Monday, August 23, 2021

"Lets Talk Wisdom Versus Confusion"

“Lets Talk Wisdom Versus Confusion” It's always nice to go to the Center and learn of things that interest you .Some bad news, but it's really good to hear about it. One of our members who does a lot of work for the Center now has a son who is in an Oklahoma City hospital with the Covid 19 virus. He had a lung to collapse, and was sent to a special hospital for more serious cases. We are sorry, but needed to know so we could keep him in our prayers. We heard some other news that was better, and we rejoice over that. It takes a little effort, and a little scolding from myself to get me going instead of staying in my recliner, but once I'm convinced that it's necessary to go, I am always glad I did. It takes a wise mind to know which things I need to do today is the most important. I can never do them all. My body just won't allow it. I did hear one thing today from a guy who I never talk to except to say hello, something that I can't wait till next lunch day to tell my friends. It's a bit nasty, but funny anyway. He and I met at the dish drop-off when leaving the Center. Got to appreciate these quick-draw friends sometimes. They shoot pretty straight, and it's best to have a comment ready. I won this one, but not anxious to compete again. I know its hard to laugh when so many people are hurting, but if I understand King Solomon correctly He says in so many words, what will be will be. I feel the need to print the verses 7-10 of Ecclesiastes chapter 9. Go ahead---eat your food and be happy; drink your wine and be cheerful. It's alright with God. Always look happy and cheerful. Enjoy life with the woman you love, as long as you live the useless life that God has given you in this world. Enjoy every useless day of it, because that is all you will get for all your trouble. Work hard at whatever you do, because there will be no actions, no thought, no knowledge, no wisdom in the world of the dead---and that is where you are going. These words were taken from the Good News Bible.. Today's English Version. I compared them to the King James Version, and the meaning is the same, just worded a little differently. King Solomon is calling the word vanity, a useless life. I am forever confused, but because I live by my own interpretation trusting that God is directing me, I will not change anything about my life. I do find myself finding reasons for all things that happen in peoples life. I do believe that all people were born with an already planned life, but that also confuses me. I understand that we are now living under grace instead of the law, but why did Jesus say,” I came not to do away with the law, but that the law through Me might be fulfilled? I suggest that we talk with God every day to help us with our understanding of His Word. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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