Thursday, August 19, 2021

"Thanking God For The Great Comforter"

“Thanking God For The Great Comforter” I came home from work today, and fixed me a bacon, and tomato sandwich with a fresh tomato right out of Chuck's garden. Nothing could be better. However, the garden didn't do good at all this year. We kept it watered well, but the fruit rotted on the vines. The cantaloupes split open before they got ripe. The green beans were blooming and looking good then they just quickly began to die. No green beans. I was wondering if maybe everything got the Covid 19 virus. We didn't have them tested. What a crazy world we're living in now. We do still have lots of green tomatoes, but don't expect them to ripen. At least I got one tomato that I was able to cut out the bad part, and make a good sandwich. Most of it was eatable. The taste was wonderful. Good-bye garden. Hope you do better next year. This Thursday is really helping me to be proud of my daily accomplishments this week. I cleaned Chuck's house good, and vacuumed the carpet extra well. That is a big plus for me since I've began to wear down with age. Chuck was expecting company or I might not have been so energized. My prayers seems to be more sincere when I know I have got to really kick in gear. Tomorrow is my fun, and fellowship day, and that's the end of my scheduled week. Like King Solomon said in the book of Proverbs. Now we start all over again. I do hope I can keep this bit of energy for awhile because I have felt pretty tired, and hopeless for some time now. I don't care to admit it because I think I have a legitimate reason to feel that way. The Corona Virus has changed the whole world drastically. Especially to those who are regular readers of God's Word. We know that things will, no doubt, get worse as time goes by. God will only tolerate the evil sin that has so bravely swept over our country making it a shame to live here, only so long, and enough is enough. The God fearing, and followers of Jesus, will have to suffer also because we love even our enemies. Some of our own loved ones are part of the evil blasphemers, Of course we suffer when we see them suffering. God gets no joy from it either, but He formed the world according to His own desire, and He will never go back on his Word. All of this being said, God does have a way to comfort His faith followers, and by His Holy Spirit I have found comfort. As King Solomon said, even though life is useless, let us live and be happy for as long as our time allows. Proverbs chapter 5. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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