Monday, May 18, 2015

"Pleasure In The Homeland Yard"

My son, Rick, mowing under and around nine trees in my back yard. Doing a good job. 5-18-2015 Perryton, Texas.
A built-in technician and operator of lawn mower. Rick is the best. 5-18-2015 Perryton, Texas.

We caught a little time dry enough to mow the yard today. More rain predicted for tonight. It took a long, hard struggle to mow all the grass under about nine trees, and around flower beds, and house edges. That’s after using the weed-eater. Beauty doesn’t come easy, neither does fresh fruit and vegetables. I am enjoying having my son here to help me with all the work needed to be done around here. The list of, “to do” things isn’t getting shorter very fast. Funny how one can find so many things that really need attention badly when we have someone else to do it. The two weeks Rick has been with me has been filled with work and pleasure combined. So thankful for everything God provides me with.

I have to be honest with my comments so I will go more into detail about my remarks concerning me enjoying the past two weeks. I am at a loss as how to describe my ups and downs, Some days are so good that I forgot that I had a really bad day a few days ago. I don’t know how or why it takes both good days and bad ones to balance out our lives, but I do believe that it is correct for me to say that. The past two weeks have been no different than all the past weeks as far as good and bad days. I just had to remember that to leave people thinking that I am on cloud nine most of the time would be a big mistake. I never want to misrepresent my life to anyone. If I did that it would make me sound like a Saint, which is far from right. I am one of the mortals who must live the mortal life and never expect anything but normal existence. The real matter is when I am feeling great I want everyone to know it, but when I am feeling down I don’t want anyone to know about that. I have to believe that is normal for most people. As long as we’re honest God can use us for whatever purpose He wishes, but if we are not He cannot use us at all. We ought to tell it like it is. Only a jerk would chose  to put themselves on a pedestal, and I refuse to be counted as one of them. People sitting on pedestals do not hide themselves from knowledgeable persons. They might try, but the truth always shows up. Then its like the props were knocked out from under them. I don’t want to be propped up. I want to stand on my own two feet. However, I do appreciate encouragement  from anyone who sincerely offers it. Jesus would not let anyone die for Him because He knew it was his mission to die for others. Can we all be that dedicated to God? We must be or we will not wear the crown.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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