Sunday, August 22, 2021

"Are We Really Who We Think We Are"

“Are We Really Who We Think We Are” Praising God for a good service at church this morning. A new family joined us, and they were such a blessing. It was nice to see the pews filling up again. People are searching like never before trying to find a secure place to worship. The pastor certainly had a sermon prepared this morning that should help anyone to feel safe, and secure from all alarms. No matter if we stay home, hide in the bushes, go to church or whatever, our life is in danger of the wicked enemy of Jesus Christ. He has found a weakness in the Christian believers that has let him take over by great multitudes. Only by the power of God, with believers there of, will any place be safe ever again. Let each one of us band together, and be a power tool to keep this wicked enemy at bay. My friends there is no other way. Can you not see that the only way this evil enemy got in power was because God allowed it? Why?? Could it be punishment for those who refused to respect God? Maybe from grudges that some would not let go? Maybe from jealousy from some who thought they were better? How about pay back from some who were embarrassed by the very one whom they had labeled as never, never my President? Could that one have put then in their place, and they were not able to forgive, because of so much self admiration? Could they have done the worst sin ever by taking back power in whatever way possible? Could they have believed that God's Word is fake when He said “God is not mocked for what so ever a man soweth that shall he also reap?” Could reaping time be in order at this very time? You guessed it. I believe all of the above is why we are in such danger of our own lives being taken most anytime. But to the righteous God speaks these words. Hebrews 10:38. “My righteous people however, will believe, and live. But if any of them turns back, I will not be pleased with them.” v. 39, We are not people who turn back and are lost. Instead, we have faith and are saved. I do not write these words for myself because I am old enough to die by natural causes any day. But I hope to leave behind a map of what could be a help to the younger people. I believe that is what all Christian believers are suppose to do. I choose not to be alone during these stressful times, because it has always been a tradition for believers to have fellowship, and be a supporter of each other. Any other way seems like selfishness to me. Fear of not being agreed with. If one is really that sure of themselves then why are they still here? God does not need anyone who is not of any purpose except to kill time. I am trying hard to keep myself active in as many ways as possible for the good of others. I trust God is pleased with that kind of attitude. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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