Wednesday, May 20, 2015

"Not A Mansion But A Place To Lay My Head"

Rhubarb, roses, and cherry tree friendship. We can't trim the sidewalks because of so much mud. 5-20-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Its still cloudy today. We are not suppose to get more rain tonight, but I wouldn’t bet on it. We are having to put off so much yard work because it is too wet and muddy to do anything. We have had our heater on for several days and that is unusual for this time of the year. I would enjoy a little sunshine anytime now. It is “hurry-up-time,” for Rick and I to go crappie fishing in the running-over lake that we could nearly see the fish in the bottom of before all the rain. This lake is 15 miles from our house so we thoroughly enjoy going there for a day then drive back home. I am feeling lucky about getting a nice catch if I can just make it down there between rains.

I have been getting some wonderful prayer requests testimonies from some good friends who have been definitely convinced that God has healed them. I love those kinds of conversations. It helps keep my own faith built up even though I know without a doubt God does answer prayer. Let us all pass along our testimonies of the latest prayers God has answered for us. I don’t mean to claim healing unless we are positive about it, but we should always speak to the best of our understanding when we feel that Jesus has definitely touched us. I could tell something every day about a prayer that God answered . Too many people don’t even think about what they asked for from the night before. Therefore they are not aware of God’s touch to them. They forgot to remember. God has made it plain that He will not be used as a second fiddler. Meaning He has to be first and foremost in our lives. If we can’t make this our most important priority then there is no need to pray to Him. It is just that simple. Sometimes I think our most important prayer request should be to ask God to change our attitude. That is one of the last things most people want to ask for. They think they are who they are and do not need to be changed. How wrong they are in thinking this way. If people are honest and sincere they will be having their attitudes changed daily without specifically asking for it. That is who God is. If you love Him let Him love you. We should never complain to God about Him being better to someone else than He is to us. That sounds like “the spoiled brat” of a child. We are all equal in God’s sight, and we should know that, and ourselves feel the same as God. that everyone else is equal to us.   We are no better nor are we any less better than anyone else. I think this is about the first teaching the Holy Spirit taught me after accepting Jesus as my Savior. “Love thy neighbor as thy self.” We all have our disagreements, but it should never be more than that, just a disagreement. We should all agree to disagree.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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