Sunday, May 24, 2015

"If Only I Could Go Back To My Childhood Home"

          A quick pic of me, Myrtle Jean Sharp, after church today before I changed cloths. 5-24-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Church services today was different, but very impressive. It was a combination of celebrating the Lord’s supper, and lighting a candle for all of those who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom, just like Christ sacrificed His life for our sins. Memorial Day and communion services were combined. It was well organized, and everyone gladly entered into the sacrificial celebration of both our Lord Jesus Christ, and our soldiers who gave their all for us. I wonder how much longer we will be able to enjoy our freedom. While we still have it we need to be thanking God daily and never take it for granite.

Rick and I came home to a lunch we had prepared before church. Pork steak tenders, mashed potatoes, gravy, broccoli with cheese, and fruit. It is so nice to have someone to share lunch with after being by myself for over two years. We also can discuss the church service and the sermon. Both of us like to share in this type of discussion. This church is new to Rick since he’s only been with me for three weeks; But he seems to be enjoying it a lot. He lived here for eighteen years before going off to college. Many changes to improve this city have been made since he left, but it doesn’t compare to the larger cities of Dallas, Fort Worth, and Houston where Rick has made his home since leaving after graduating from high school. At this moment he is living a quite and most peaceful life. A huge big change for him. At each passing day I believe he is coming back not only physically, but spiritually. I love the thought of maybe I could feel like I am raising all my children over again. Two are living here close to me now, and two, I am praying, may move back in awhile. It’s almost like gathering them all, along with my grandchildren, to be near me while we wait for our Lord’s return to earth. My imagination can run high sometimes, but its fun to have a good one.

There was no rain last night or today. The sun is shinning brightly. We are hoping for a lovely warm day tomorrow as we gather at the cemetery for a Memorial service there. Many people will renew their friendship, and hopefully  light a candle in each other’s heart. Tears and laughter refuels our spirit and gets us going full speed again for a long time. Oh! How much I love my family and friends who are still here to help me travel along. Some are coming from many miles away, and others will be present that I see nearly every day. I know God will be the special focus of interest, and I can hardly wait. Some will be on walkers, some in wheelchairs, some sitting on the high bleachers, but all will be spiritually lifted up and can be glad they made it once again.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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