Sunday, August 8, 2021

"Freedom Of Speech My Friends"

“Freedom Of Speech My Friend” Another one of those Sunday afternoons where you just want to relax, and keep your mind blocked. I don't know if that's a good thing to do or not. It seems like the more you try to understand the more confused you get. It is so hard to believe what we're seeing happen right before our eyes. I have just about lost all words that I was using to explain some of this mysterious, senseless, vague, empty, form of communication that goes on, and on. Seven days a week even Sundays this is the fulfillment of time. When will the reality come back? Will it ever? Is time of no essence anymore? Are most people as alarmed as I, and just keep quiet about it? Or are they refusing to admit that parlous times are upon us? In either case I do not have a solution. We will keep bearing our cross as long as God allows. I will do all I can to help someone else bear theirs, but the bible tells us there is a cross for everyone. I will not allow some bible, so called experts, take away that reality from me. The Libertarians can preach only love, and no sacrifice all they want, but don't expect me to believe it. When they say sin is no longer sin, and wrong is no longer wrong, they are not only taking themselves to a place of damnation, but many others who believed them. I'm thankful for the forgiveness of our sins, but we still sin every day of our life. They must be confessed, and forgiven by our Lord, Jesus Christ. The big question now is what is our duty to help restore God's presence in our country once again? Can it be done by staying home from church? Can it be done by going to church, but remain voiceless? Has our song of praise been taken from us, and replaced with a new song of trying to convince Jesus that we know who He is, but where have you gone to? I in good faith cannot continue to accept such nonsense. If I cannot feel the presence of God in His house, then I will not go. I truly believe that is the reason so many church pews are empty today. God has been shut out. It is not “Our way or the hi-way.” It is God's way. I am so saddened to see such haughty attitudes in some of the highest church leaders. I believe some day they will have a sad awaking. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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