Tuesday, May 5, 2015

"After The Rain What Then"

Another 2" of rain has left us with black clouds and a touch of the sun going down. Lovely weather this evening. 5-5-2015 Perryton, Texas.
This picture was made at the same time the other one was its just a different direction. 5-5-2015 Perryton, Texas.

After two more inches of rain today the evening is still, and cool.  Its not raining or the wind isn’t blowing. We have had seven inches in the past few days. Its not through yet, but we are getting a break. Rick and I were checking the fruit on the trees when I noticed these interesting clouds. They were gone very shortly after I took these pictures. The great Father above has showed us again of His wonderful, marvelous works of beauty and blessings. The earth all around us is the greenest I’ve seen it in years. Praises are to be given to Him in bundles.

Most of this day has been spent by Rick and I watching national news. A lot of alarming news has been given today about the shooting in Garland, Texas. It has been declared that the Isis terrorist assemblage has struck right here in the U. S. A. Where is the outrage of brave, Godly, and strong Christian believers? If only they would rise up now, even though its late in doing so, they could still rip apart the power of the evil that still controls Gods people. It cannot be done by “sweet-talk.” It will take a multitude of swords to bring it down, but that is the only way left now to do it. Let the good kill a few of the bad, or let the bad kill all the good. That is the proposition we are faced with now. I know that is hard to swallow, but I truly believe it has come down to just that. It is real, and it is certain, we cannot claim peace and tranquility but for just a short time longer. From my understanding of the bible, God was the one who sent death to millions and millions of unbelievers after they continued to listen to His prophits warning them that it was coming, but they would not change their sinful ways. I feel like the time is now for America to have the same judgment placed on them. I know I need to make something clear. I said before that if brave, Godly people would rise up and start taking control no matter what the cost, then America could be spared, but not without the slaying of millions of evil, and many innocent ones while its happening. I want to be one of those who, if necessary, to die while fighting for righteousness, that will be known as a servant of God. Yes, I am trying to say that the time for peace and joy is almost over. The only hope we can have is to rededicate our lives to God, and stand up to His Holy name in the face of the enemy. Deceiving preachers, and fellow Christians, will be hit the hardest by Gods anger. They failed to preach God’s word like it was written. I am making no room for those who claim to be holy, but their lives don’t show it. But I am bluntly speaking of those who accept the most ungodly people as if they were God Himself. We can love them without telling them they can deny the power of God and be blessed. Let us not be fooled, for God is what He said He is, and He will do what He said He will do.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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