Friday, August 13, 2021

"Why Why Why"

“Why Why Why” We were made happy again today at the Center. Two people that we had been concerned about for some time both showed up today. Both looked good, and we all were so thankful to see them. One of our other faithful members who had been missing for over a year due to the Corona virus, was there for the second time today. She came last Wednesday, and it was so encouraging to see her. My positive side is still on top, and I'm trying hard to keep it there. I painted on my Amsterdam beauty scene for two hours after lunch. I am beginning to feel more positive about that also. I am beginning to think God lets Satan have control over us from time to time just to prove to him that we are never going to give into the old wicked demon. Our faith is made stronger if we endure those dirty tricks Satan tries to persuade us to do. A dream I had last night surly is the end of my struggle with that chief of all demons. When I woke up I said, “God thank you for letting that be just a dream.” In the dream I was not a victim, I was the evil one, but was doing something that no way on earth would I really have done that. My dad has been gone for forty years, and I am always praising him for teaching me God's Word, and giving my brothers, and sisters, and I such a good life. In that dream last night I was cursing my dad out, and telling him I had had enough of him, and it was good-bye to him forever. I was being more evil than Satan. I never talked back to my dad growing up, or never wanted to. I don't understand why I had such an evil dream. I cry every day when I think about how much my dad sacrificed for me. And just before he died I saw him cry and say, I wish I could have given my kids more than what I did. That was, and still is so hard for me to take. Another word of encouragement I want to pass on. No matter how hard life gets to be for you, never, never give up on God. It's God or Satan, and I will always choose God. As much as my earthly father loved me, God loves me even more. He tells us that in His Word. I am making a sacrifice at this time for God that some may call me crazy for doing, but until God tells me enough is enough I will keep it up. “All things happen for a reason. At the end of the day Satan is always a loser. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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