Friday, May 29, 2015

"The Sunshine Makes Me Happy"

                                  The sun can't be hid. I love its rays. 5-29-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Dark clouds of something is trying to hid the sun, but the sun is brighter than the darkness. This is the day to be happy that the floods are vanishing away. I pray that all of the flooded areas will soon be normal again. Our part of the country is green and plentiful for the things that yield good fruit. We can’t rest long between mowing lawns, but we won’t complain about that. I am just trying to let everyone know that there is sunshine in places, and hopefully it will be in your place before long.

I am beginning to feel tired as I have been doing a lot of business today. It isn’t always the manual work that tires us, but the stressful changes that are constantly happening to make us take more steps and ask more questions in order to keep up with the lawful ordnance’s. As we all know we are living in a world of change like never before. What I did today will have to be done differently next year. I can live with that if only they do not change my mind.

I must hurry and run the sweeper before Rick gets here from returning from Fort Worth. He had to go see a doctor, and I have neglected to hurry along with my house cleaning. I think I enjoy resting too much. But how nice to be your own boss and work when you want to. I could live forever in this type of environment. I am thankful for it, and for all who help make it pleasant for me. With that all being said I wish you all a good evening and a good night’s sleep.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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