Thursday, August 26, 2021

"Emotions Are Part Of The Healing Process"

“Emotions Are Part Of The Healing Process” Today I sit here at the computer with a blank mind, trying to decide what is wrong with me. I know I have a son waiting to be buried somewhere, but how could that be causing me to be so calm at times then all at once I yell out like a scared child looking for a parent. I think I am looking for Rick as he was so much help to me after my husband died. He retired and stayed with me for a year. My house is the one Rick was mostly raised in, and he loved being here, after living in Houston, Texas most of the rest of his life after high school graduation. He would sit in the swing on the patio for hours at a time just resting. He would tell me he loved sitting out there because it was so peaceful. Now every time I look out there I burst out like I am having a nightmare. Just never though it would effect me like that. I am fine most of the time, it's just off and on through the day. We are waiting for a release for his body from the medical examiners then we can put him away. Not sure how long that will take. I have had so much kindness, and sympathy shown to me, and it has helped, but it seems like nothing can heal the terrible grief. I know I can get through this, but it will take time. He is just another one that's been added to my long list of loved ones whom I grieve for daily. I am still encouraging everyone to hold onto their faith in God. He promised to never leave us. I am at complete peace at this moment, and plan to go to the luncheon at The Center tomorrow. This will soon all be over, and I can move forward with everything I am used to doing. Life is a battle from birth to the grave, but The Good Lord planned it that way. I trust Him that He knew what He was doing. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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