Friday, May 29, 2015

"What Is Beyond Repair"

The birds are thanking God from the house top this morning for all the wonderful rain. 5-29-2015 Perryton, Texas.
                Blessed results of heavenly rain. "Thank you Lord." 5-29-2015 Perryton, Texas
The sky is blue and true to its purpose. "Enjoy the rain I gave you. It was free." 5-29-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Oh! How sweet to trust in Jesus. This is a beautiful morning and everywhere I look I see something to be thankful for. A prayer and a good night’s sleep can do wonders for you. This morning I feel as though I could blast every sight of evil off the face of the earth. I wonder how long that feeling will last. As long as I keep believing in my God. He gives me rest, then power to plow on through. I stepped outside this morning to be welcomed by many birds excitedly flying and singing everywhere. I especially noticed two birds on my house top that had their heads raised toward heaven and were, no doubt,  thanking God for all the recent rain which helped their food supply of worms. Then I had to be thankful for the beauty of my roses which have been watered with the best fertilize on earth. I am still watching for that rainbow, but I did see a beautiful blue sky this morning that seemed to say, “peace unto you all.” I don’t know what today holds for me, but I do know who holds the day for me. I’m expecting something wonderful to happen. My thoughts and prayers are still with those who had too much of a good thing and some were even swept away by the floods. Many houses were lost, and much other damage was evident when you see the pictures on the news. God’s ways are above our ways and we must not question his doing.

I made some new friends yesterday, and visited with a few old ones. Sometimes I think I should retire from gallivanting around so much. The fact is I can’t be productive without putting forth some effort. Sometimes its like a chain of following every link till you find the end. Some chains are pretty long and have several knots in them, but with time, and work, they can be straightened. I love the challenge of proving my worth. Its all in, not a day’s work, but several day’s work. After all I’m not still alive to rock on slowly, but to hammer away at the rusty nail until the head is sunken in the thick board. I am using my physical strength, as well as my spiritual strength, to accomplish many things. Like the old saying goes, “if you don’t use it you will lose it.” I wouldn’t mind crawling into my own coffin and then say, “now you can give me that final pill, check my heart-beat, and close the door.” I may be exaggerating a bit, but the truth is I am not planning on entering a coffin. I want to go up with Jesus in a cloud. I want to be able to run to meet him. I must use my muscles every day if I make that happen. My love and prayers are with you all. Look for something good to happen today, and don’t fail to recognize it.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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