Sunday, May 31, 2015

"Steak Twice Today"

Almost ready. Never seen steaks cook so fast. Just perfect. 5-31-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Steaks for dinner today. Rick is the chief. Lots of other good stuff to go with it. 5-15-2015 Perryton, Texas.
New York strips will be on the menu today. Sauteed mushrooms, baked potatoes and salad. Also corn on the cob.5-31-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Nothing could be better than a grilled New York steak after hearing such a wonderful message at church this morning. A spiritual steak was served to us by our pastor. He prepared it from Isaiah’s hot coals found in chapter 6 verses 1-8. The title was, “ Send me Lord.” ” Wow! It was thick and well done, but we still needed a steak for our physical bodies. Rick is cooking steaks on the hot grill of our charcoal cooker. He is sautéing mushrooms, and baking potatoes. Also will have corn on the cob. Salad is an extra side-dish. He is serving strawberries with whipped cream for desert. This is my first time to be treated with his special style of cooking. In fact I never knew he ever ate anything but T V dinners all the years he lived alone in an upstairs apartment. I ate a couple of pieces of toast before church because I knew dinner would be late today. It is worth waiting for.

I had to take a break long enough to eat. The meal was ready at 1:00. I never tasted any better food before. Rick sure had me fooled. I wonder how much more he knows that I don’t know about. The strawberries and short cake will have to come later. We had enough left over for the evening meal. Rest and a nap has to come after a gorging like this. When I am finished with this blog I will be doing just that. I have to be excited about the weather. The sun is shinning so bright till one needs shades on their eyes to go outside. A nice cool breeze is floating around everywhere. I will be doing some watering a little later on this evening. I am feeling more than blessed.

After this sabbath day of rest is over I have a full week planned ahead. I never get everything done, but I do a lot of necessary jobs in order to keep up with the pace. I will be hitting Monday with full force. I pray I will be plowing through every day with much accomplishment. If so I will be coloring my gray hair that seems to have cropped up on me. A job I usually don’t let go for long. I can’t feel young if I look old. I can’t work hard if I feel old. I am on call twenty-four hours a day to do what God calls me to do. All other things have to be worked in between His jobs. I try to keep an “open” sign around my neck most of the time. I don’t want anyone to think I am not open for business. I also have Christian business people who wear the “open” sign around their neck also. I open their door often and ask for support when I feel overloaded. Twenty-four, seven, is a place everyone needs to live close to. There is no surprises when an emergency arises and we need something quickly. I have been there many times.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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