Thursday, May 28, 2015

"A Turtable Accident"

So sorry. The little turtle that stopped to rest under my rose bush yesterday ventured out into the street and was run over by a car. I feel sad. 5-28-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Its not fair for such tragic things to happen to fearful, little helpless, wildlife. They do no harm to anyone. 5-28-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Rick was feeling awfully bad yesterday when he found the little visitor turtle lying crushed in the street near his car. He feared that he was the one who ran over it. He and our neighbor, Doug, came looking in the flower bed to see if maybe the dead turtle was not the one who rested awhile yesterday in my flower bed. No trace of the visitor. I felt bad because I scared the turtle when I took its picture. I wanted it to know I would not hurt it, and left quickly for the turtle to feel safe again. I was shocked when Rick told me it had been run over. So goes life, here one minute and gone the next.

I had thought I was being a little disgusting to a lot of people about my feeling for the loss of a visiting turtle until I read the, well know, Glenn Beck’s comments on face book this morning. He was saying that he was taking his family to their ranch next week to feed the cows and castrate the young calves. It was going to be their first time and they didn’t know how they were going to handle it. One of the boys didn’t want to go. Glenn stated, “ I know how he feels. Every time we discuss it I want to cross my legs, but I tell my kids if they want to keep eating hamburgers we have to do those things.” I tell them if they can’t handle it then they should go vegan. The last time we did something like this I ended the practice of branding on my ranch. I think we ought to be gentle Stewarts over God’s creation. My son may be a vegetarian after next week. I may be one too.

Glenn’s theory is that we should teach our kids everything about life including the gross things that no one likes, but it has to be. He wants his kids to know the facts of life then make up their own minds as to what they want to practice. Glenn says most kids know nothing about raising vegetables and meat. I agree, but that also includes the eggs we eat for breakfast every morning. A friend of mine was bringing fresh eggs from her little chicken farm to anyone who  wanted them. Several was thrilled to get them, but some said, “oh! I just eat store bought eggs.” How much have we learned in life, and how much more are there to learn?” I have learned this. The most important thing to learn in this life is that we are all sinners and have to be saved by the blood of Jesus Christ or we will not live in heaven when this life is over. “Saved, but not perfected.” The daily struggle continues as long as we live on this earth. It is with the help of the Holy Spirit that we handle our problems. Let us all be grateful.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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