldiers who gave their all for us. I wonder how much longer we will be able to enjoy our freedom. While we still have it we need to be thanking God daily and never take it for granite.

Rick and I came home to a lunch we had prepared before church. Pork steak tenders, mashed potatoes, gravy, broccoli with cheese, and fruit. It is so nice to have someone to share lunch with after being by myself for over two years. We also can discuss the church service and the sermon. Both of us like to share in this type of discussion. This church is new to Rick since he’s only been with me for three weeks; But he seems to be enjoying it a lot. He lived here for eighteen years before going off to college. Many changes to improve this city have been made since he left, but it doesn’t compare to the larger cities of Dallas, Fort Worth, and Houston where Rick has made his home since leaving after graduating from high school. At this moment he is living a quite and most peaceful life. A huge big change for him. At each passing day I believe he is coming back not only physically, but spiritually. I love the thought of maybe I could feel like I am raising all my children over again. Two are living here close to me now, and two, I am praying, may move back in awhile. It’s almost like gathering them all, along with my grandchildren, to be near me while we wait for our Lord’s return to earth. My imagination can run high sometimes, but its fun to have a good one.

There was no rain last night or today. The sun is shinning brightly. We are hoping for a lovely warm day tomorrow as we gather at the cemetery for a Memorial service there. Many people will renew their friendship, and hopefully  light a candle in each other’s heart. Tears and laughter refuels our spirit and gets us going full speed again for a long time. Oh! How much I love my family and friends who are still here to help me travel along. Some are coming from many miles away, and others will be present that I see nearly every day. I know God will be the special focus of interest, and I can hardly wait. Some will be on walkers, some in wheelchairs, some sitting on the high bleachers, but all will be spiritually lifted up and can be glad they made it once again.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Life Is Created Not Raised"

Jean's Comment's: "Life Is Created Not Raised": This little bird egg was the same one I posted yesterday 5-22-2015. Today 5-23-2015 I found the egg in the same spot with the crack much l...

"Life Is Created Not Raised"

This little bird egg was the same one I posted yesterday 5-22-2015. Today 5-23-2015 I found the egg in the same spot with the crack much larger and more of the bird showing. It was aborted by either an cruel animal or another mean bird by tossing it out of the nest. It was still alive when I first discoveded it, because the crack was larger today meaning the baby bird continued trying to get out of the shell.
Thunder and rain are still dominating our part of the country. The street, the flower beds, and everything else is standing in water. 5-23-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I just wanted to follow up on the post I put on yesterday, 5-22-2015 about the bird egg that fell out of the nest with a little bird showing through a crack. I had wondered if it was still alive, but never bothered to try and save it. After going out this morning and finding the egg in the same spot where I saw it yesterday, I was sure the bird was alive when I first discovered it. At first sight I could barely see a part of the little bird through the tiny crack, but this morning the crack had broadened and I could see more of the bird. With all the rain and cold weather I am sure the little body didn’t live long. Life sometimes ends before it hardly begins, but those who end a life purposely is not forgiven quickly by me. I just hope some people will think about this before they end another life purposely.

It is clear today that the rain is not nearly over yet. This morning water was standing in the streets, flower beds, and anywhere you couldn’t see grass, a puddle of water was evidence of heavy rain for an awfully long time. We do rejoice for all the much needed water, but it seems as though God would stop it before it becomes unnecessary. I will not suggest this to Him though. I trust His wisdom more than my own. It does make us appreciate the sun more when it does pop out once in awhile. I am still looking for that rainbow. I will post it when it finally appears. Then I will shout to the hill tops because that will be the sign that God is still as big and great as ever.

This is Memorial Day week-end. I am missing being with several family members, although I can talk to them by phone. When I was growing up Memorial Day week-end was observed by most families getting together, going to the graves and decorating them, then spreading a large picnic dinner in a park somewhere close by. To me as a child it was a great time of fun and feasting. Today it is quite different. Its more like remembering to grieve as though I hadn’t already been doing that forever. I have to struggle for peace and relaxation even though I am with friends and family. Somehow we out grow our childhood and become more understanding of life’s troublesome days, months, and years. Age most usually brings wisdom to the “Christ followers” without asking for it, although one scripture in Proverbs reads like this. “ If anyone lacks wisdom let him ask of me.” How great a God do we really serve? Probably greater than anyone on earth can possible know. I have to thank Him every day lest I forget how much He has done for me. I don’t deserve any of His love and mercy, much less His outpouring spirit of blessings, but He is faithful to remember me every day when I ask for something seriously. “Thank you Lord for remembering me.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, May 22, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "On This A Sad And Happy Occasion"

Jean's Comment's: "On This A Sad And Happy Occasion": So sorry for this mother bird. Something knocked the egg out  of the nest and it landed on my sidewalk. One little leg was sticking throug...

"On This A Sad And Happy Occasion"

So sorry for this mother bird. Something knocked the egg out  of the nest and it landed on my sidewalk. One little leg was sticking through the crack. The bird was trying to get out of the shell. Poor mother, I know how much she grieved over this baby's death. 5-22-2015 Perryton, Texas.
It seems as though someone decorated the little deer's ears with flowers. I hope it is a female. 5-22-2015 Perryton, Texas.

On this another cloudy, drizzly day I discovered a sad experience for a mother bird. A little egg with a fully developed bird had fallen out of the nest and was laying on my sidewalk. I could see something pink stuck to the outside of the egg. Upon further examination I saw it was the baby bird’s leg sticking out a crack. It had been trying to break out of the egg. I looked around for the mother, but I suppose she had already given up on saving her baby. I should have placed the cracked egg in a warm nest-like environment  and maybe the baby bird could have lived, but I assumed it was already dead. Even if it had of lived it would not have had a mother to feed it. Even the fowls of the earth must mourn their dead.

I was sprinkled with a few drops of rain while checking out my yard. The muddy ground was too sticky for getting off the grass. I did notice a funny little sight as I looked at the lively, colorful bachelors-buttons growing around a little deer planter I have in my flower bed. It looked like someone had pined a flower through each ear of the deer, making it look so neatly presentable for a party. A bitter-sweet moment just filled my soul for a short time this morning. A time to cry, and a time to laugh is what life is all about. “Thank you Lord.” The sun is peeking through the clouds and that makes me smile big. I would like to see a rainbow. Its been so long I think I would jump for joy if I saw one now. Rick and I are still waiting to challenge the crappie in our over-flowing lake. I feel so lucky about catching a big one. I have a net that I always take to put under my caught fish so there is no chance of losing them. It takes two to do that, but I have someone now to help me.

I will be having company for memorial day. I am so happy to have a friend from Oklahoma City to visit me. We will attend the Memorial Service at the cemetery Monday morning then we will be going out to have lunch together. There is one exception, if it doesn’t start raining before we leave for the out-door services. The weather report indicates the weather will be sunny and warm. I am so hoping they have it right. It is always a sad time for me to go to the cemetery, but I also feel very close to my loved one’s spirit. I must think of them as still alive, and only their earthly body is in the grave. But there is an ugly voice inside me that says, “ you can dig them up.” I know their caskets have been sealed and they probably look exactly the way they did when we put them in the ground, but I can still remember how they looked while they were with me, and memory is enough. I send my love to both my husband and baby boy.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "A Painting Of Loving Family Memories"

Jean's Comment's: "A Painting Of Loving Family Memories": A sneak peak at the painting I'm working on now. A dream came true for the Sharp Family. They didn't wake-up till after they sold ...

"A Painting Of Loving Family Memories"

A sneak peak at the painting I'm working on now. A dream came true for the Sharp Family. They didn't wake-up till after they sold it. 5-21-2015 Perryton, Texas.
This one is real. The Sharp family, with the help of contractors built this dream cabin along the banks of the Purgatoire River. Because of the partly concealed space where we built this cabin, no part of it was constructed by any type of machinery. From the ground up to the two-story top of building manual power was all that put it together. The large 12x12 inch x 25 foot beams were raised by human hands. If I hadn’t seen this with my own eyes I would not have believed it. I believe this was the most exciting three months of my life. This contractor had to be the only one of his kind. Every time we told him what we would like to have in any certain part of the cabin, but we admitted it couldn’t be done, the answer was always, “oh yeah, we can do that.“  Amazingly the impossible was made possible. We had some angry neighbors because our cabin made most of the others look like bird houses. One might describe the building as being built in the back yard of another small cabin which was facing the main road, and just a few yards from the river bank. There had been a tiny old cabin in that space. That is how we got the lot by buying the older cabin. According to all Colorado building codes a larger cabin couldn’t be built there, but because of the contractor’s smart, amazing, ability to find a way, we got a permit and finished the building. No one could find a way to stop us, even though several tried. All of our family still hold this cabin dear to our hearts after selling it many years ago. With all the maintenance required to keep it up, it just wasn’t suitable  for us to keep it any longer. Charles and I hadn’t retired yet, and the children had all moved to the south western part of Texas. We passed our dream onto some local people who were very happy to get it.

While owning this blest place we caught many trout from the rushing waters of the river a few yards from our back door. We cooked them on the brick grill as seen in the painting. Sometimes several others would share their catch with us always making a feast fit for a king. The little church seen in the upper part of the painting held services every Sunday morning, and the country store was one-fourth of a block away. Deer, and sometimes bear, were always close to our door steps. Elk and buffalo were just a short distance from our residence. Two locations of rental cabins were next door, and a next few blocks. I can’t begin to tell you how many interesting sites, and landmarks were within  a days drive from our place. Many, many wonderful days were spent there while we owned this place. I long once again to be seated in front of the huge, native rock, fire place with friends and family. I hope I have made the painting tell you the truth about the way I have described everything.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Not A Mansion But A Place To Lay My Head"

Jean's Comment's: "Not A Mansion But A Place To Lay My Head": Rhubarb, roses, and cherry tree friendship. We can't trim the sidewalks because of so much mud. 5-20-2015 Perryton, Texas. Its still ...

"Not A Mansion But A Place To Lay My Head"

Rhubarb, roses, and cherry tree friendship. We can't trim the sidewalks because of so much mud. 5-20-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Its still cloudy today. We are not suppose to get more rain tonight, but I wouldn’t bet on it. We are having to put off so much yard work because it is too wet and muddy to do anything. We have had our heater on for several days and that is unusual for this time of the year. I would enjoy a little sunshine anytime now. It is “hurry-up-time,” for Rick and I to go crappie fishing in the running-over lake that we could nearly see the fish in the bottom of before all the rain. This lake is 15 miles from our house so we thoroughly enjoy going there for a day then drive back home. I am feeling lucky about getting a nice catch if I can just make it down there between rains.

I have been getting some wonderful prayer requests testimonies from some good friends who have been definitely convinced that God has healed them. I love those kinds of conversations. It helps keep my own faith built up even though I know without a doubt God does answer prayer. Let us all pass along our testimonies of the latest prayers God has answered for us. I don’t mean to claim healing unless we are positive about it, but we should always speak to the best of our understanding when we feel that Jesus has definitely touched us. I could tell something every day about a prayer that God answered . Too many people don’t even think about what they asked for from the night before. Therefore they are not aware of God’s touch to them. They forgot to remember. God has made it plain that He will not be used as a second fiddler. Meaning He has to be first and foremost in our lives. If we can’t make this our most important priority then there is no need to pray to Him. It is just that simple. Sometimes I think our most important prayer request should be to ask God to change our attitude. That is one of the last things most people want to ask for. They think they are who they are and do not need to be changed. How wrong they are in thinking this way. If people are honest and sincere they will be having their attitudes changed daily without specifically asking for it. That is who God is. If you love Him let Him love you. We should never complain to God about Him being better to someone else than He is to us. That sounds like “the spoiled brat” of a child. We are all equal in God’s sight, and we should know that, and ourselves feel the same as God. that everyone else is equal to us.   We are no better nor are we any less better than anyone else. I think this is about the first teaching the Holy Spirit taught me after accepting Jesus as my Savior. “Love thy neighbor as thy self.” We all have our disagreements, but it should never be more than that, just a disagreement. We should all agree to disagree.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Scatter Clamor Pray And Be Patient"

Jean's Comment's: "Scatter Clamor Pray And Be Patient": Does anyone need a bushel of pine cones? Need to pick them up off the street. Everytime I clear them away it rains again and whammo, Pine ...

"Scatter Clamor Pray And Be Patient"

Does anyone need a bushel of pine cones? Need to pick them up off the street. Everytime I clear them away it rains again and whammo, Pine cones everywhere. 5-19-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Rose pedals covers the ground. The rain just keeps coming. Not complaining, just sighing. 5-19-2015 Perryton, Texas.

How different my yard looks this morning than it did yesterday. Another hard rain last night scattered pine cones and rose pedals all over the place. Puddles of water are standing all around. “Grow weeds grow. I will get you sooner or later.” At least we did get the yard mowed yesterday. It was still too wet to mow the weeds in the garden space and in the alley. Again we had nothing but hard rain without any wind or hail. “Thank you Lord.”

I heard a report on the wheat conditions this morning. My son, Chuck, is not a farmer, but he wishes he could have been. He has a big interest in raising crops and animals. For that reason he has made himself knowledgeable on both types of farm production. Since we have had so much constant rain for so long I asked him if the wheat was getting hurt by it now still raining. His answer, “well we don’t need any more, but the worse that could happen by the rain is knocking the wheat down. It is starting to head our and it should have been ready for harvest by June 1st, but now it will be at least July before it can be harvested.”  He added, “ This will be the biggest wheat crop we have had in 10 or 15 years.” I asked him about the wheat rotting. He said, “ That won’t happen because our sun here is so hot till the wheat dries out quickly. The rain washes the green bugs away, and unless there is a hail the farmers should be in good shape.” I hope all is true, and the elevators can’t contain all the grain brought in. At least once before I have seen wheat piled in the staked-off streets because of the abundance. Rick and I were discussing all the money that the farmers might get this year. Then Rick replied, “at least they can pay off all the bank loans on previous “wheat crop” failures. He might have a point there. I have also seen the price of wheat plummet just before time to harvest it. I have also heard farmers say, they might as well be gambling at a casino as trying to make money farming. I think winning has always been a chance at almost anything. It is those who won’t give up, and continue to trust God that win the most. That is not to say that I think all farmers should sell out and start gambling at a casino. It just makes a point that no one is guaranteed to be successful at anything they do. Some do better than others in all situations, because the Father above see’s the heart and will pay according to what He see’s. I dare to say that everyone who fails to get rich is not living a good life. I hope that is not why I am not rich. I will take what God gives me and be satisfied and give Him thanks for any and all.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, May 18, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Pleasure In The Homeland Yard"

Jean's Comment's: "Pleasure In The Homeland Yard": My son, Rick, mowing under and around nine trees in my back yard. Doing a good job. 5-18-2015 Perryton, Texas. A built-in technician and...

"Pleasure In The Homeland Yard"

My son, Rick, mowing under and around nine trees in my back yard. Doing a good job. 5-18-2015 Perryton, Texas.
A built-in technician and operator of lawn mower. Rick is the best. 5-18-2015 Perryton, Texas.

We caught a little time dry enough to mow the yard today. More rain predicted for tonight. It took a long, hard struggle to mow all the grass under about nine trees, and around flower beds, and house edges. That’s after using the weed-eater. Beauty doesn’t come easy, neither does fresh fruit and vegetables. I am enjoying having my son here to help me with all the work needed to be done around here. The list of, “to do” things isn’t getting shorter very fast. Funny how one can find so many things that really need attention badly when we have someone else to do it. The two weeks Rick has been with me has been filled with work and pleasure combined. So thankful for everything God provides me with.

I have to be honest with my comments so I will go more into detail about my remarks concerning me enjoying the past two weeks. I am at a loss as how to describe my ups and downs, Some days are so good that I forgot that I had a really bad day a few days ago. I don’t know how or why it takes both good days and bad ones to balance out our lives, but I do believe that it is correct for me to say that. The past two weeks have been no different than all the past weeks as far as good and bad days. I just had to remember that to leave people thinking that I am on cloud nine most of the time would be a big mistake. I never want to misrepresent my life to anyone. If I did that it would make me sound like a Saint, which is far from right. I am one of the mortals who must live the mortal life and never expect anything but normal existence. The real matter is when I am feeling great I want everyone to know it, but when I am feeling down I don’t want anyone to know about that. I have to believe that is normal for most people. As long as we’re honest God can use us for whatever purpose He wishes, but if we are not He cannot use us at all. We ought to tell it like it is. Only a jerk would chose  to put themselves on a pedestal, and I refuse to be counted as one of them. People sitting on pedestals do not hide themselves from knowledgeable persons. They might try, but the truth always shows up. Then its like the props were knocked out from under them. I don’t want to be propped up. I want to stand on my own two feet. However, I do appreciate encouragement  from anyone who sincerely offers it. Jesus would not let anyone die for Him because He knew it was his mission to die for others. Can we all be that dedicated to God? We must be or we will not wear the crown.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Fruit From The Vine And Fruit From The Spirit"

Jean's Comment's: "Fruit From The Vine And Fruit From The Spirit": Such an unusual amount of plums on this tree this summer. I counted sixteen plums in this one cluster. They are crossed between an apricot...

"Fruit From The Vine And Fruit From The Spirit"

Such an unusual amount of plums on this tree this summer. I counted sixteen plums in this one cluster. They are crossed between an apricot and a plum. Are very sweet and delicious. They do not cling to the seed. 5-17-2015 Perryton, Texas.

This Sunday afternoon is gorgeous. The slight breeze is so nice and cool. Rick and I sat out for awhile and enjoyed the fresh air of recent rain dampened flowers and grass. I took this picture of a large cluster of plums. If they don’t start falling off we should have a bushel or more on this small tree. I can hardly wait to start eating them. They are the best I have ever tasted. We discussed the many white clouds that were floating around in the sky. It looks like we might get more rain tonight. Its so nice to have all the lakes around us full to the brim. We love this weather so much.

After a wonderful sermon this morning we enjoyed a great dinner and fellowship at church. We never get to much of a good thing, visiting with our Christian brothers and sisters and sharing all the latest joys and concerns. Two days from today we will be having another great meeting with the community friends and neighbors from other churches. It is a time of sharing songs, humor, good food, and an interesting speaker. This once-a-month event is called “Happy Timers.” We all do have a happy time together. Many surprises are usually awaiting us. No one never knows what they will be. We all get enough laughs to last for awhile.

Now that school is almost out, and graduations are continuing to take center stage, we must thank God for all the learning power He has provided for our youth and advanced scholars. What a blessed nation we are all because of the Great Creator of all good things. He will never stop elevating those who humbly seek Him and follow His word. Our pastor is forty years old, and I am so amazed at how profound he is in the word of God. One cannot be distracted easily from listening to his sermons. They are truly different than the more popular sermons that are given today. He does not just give a lecture or a mind boggling speech, he makes the word of God sound like its coming from His own mouth. Like, “hear me my children. I am the one who will judge your thoughts and actions. Hear no other but me, and I will give you life everlasting.” Pretty straight forward words coming from the mouth of one who has been seeking the will of God for his flock. When one can feel something, and not just hear something, it has to be real. I dare take these sermons less than “God anointed ones.” I am quick to get my act together when I have been short of appreciation for my church and pastor after hearing one of these sermons. I will be prepared to see Jesus face to face if I simply just keep my faith up. I cannot lose my faith as long as I hear the anointed word every Sunday morning. “Hear me all weak ones. Strengthen your faith by going to church every Sunday.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Sheltered In His Arms"

Jean's Comment's: "Sheltered In His Arms":                Is it wrong to love roses? I hope not because I dearly love them. Perryton, Texas. Every color in the rainbow can be seen...

"Sheltered In His Arms"

               Is it wrong to love roses? I hope not because I dearly love them. Perryton, Texas.
Every color in the rainbow can be seen. Even after a heavy rain today they still look beautiful. 5-16-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Then there is the pine tree that grew this tall from a match stick size plant. 45 years ago. The total height is impossible to get on a camera screen but it is approximately 48 feet tall.

We had more rain last night and today. We are still thankful for no hail or tornado’s. Not even high wind. We are really saving on our water bill. Our neighborhood looks like a park. Lord help us not to get too dependent on these wonderful rains. We know everything good comes to an end sooner or later. Hopefully we can say the same about everything bad. Life is made up of bitter-sweet days, weeks, months, and years. We journey on with hope of reaching the end without more bitter days than sweet. Sometimes those bitter days are almost impossible, but somehow the promise God made to us always comes true. “I will not put more on you than you can bear.” Corinthians 10:13. I can relate to this scripture many of times. Its just so nice to sail along smoothly and never have a wind of destructive power to come our way. Unfortunately that has never happened, nor will not happen to any mortal being on this earth. We will understand it better by and by. Pain and suffering must be endured whether physical or mental, but it does let up when we have had all we can take, just like God promised. I want to keep a sweet attitude no matter what the evil spirit says to me. I know that He that is within me is greater than he who is without. If I have to walk a mile by faith, I am positive I will be carried two mile by the wind of glory. Oh! How sweet to trust in Jesus.

I am listening to thunder again now. Something tells me I am still not out of danger of a storm, but again my faith will kick in and He will protect me always. This world belongs to its creator and He will have His way no matter who says not so. I would rather have Jesus than anything I know. The sooner everyone can say that, the better off they will be. I believe God gives us wisdom to know when enough is enough, and it is then that we must take control of any abuse we may be dealing with. We are not puppets in God’s sight. We are servants to be respected when we have taken the last step to conquer evil. We as God’s anointed ones have the authority to rebuke evil and it will have to flee from us. I have been know to do just that several times. Never have I felt that God let me down. I have always trusted Him and I always will. I am aware that those who declare their strong faith in God often get tested greatly, but it is a fact that we must do that if we want to keep sheltered in His arms.  The heart is the shield that protects us from evil. If our heart is not right then there is no shield. God provides the shield for our safety. No bullet or sword can pierce it.  I have now delivered my heart to you.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, May 15, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "A Creative Work Of Art By God"

Jean's Comment's: "A Creative Work Of Art By God": Natural wood tree root plant holder with animal face. Chuck found it several years ago at a lake. A planter fits in the top of it's he...

"A Creative Work Of Art By God"

Natural wood tree root plant holder with animal face. Chuck found it several years ago at a lake. A planter fits in the top of it's head. My favorite flower garden planter. 5-15-2015 Perryton, Texas.
The little squirrel is resting in the planter that sits in the animal head of the tree root. 5-15-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I so much enjoy my back yard flower garden. I sit under the apple tree and watch the birds and butterflies enjoy it too. The birds drink water from the pools that stand in the flower beds. The butterflies like the taste of the nectar from the flowers. Most of the times there are not any flies or mosquitoes to bother. This is a great place to relax and feel free to meditate or reflect on the happenings of the day. I always have to thank God for what freedom we still have left in America. My heart hurts for the many who have nothing but pain and sorrow. I am but a tiny speck of human brain, but I try to rationalize the meaning of my presence here on earth. I always walk away with the same conclusion. It was not meant for me to know that. I will keep on putting my thoughts and feelings on paper and canvas. it’s a good way for me to release my frustration and continue to resolve my problems. I do believe the artist has to like their paintings regardless of what others think. The same is true for the writer. They must like what they are writing, and not be offended if others do not. I see both talents as an element of God telling His story in many different forms and fashions. The unfavorable critic of both types of talent is not to be given serious consideration by the author, or artist. Their work is not graded by an answer sheet. It is the work of originality and creativity. If the finished work does not satisfy the searcher of a special kind of art or story, then they must look further. There is a person somewhere out there that will appreciate everyone’s work. But most of all the producer of such work will be pleased to finish a product that was done with great pains of perfection aimed stride. It was not motivated by money, but by the satisfaction of putting a dream in the eye’s view. The brain will not die if it is used regularly to help keep the world moving. The body’s movement parts will also keep functioning  if they are used daily. For those who have nothing to do but rock  and complain, I suggest you start up the sluggish motor of your worn-out body and start to paint or write. Someone may be waiting out there to hear what you have to say or depict. At least you yourself will release a lot of wasted time and turn it into something of interest. I know an artist here in my city who has had a stroke. She can no longer hold a brush so she paints with one finger. A few weeks ago she put several pieces of her finger paintings on display at the Citizens Center. It was viewed by many and encouraged some to stop complaining so much about not being able to do anything.  The finger painting art was enjoyed immensely. What can you do?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Don't Rush To Do Your Own Thing"

Jean's Comment's: "Don't Rush To Do Your Own Thing":         The one and only original Bailey Sharp. Posted by Jean Sharp 5-14-2015 Perryton, Texas. Verse found on back of graduation announ...

"Don't Rush To Do Your Own Thing"

        The one and only original Bailey Sharp. Posted by Jean Sharp 5-14-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Verse found on back of graduation announcement. Everything about this graduation announcement, including the picture, is original and self photographed by Bailey Sharp. She is going great with her original ideas and photography. 5-14-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I was listening close this morning to a voice that seemed to be telling me what I needed to put on my blog this morning. I kept asking questions over and over in my mind, but could not quite get the drift. Then the mail came, and I knew immediately what I was suppose to post today. As I opened the large brown envelope addressed to 

Jean Sharp(Grandma)
1114 Michigan
Perryton, Texas 79070

The sender’s name was printed on a small black sticker with a white feather-like leaf (haven’t quite figured this one out yet), with words

Bailey Sharp
449 Apple Blossom Dr
Abilene, Texas 79602

I was taken “aback” for a few moments. I had never received a graduation card, ever, like this. The simple white post card  had only a few words.


Announcing the graduation of

Bailey Elizabeth Sharp

7:00 PM at UNT Superpit in Denton, TX

This senior could have had the most elaborate announcement card available anywhere, but she, being all original, chose to do her own. I am so proud of her genuine, true, positive nature, and her thoughtfulness of others. She is headed for the highest star in heaven. I love her so much, and wish her millions of happy days ahead.

Sometimes we think we have the right, “thought for today,” then something happens that makes us to know, we didn’t have what God wanted us to have. If we will wait upon the Lord, He will always give us that perfect message He wants us to deliver. I do not know the reason for this different kind of message today, but I trust God that it will be a blessing to someone. The times we are living in now are, to say the least, very different than have been for the past 75 years, and even since any of us can remember. Needless to say it is for the worse. Maybe God is calling out some of His most valuable  young people to counter-act the powerful, self-praised, idol worshipers who are needing to be hewn down. My prayer is that all Christians will lift up in prayer all the younger Christians who God is using to change this awful, sinful, and blasphemous nation. Only the power of God dwelling in these faithful, Jesus-believing followers can change a condemned world. How much do we love our children and grandchildren?  Enough to give all our time and support to those who are ever working to delete the evil that exists all around us and abroad?  We older ones will soon be gone, but what kind of legacy can we leave? All of the bible is legacy, and we here on earth can chose the part that has been proven to be good in the past. God leads His children to chose the right way, just as He did in bible times. I would ask that everyone who believes in Jesus would find a place of daily prayer offerings, and try with all your heart to turn this world around. There is no unfit in God’s way of thinking. He can turn a murderer of Christians into a great apostle like Paul in the gospels. Paul didn’t ask to be changed, but God changed him anyway.  How dare you to take a step of disapproving God. Some people’s actions suggest that they are disapproving God, but let them openly state it, and vow to stop others from believing in Him. To all brave, mocking giants, stand up and face the power of God sometimes found in even a little Sheppard boy. Demonstrate your bravery! But be warned, you cannot possible win!

God Bless
Myrtle Jean sharp

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Under God's Big Umbrella"

Jean's Comment's: "Under God's Big Umbrella": Jean Sharp keeping dry while working with flowers. Let it rain, let it pour. 5-13-2015 Perryton, Texas. Its been a long time since I us...

"Under God's Big Umbrella"

Jean Sharp keeping dry while working with flowers. Let it rain, let it pour. 5-13-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Its been a long time since I used this umbrella, but I needed it today to care for some plants and flowers that was washing away. The flower pots needed to be emptied. We had a day yesterday dry enough to mow the front yard. It was needing it badly. We are still thankful for every drop we get. Unlike some places I have heard about we have not had any flooding. The rain has been slow and steadily falling. I would welcome a beautiful rainbow though. I keep watching for one. I will take a picture of it if one does appear. Fortunately we haven’t had any bad weather either. Its just been raining for several weeks off and on. Rick spends a lot of time on our covered patio relaxing in a comfortable swing sofa. Its screened in walls keeps all bugs out. It serves as an outside rest and relaxation fortress. Sometimes when we are grilling in the yard and it starts to rain we move the grill under the patio and continue to cook. Somehow the meat seems to taste better. Our family all still have a lot of “kid” in us, and I think it grows with age.

Memorial day is coming up, and I am preparing myself for a lot of tears. When family and friends gather together to visit the graves there is no way anyone can hold back the tears. I love this special time, but I always dread it also. It takes the painful memories to keep us strong in Christ, and be reminded that some time we will also be part of the graves that others are visiting. Our city always has a special Memorial service at the cemetery. A large crowd attends, and it is such a great time to share old memories. A singer entertains the group with a special song or two, then a speaker winds it up with a heart-moving speech that cheers everyone up. I usually leave feeling much better than when I entered, although I carry the memories all year until the next Memorial service. I don’t know if I will be there in person or in the grave, but I always know if at all possible, I will be there. Even today as my son took my picture under the umbrella he was taking his dad’s place. For 48 years Charles and I shared and enjoyed this same yard until his passing two years ago. How sweet it is to have my children all still sharing with me this long-time memory garden with its flowers and green grass with fruit trees a plenty. We buried a baby boy when he was three days old in the same cemetery where his father is buried. My husband never forgot that burial, 53 years ago.  He was patiently waiting the time when he could be close to that tiny baby boy forever. I loved my husband so much for loving our children with all his heart. “Dear God, keep them in your arms till I can see them again.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "I Say The Party Is Over"

Jean's Comment's: "I Say The Party Is Over": Roses are cheerfully greeting me all around my home. I must enjoy them while they last as some of them don't stay bloomed out long. 5-...

"I Say The Party Is Over"

Roses are cheerfully greeting me all around my home. I must enjoy them while they last as some of them don't stay bloomed out long. 5-12-2015 Perryton, Texas.
"Give me the roses while I live trying to cheer me on. Useless the flowers that you give after the soul is gone. " This song was sung at my three-day old baby boy's funeral fifty three years ago. 5-12-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Two days after Mother’s Day I am still enjoying roses and other flowers surrounding me. I hate to see them fade away, but I will always remember the joy they gave me while they lived. I have been so blessed this Mother’s Day having all my children with me except my daughter and she was supposed to be also, but the plans got hindered. She called me to wish me a Happy Mother’s Day anyway. It is hard to imagine ever having to be taken away from my loving children, yet we all know it will happen by-and-by. Like my beautiful roses, and flowers, life just fades away. My worldly possessions seem less important to me every day. I know there is something better awaiting me. I have spent most of my life trying to show others that the sin and foolishness of this world means nothing compared to what God will do for us if we will follow Him. I don’t know how much I have accomplished in that respect, but I feel content to say I have tried very hard. The rest is up to God. The past several days have been like a whirlwind. I have traveled to Abilene, Texas, spent the night with a son there, then traveled back home to start receiving cards, email, phone calls and flowers from numerous other special ones. I am now starting to feel like an old unoccupied lady who needs to get back to work. The zeal I had before all the celebration of Mother’s Day is somewhat missing. I hope to take up my normal duties soon, and leave all the precious memories behind. I think others will understand the things that was once exciting has been dulled after a great time of being made to feel important. Who wants to give up a feeling like that? My dad used to say to us children after a week-end of fun and excitement, “its time to get back to work.”  We would sigh, “blah.” Before long we would start to feel relaxed and work extra hard to finish up the work we left undone. I am hoping that will again be the challenge for me when I decide its time to move on.

A certain part of us all wants to analyze too long, what we have been doing in the past. The longer we sort things out the more extreme the critics inside us become unmanageable. It leads to the trash basket where we finally throw it all away and start back to work. I haven’t made it to the trash basket yet. I think I can find it soon. Does this sound like someone who has lost some of their original brain power? I think not. It just shows that we are humble enough to let others see the real us. The analyzing then falls on the critic that lost their brain power long ago. May we all join together and praise God for making us what we are.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Keeping Up With The Times"

Jean's Comment's: "Keeping Up With The Times": The flowers I got for Mother's day. Not enough light because of the outside light coming it, but they were beautiful.5-10-2015 Perr...

"Keeping Up With The Times"

The flowers I got for Mother's day. Not enough light because of the outside light coming it, but they were beautiful.5-10-2015 Perryton,

I was honored again this morning at church with a nice orchid corsage. After church Rick took me out to eat. It has been a very blessed Mother’s Day for me. I appreciate everything that I received. I hope all mothers can say the same thing. I won’t be writing much today since I have had a big week of traveling and planning for more travel, but I just want to keep in touch with my viewers so they will know I will be back to normal writing in a few weeks. A heap of unfinished work is facing me, and I am anxious to start back to doing some of it daily. But for now I will relax, consider a lot of choices, and be prepared to give my best efforts to the things I am working on. May you all be safe from any storms that might come your way, and hold tight to your faith in God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "A Single Rose For Mother"

Jean's Comment's: "A Single Rose For Mother": Look what the rain has done to my flowers. They are looking beautiful. "Thank you Lord." 5-9-2015 Perryton, Texas All the rose...

"A Single Rose For Mother"

Look what the rain has done to my flowers. They are looking beautiful. "Thank you Lord." 5-9-2015 Perryton, Texas
All the roses are are blooming wonderfully. Several different colors of them. 5-9-22015. Perryton, Texas.

Here in Perryton, Texas we are still getting rain. It has been a true blessing to have all this natural fertilize provided by rain. There is such a significant difference in the colors of the flowers and grass when rain has been the water needed to nourish them. We thank God for every drop He has sent us. We also thank Him that no tornados have been seen near our place of abode. It is with these thankful feelings that I wish every mother, whether natural or adopted, a very happy Mother’s Day tomorrow. I am one of those, and I know the joy of being wished a happy mother’s day. Every since I learned that God chose Mary to be the mother of His son, Jesus, I have felt part of that superior ownership of my children. After all my children were God’s before they were mine. I am sure His gratitude is being sent from heaven to all mothers. He is the father of all. Its o k to hold your head high and place a big smile on your face when being recognized at church tomorrow for being a mother. Nothing could be more pleasing to everyone than this.

I am reminded of the story I heard a Christian man tell once. He said he was buying some flowers for his mother for mother’s day. He noticed a small girl standing a short distance from him who was holding a single rose with her eyes full of tears. He walked over and asked why she was crying. She said I saved all my allowance to buy my mother a rose for mother’s day and now I can’t get it to her. “Where does your mother live?” he asked. “I can’t tell you, I will have to show you,” she answered.  The man told her he would take her to her mother if it wasn’t far away. She said, “no it isn’t far.” The two strangers got into the car and started driving. After a few miles the little girl said, “turn in here.”  To the man’s surprise they were turning into a cemetery. The little girl directed him to the grave of her mother. He could not hold back the tears as he watched her place the single rose on her mother’s grave. The man closed his story by saying, “I had intended to send my mother some flowers, but now he would be taking them to her in person. Oh! How great is the love of God.

May everyone remember to do something special for your mother tomorrow if she is still alive. Just a call or a card, could make a mother’s heart overflow with happiness. Remember you only are assured of having a mother today. Tomorrow she may be gone. My mother has been gone for 22 years and I still miss her terribly.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp