Tuesday, May 26, 2015

"Proof Of My Youth"

Welcome night time. Very tired from helping Rick weed-eat and pull dead limbs from trees at the other house. 5-26-2015 Perryton, Texas.

It has been a tiring day working several hours cleaning up a yard at a rent house. I love to do hard work, but I need to rest good at night. I usually can sleep better after I have done a hard day’s work. We still have a lot more to do before the yard is in good shape. Rick is not used to hard work, and finds the patio swing most relaxing when he comes home. He is now watching a mother bird bring food to her young ones where she has found a place big enough in the patio roof to make a nest. He is intrigued by this slide show. The evening breeze is so cool and refreshing till it makes one want to stay in one spot for a long time. The sun is sinking fast, but still gives bright light to enjoy the birds and insects that are busy with their normal duties. We are lucky that the mosquitoes haven’t started biting yet. I haven’t seen a garden snake or even a frog while trampling through the tall wet grass that we’ve been cutting. God knows I don’t like those two creatures, and He is keeping them hid from me. I rode with Rick to the landfill today to dump a load of trash. We saw several lakes of water that I hadn’t seen in years. It will take a long time for them to dry up. The low spots in the fields were what made it look like lakes. Water, water everywhere. We had to go through a mud hole to get to the dump site. It made our pick-up look dirty. A wash job will be needed to wind up our host of things to do at the rent house.

Tomorrow is suppose to be in the eighties for temperature factors. If that holds true it will be scorching hot due to all the rain that makes everything steam for joy. I will be walking off the job before quitting time. I feel no joy from steam. Although I am glad the yards are drying out a bit. It makes mowing much easier. I can say these past three weeks have been fun and most productive since Rick has been here. I needed some company, and a muscle builder instructor. Every muscle I have is sore, but Rick says its good for me. His is sore too so we are both hurting in the same places. How nice it is to be living a young life again. Instead of sleeping till 9 we are getting up at 6. Just can’t wait to hit the work field again. We are even more anxious to get home and back to bed again.

I will close this blog by saying more good news came to me today. A good friend has had such a quick and satisfactory recovery from a very dreaded surgery. It looked bleak at first, but the prayer warriors kept the lines busy and now she is feeling much better just four days after surgery. Praise be to our Lord!

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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