Tuesday, May 12, 2015

"I Say The Party Is Over"

Roses are cheerfully greeting me all around my home. I must enjoy them while they last as some of them don't stay bloomed out long. 5-12-2015 Perryton, Texas.
"Give me the roses while I live trying to cheer me on. Useless the flowers that you give after the soul is gone. " This song was sung at my three-day old baby boy's funeral fifty three years ago. 5-12-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Two days after Mother’s Day I am still enjoying roses and other flowers surrounding me. I hate to see them fade away, but I will always remember the joy they gave me while they lived. I have been so blessed this Mother’s Day having all my children with me except my daughter and she was supposed to be also, but the plans got hindered. She called me to wish me a Happy Mother’s Day anyway. It is hard to imagine ever having to be taken away from my loving children, yet we all know it will happen by-and-by. Like my beautiful roses, and flowers, life just fades away. My worldly possessions seem less important to me every day. I know there is something better awaiting me. I have spent most of my life trying to show others that the sin and foolishness of this world means nothing compared to what God will do for us if we will follow Him. I don’t know how much I have accomplished in that respect, but I feel content to say I have tried very hard. The rest is up to God. The past several days have been like a whirlwind. I have traveled to Abilene, Texas, spent the night with a son there, then traveled back home to start receiving cards, email, phone calls and flowers from numerous other special ones. I am now starting to feel like an old unoccupied lady who needs to get back to work. The zeal I had before all the celebration of Mother’s Day is somewhat missing. I hope to take up my normal duties soon, and leave all the precious memories behind. I think others will understand the things that was once exciting has been dulled after a great time of being made to feel important. Who wants to give up a feeling like that? My dad used to say to us children after a week-end of fun and excitement, “its time to get back to work.”  We would sigh, “blah.” Before long we would start to feel relaxed and work extra hard to finish up the work we left undone. I am hoping that will again be the challenge for me when I decide its time to move on.

A certain part of us all wants to analyze too long, what we have been doing in the past. The longer we sort things out the more extreme the critics inside us become unmanageable. It leads to the trash basket where we finally throw it all away and start back to work. I haven’t made it to the trash basket yet. I think I can find it soon. Does this sound like someone who has lost some of their original brain power? I think not. It just shows that we are humble enough to let others see the real us. The analyzing then falls on the critic that lost their brain power long ago. May we all join together and praise God for making us what we are.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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