Thursday, August 12, 2021

"Look To The Lamb Of God"

“Look To The Lamb Of God” Another very hot day today. Hoping this will change in a few more days. I'm tired of looking at brown lawns. Most people quit trying to keep their yards green. Water was too expensive, and unless you had an underground sprinkler it was too hot to go out and keep moving the hose sprinkler. No matter how much you watered the flowers they just wouldn't bloom well. We are patiently waiting for better days. There is one thing for sure we aught to be extremely thankful for cool homes, and pure water to drink. We should never take this blessing for granite. We all are intelligent enough to see what's happening to our country, but we are also intelligent enough to know our God can change all of that in the twinkling of an eye. I will never doubt Him. He gave me that promise many years ago, and I'm still standing on it. In the eyes of man things may look impossible, but in the eyes of God all things are possible. You may not see me, or hear me, but I am giving praises to my God for my many blessings every minute of my wake time. God sees, and hears, and that's all that matters. I just have a word or two for anyone who thinks they can smart mouth God, or His people and get by with it, “YOU CANNOT.” Read the book of Proverbs if you think I'm wrong. Remember God also knows our thoughts. They are buried in our heart. Let us make sure our heart is right with God. Why do I write these words today, because of a reason I do not know for sure, but it could be for someone who has verbally disrespected, or for someone who has been holding ugly feelings against someone in their heart. When Jesus spoke and told His disciples that someone at this table here tonight will betray me, it was alarming to them all. They began to ask, is it I, is it I, but Judas was the one who fit the sin. Let us all search our hearts for un-repented sin. If it is I, Lord, please let me know without delay. I will be the first to try and fix the problem. There has to be a remedy for every stricken member of Christs Church Body. If it is not found, and fixed the body will die. I plead with God to take charge, and help fix the broken part of the body of Christ. Healing is what we need. How far do we still have left to go before that happens? Too far? Never in the name of Jesus, never. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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