Saturday, May 16, 2015

"Sheltered In His Arms"

               Is it wrong to love roses? I hope not because I dearly love them. Perryton, Texas.
Every color in the rainbow can be seen. Even after a heavy rain today they still look beautiful. 5-16-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Then there is the pine tree that grew this tall from a match stick size plant. 45 years ago. The total height is impossible to get on a camera screen but it is approximately 48 feet tall.

We had more rain last night and today. We are still thankful for no hail or tornado’s. Not even high wind. We are really saving on our water bill. Our neighborhood looks like a park. Lord help us not to get too dependent on these wonderful rains. We know everything good comes to an end sooner or later. Hopefully we can say the same about everything bad. Life is made up of bitter-sweet days, weeks, months, and years. We journey on with hope of reaching the end without more bitter days than sweet. Sometimes those bitter days are almost impossible, but somehow the promise God made to us always comes true. “I will not put more on you than you can bear.” Corinthians 10:13. I can relate to this scripture many of times. Its just so nice to sail along smoothly and never have a wind of destructive power to come our way. Unfortunately that has never happened, nor will not happen to any mortal being on this earth. We will understand it better by and by. Pain and suffering must be endured whether physical or mental, but it does let up when we have had all we can take, just like God promised. I want to keep a sweet attitude no matter what the evil spirit says to me. I know that He that is within me is greater than he who is without. If I have to walk a mile by faith, I am positive I will be carried two mile by the wind of glory. Oh! How sweet to trust in Jesus.

I am listening to thunder again now. Something tells me I am still not out of danger of a storm, but again my faith will kick in and He will protect me always. This world belongs to its creator and He will have His way no matter who says not so. I would rather have Jesus than anything I know. The sooner everyone can say that, the better off they will be. I believe God gives us wisdom to know when enough is enough, and it is then that we must take control of any abuse we may be dealing with. We are not puppets in God’s sight. We are servants to be respected when we have taken the last step to conquer evil. We as God’s anointed ones have the authority to rebuke evil and it will have to flee from us. I have been know to do just that several times. Never have I felt that God let me down. I have always trusted Him and I always will. I am aware that those who declare their strong faith in God often get tested greatly, but it is a fact that we must do that if we want to keep sheltered in His arms.  The heart is the shield that protects us from evil. If our heart is not right then there is no shield. God provides the shield for our safety. No bullet or sword can pierce it.  I have now delivered my heart to you.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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