Tuesday, May 19, 2015

"Scatter Clamor Pray And Be Patient"

Does anyone need a bushel of pine cones? Need to pick them up off the street. Everytime I clear them away it rains again and whammo, Pine cones everywhere. 5-19-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Rose pedals covers the ground. The rain just keeps coming. Not complaining, just sighing. 5-19-2015 Perryton, Texas.

How different my yard looks this morning than it did yesterday. Another hard rain last night scattered pine cones and rose pedals all over the place. Puddles of water are standing all around. “Grow weeds grow. I will get you sooner or later.” At least we did get the yard mowed yesterday. It was still too wet to mow the weeds in the garden space and in the alley. Again we had nothing but hard rain without any wind or hail. “Thank you Lord.”

I heard a report on the wheat conditions this morning. My son, Chuck, is not a farmer, but he wishes he could have been. He has a big interest in raising crops and animals. For that reason he has made himself knowledgeable on both types of farm production. Since we have had so much constant rain for so long I asked him if the wheat was getting hurt by it now still raining. His answer, “well we don’t need any more, but the worse that could happen by the rain is knocking the wheat down. It is starting to head our and it should have been ready for harvest by June 1st, but now it will be at least July before it can be harvested.”  He added, “ This will be the biggest wheat crop we have had in 10 or 15 years.” I asked him about the wheat rotting. He said, “ That won’t happen because our sun here is so hot till the wheat dries out quickly. The rain washes the green bugs away, and unless there is a hail the farmers should be in good shape.” I hope all is true, and the elevators can’t contain all the grain brought in. At least once before I have seen wheat piled in the staked-off streets because of the abundance. Rick and I were discussing all the money that the farmers might get this year. Then Rick replied, “at least they can pay off all the bank loans on previous “wheat crop” failures. He might have a point there. I have also seen the price of wheat plummet just before time to harvest it. I have also heard farmers say, they might as well be gambling at a casino as trying to make money farming. I think winning has always been a chance at almost anything. It is those who won’t give up, and continue to trust God that win the most. That is not to say that I think all farmers should sell out and start gambling at a casino. It just makes a point that no one is guaranteed to be successful at anything they do. Some do better than others in all situations, because the Father above see’s the heart and will pay according to what He see’s. I dare to say that everyone who fails to get rich is not living a good life. I hope that is not why I am not rich. I will take what God gives me and be satisfied and give Him thanks for any and all.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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