Monday, May 25, 2015

"Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep"

Mine and my husband, Charles Sharp's  tomb stone. The Memorial services were good today. 5-25-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Part of the crowd attending the Memorial services today at Ochiltree cemetery. 5-25-2015 Perryton, Texas.

It was a lovely morning today for the Memorial service being held at Ochiltree cemetery. The Veterans of Foreign Wars puts the program together with honor and dignity. All branches of the military are included in the service making it very “heart touching and honorable.” A large crowd attended the interesting service. Cannons were fired during the service and a 21 gun salute was presented. At the end “Taps” was performed by a local minister. Eight hundred and fifty flags were placed on veterans graves before the service began. All bodies as a whole, buried in the graves were given a few minutes of recognition  by eternal perpetuation. It was up-lifting to be part of the service.

Rick and I put flowers on my husband’s grave. I have posted a picture of his grave site. This is always a hard time for me, but I must face reality and go on with my life. Its always comforting to notice all the graves of mine and Charles friends’ close to our own tombstone. Its like some went ahead of us, but we are on our way. I met a good friend whose husband is lying close to Charles and we had a few minutes of wonderful recollection of good times together. I walked away feeling pain and grief, but it helped to have my middle son with me. How hard it is to try and figure out what life is all about, and why it happened in the first place. God is always good to comfort us with a scripture from His holy Word. “Take thy cross and follow me.”

A poem by Louise Bailey

I feel a warmth around me
Like your presence is so near,
And I close my eyes to visualize
Your face when you were here.

I endure the times we spent together
And they are locked inside my heart,
For as long as I have memories
We will never be apart.

Even though we cannot speak anymore
My voice is always there,
Because every night before I sleep
I have you in my prayer.

After the Memorial service Rick and I spent two hours cutting weeds in the back yard of another house I own. The rain had lasted so long till it looked like a forest instead of a home yard. It was good for us to work off some of our grief and rush home to get some rest. Hopefully it will stay dry tonight and we can finish up tomorrow. In addition to the weed-eating, we have a few trees to chop down. Unless the city is good to us we will have a few trips to make to the land fill. I feel like working both physically and spiritually while I finish my life on earth. Thank my Lord God and Heavenly Father, I am still fit to do the job. God is good all the time.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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