Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Please don't play God"

“Please Don't Play God” I just got home from work and had to say another quick thank you to our God for giving us a peaceful day. I can see where many more people are waking up to the fact that the bible is not just a story book. However, many are lost, and have no idea what to do. They are still trying to believe it's not as bad as a lot of people think. I totally differ with that belief. I think most people are so blind to the bible that they have no idea how bad it will get. They refuse to give up their daily comfort habits, and look for ways to help those who are not so comfortable. I am very aware that any of us could wind up any time being in great trouble just for trying to help someone, never to harm anyone, but the times have changed, and we are totally at risk with anything we do, or do not do. I absolutely believe that, and keep a hand to my Father's coattail at all times. It's dam if we do, and dam if we don't. The Isis enemy is not only in Afghanistan, but right here in America also. President Trump had them on the run, but since he was robbed of his power Isis is gaining ground like a steak of lightening, I might say while so many are still holding onto foolish habits. I am not a tee totally believer of sin free people, and believe we should seek the best therapy treatments possible, but we should always make sure we are close enough to God to reach His coattail. This may sound childish, but we are children of God. Help us Lord to never stray far. Genesis 3:19. In the sweat of thy face thou shalt eat bread, till thou return unto the ground: for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. I dare say I am cleaner than anyone, but I can say no one is cleaner than I. We all were made from dirt. Of course we know that we all will be judged because God made us to work, and be faithful to His teachings. I believe the Ten Commandants are the steadfast teachings of God, and if we truly live by them, we will be accepted as a good and faithful servant. The main thing we Christians have to worry about today is keeping ourselves right with God. We must not let others tell us what to do when we have a personal relationship with God. We can relate to others what we believe, but never say you have to do the same. I think this life is a mystery to all mankind, but I trust God for everything He is doing. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp .

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