Monday, August 16, 2021

"Pass Me Not Oh Gentle Savior"

“Pass Me Not Oh Gentle Savior” Last night for the first time to my realization I met a bible Philosopher who echoed my own Philosophy. Solomon, the son of David, is believed to be the author of the book of Ecclesiastes. The introduction to Ecclesiastes, of the Good News Bible, describes Solomon as a Philosopher. The first chapter of this book just about blew me away. I might say it would be best not to read this chapter unless you are a strong, Christian believer who would never dare to question the reality of Almighty God. Solomon calls life useless. I will warn you of the deep depression that could grip your mind if you are sincere about the creation of the world which we live in. Ecclesiastes chapter 1, 2-5. It is useless, useless, said the Philosopher. Life is useless, all useless. 3. you spend your life working, laboring, and what do you have to show for it? 4. Generations come and generations go, but the world stays just the same. 5. The sun still rises, and it still goes down, wearily back to where it must start all over again. Then verse 8. Everything leads to weariness --- A weariness too great for words. Out eyes can never see enough to be satisfied; our ears can never hear enough. The KJV of these verses have the same meaning, just worded a bit differently. These same thoughts have entered my mind many times, and no doubt yours too, but thank God our parents taught us to never question God. By faith we will understand it better by and by. Especially in these times we're living in now, people are looking everywhere for something to control their nerves. There is nothing lasting, but the love of God. Let us take Him at His Word, and trust Him with all our heart, and soul. If the wisest King on earth, King Solomon, said life is useless, it does not mean we have to agree, but to be for sure do not try to correct King Solomon. Our wisdom could never begin to match his. I live from day to day trying to trust God with every breath I breath. I try in some way to tell others to do the same. My body is flesh, and blood, and it is subject to abuse by prescription drugs or a surgeons knife just like anyone else, but God told me long ago to always trust Him. I trust Him to guide me when I seek to find a good doctor, or hospital that also trust God with their expertise. I hope, and pray that my life will not have been lived in vain. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp ecc

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