Saturday, May 23, 2015

"Life Is Created Not Raised"

This little bird egg was the same one I posted yesterday 5-22-2015. Today 5-23-2015 I found the egg in the same spot with the crack much larger and more of the bird showing. It was aborted by either an cruel animal or another mean bird by tossing it out of the nest. It was still alive when I first discoveded it, because the crack was larger today meaning the baby bird continued trying to get out of the shell.
Thunder and rain are still dominating our part of the country. The street, the flower beds, and everything else is standing in water. 5-23-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I just wanted to follow up on the post I put on yesterday, 5-22-2015 about the bird egg that fell out of the nest with a little bird showing through a crack. I had wondered if it was still alive, but never bothered to try and save it. After going out this morning and finding the egg in the same spot where I saw it yesterday, I was sure the bird was alive when I first discovered it. At first sight I could barely see a part of the little bird through the tiny crack, but this morning the crack had broadened and I could see more of the bird. With all the rain and cold weather I am sure the little body didn’t live long. Life sometimes ends before it hardly begins, but those who end a life purposely is not forgiven quickly by me. I just hope some people will think about this before they end another life purposely.

It is clear today that the rain is not nearly over yet. This morning water was standing in the streets, flower beds, and anywhere you couldn’t see grass, a puddle of water was evidence of heavy rain for an awfully long time. We do rejoice for all the much needed water, but it seems as though God would stop it before it becomes unnecessary. I will not suggest this to Him though. I trust His wisdom more than my own. It does make us appreciate the sun more when it does pop out once in awhile. I am still looking for that rainbow. I will post it when it finally appears. Then I will shout to the hill tops because that will be the sign that God is still as big and great as ever.

This is Memorial Day week-end. I am missing being with several family members, although I can talk to them by phone. When I was growing up Memorial Day week-end was observed by most families getting together, going to the graves and decorating them, then spreading a large picnic dinner in a park somewhere close by. To me as a child it was a great time of fun and feasting. Today it is quite different. Its more like remembering to grieve as though I hadn’t already been doing that forever. I have to struggle for peace and relaxation even though I am with friends and family. Somehow we out grow our childhood and become more understanding of life’s troublesome days, months, and years. Age most usually brings wisdom to the “Christ followers” without asking for it, although one scripture in Proverbs reads like this. “ If anyone lacks wisdom let him ask of me.” How great a God do we really serve? Probably greater than anyone on earth can possible know. I have to thank Him every day lest I forget how much He has done for me. I don’t deserve any of His love and mercy, much less His outpouring spirit of blessings, but He is faithful to remember me every day when I ask for something seriously. “Thank you Lord for remembering me.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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