Wednesday, May 13, 2015

"Under God's Big Umbrella"

Jean Sharp keeping dry while working with flowers. Let it rain, let it pour. 5-13-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Its been a long time since I used this umbrella, but I needed it today to care for some plants and flowers that was washing away. The flower pots needed to be emptied. We had a day yesterday dry enough to mow the front yard. It was needing it badly. We are still thankful for every drop we get. Unlike some places I have heard about we have not had any flooding. The rain has been slow and steadily falling. I would welcome a beautiful rainbow though. I keep watching for one. I will take a picture of it if one does appear. Fortunately we haven’t had any bad weather either. Its just been raining for several weeks off and on. Rick spends a lot of time on our covered patio relaxing in a comfortable swing sofa. Its screened in walls keeps all bugs out. It serves as an outside rest and relaxation fortress. Sometimes when we are grilling in the yard and it starts to rain we move the grill under the patio and continue to cook. Somehow the meat seems to taste better. Our family all still have a lot of “kid” in us, and I think it grows with age.

Memorial day is coming up, and I am preparing myself for a lot of tears. When family and friends gather together to visit the graves there is no way anyone can hold back the tears. I love this special time, but I always dread it also. It takes the painful memories to keep us strong in Christ, and be reminded that some time we will also be part of the graves that others are visiting. Our city always has a special Memorial service at the cemetery. A large crowd attends, and it is such a great time to share old memories. A singer entertains the group with a special song or two, then a speaker winds it up with a heart-moving speech that cheers everyone up. I usually leave feeling much better than when I entered, although I carry the memories all year until the next Memorial service. I don’t know if I will be there in person or in the grave, but I always know if at all possible, I will be there. Even today as my son took my picture under the umbrella he was taking his dad’s place. For 48 years Charles and I shared and enjoyed this same yard until his passing two years ago. How sweet it is to have my children all still sharing with me this long-time memory garden with its flowers and green grass with fruit trees a plenty. We buried a baby boy when he was three days old in the same cemetery where his father is buried. My husband never forgot that burial, 53 years ago.  He was patiently waiting the time when he could be close to that tiny baby boy forever. I loved my husband so much for loving our children with all his heart. “Dear God, keep them in your arms till I can see them again.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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