Wednesday, August 18, 2021

"This Is My Voice Today"

“This Is My Voice Today” So where do I start today. I had a restless night last night, and today I am feeling useless. I did get ready and go to the Center for lunch, but since coming home I have been puzzled to say the least. Everything seems in vain. A great tide of evil waves has all but washed us away. If we manage to ride them out, how long will it be before another comes rolling in? I feel compelled to ride these rough waves for as long as it takes, even unto death. I can, and I will, complete this course of life. King Solomon said in his book of Proverbs that life is useless, and I think most of us have to think that also, but we are not here by our own choice so I surrender all to my Creator without question. I will find a way to beat the odds of a useless life. By faith I will leave teardrop stains on everything I have touched reminding people of how much I believed in this Great Creator. Silence is no help to God, although there is a time to be silent. A time to hurt, and a time to heal. A time to tear down, and a time to build up. A time to weep, and a time for joy. These are just a few of the things King Solomon told us in the book of Proverbs. Jesus never shed a tear for Himself, but he did weep for others. I have to ask are we crying for our self, or crying for others? I feel like I have to say for both reasons do I cry. When I see the pain, and misfortune of others it causes me to hurt also. Every time I vision my Jesus hanging on that cruel cross I have to cry. He hears me, and gives me peace. No greater love hath no man than this. Now is the time for me to prepare for work tomorrow. I have to cook a meat for Chuck's lunch tomorrow since there is no time for that before I leave in the morning. Today's time for play is over. But I have enjoyed while it lasted. I'm asking God for a better night's rest tonight. My work tomorrow is quite tiring, and I cannot put it off any longer. I will ride out this tide by the grace of God. I've stayed on top all week, and I will continue to bounce on the rest of the week. Hopefully we can get a little calmness in a few days. However, it will continue to blow in again. Keep your trust in Jesus, He is the calmer of all storms. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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