Sunday, May 17, 2015

"Fruit From The Vine And Fruit From The Spirit"

Such an unusual amount of plums on this tree this summer. I counted sixteen plums in this one cluster. They are crossed between an apricot and a plum. Are very sweet and delicious. They do not cling to the seed. 5-17-2015 Perryton, Texas.

This Sunday afternoon is gorgeous. The slight breeze is so nice and cool. Rick and I sat out for awhile and enjoyed the fresh air of recent rain dampened flowers and grass. I took this picture of a large cluster of plums. If they don’t start falling off we should have a bushel or more on this small tree. I can hardly wait to start eating them. They are the best I have ever tasted. We discussed the many white clouds that were floating around in the sky. It looks like we might get more rain tonight. Its so nice to have all the lakes around us full to the brim. We love this weather so much.

After a wonderful sermon this morning we enjoyed a great dinner and fellowship at church. We never get to much of a good thing, visiting with our Christian brothers and sisters and sharing all the latest joys and concerns. Two days from today we will be having another great meeting with the community friends and neighbors from other churches. It is a time of sharing songs, humor, good food, and an interesting speaker. This once-a-month event is called “Happy Timers.” We all do have a happy time together. Many surprises are usually awaiting us. No one never knows what they will be. We all get enough laughs to last for awhile.

Now that school is almost out, and graduations are continuing to take center stage, we must thank God for all the learning power He has provided for our youth and advanced scholars. What a blessed nation we are all because of the Great Creator of all good things. He will never stop elevating those who humbly seek Him and follow His word. Our pastor is forty years old, and I am so amazed at how profound he is in the word of God. One cannot be distracted easily from listening to his sermons. They are truly different than the more popular sermons that are given today. He does not just give a lecture or a mind boggling speech, he makes the word of God sound like its coming from His own mouth. Like, “hear me my children. I am the one who will judge your thoughts and actions. Hear no other but me, and I will give you life everlasting.” Pretty straight forward words coming from the mouth of one who has been seeking the will of God for his flock. When one can feel something, and not just hear something, it has to be real. I dare take these sermons less than “God anointed ones.” I am quick to get my act together when I have been short of appreciation for my church and pastor after hearing one of these sermons. I will be prepared to see Jesus face to face if I simply just keep my faith up. I cannot lose my faith as long as I hear the anointed word every Sunday morning. “Hear me all weak ones. Strengthen your faith by going to church every Sunday.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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