Sunday, August 15, 2021

"The Evil Have Set Their Own Trap"

“The Evil Have Set Their Own Trap” I came home from church today to hear some more devastating news. The Taliban extremest had taken over Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. The U S embassy would be cleared out within 72 hours. This is nothing more than we have been expecting every since our own country, America, was taken over by extremest liberals. Eight months in power by these liberals have already brought our country to the weakest point it has been in years. We might as well face it, we are also a near powerless nation..We do have The Great Creator on our side, but we do not know how long, or how much He will let America suffer before He destroys the source to which caused this evil. All ye Luke-warm Christians, ye better turn up the heat, or you will get spewed out of God's mouth. Revelations 3: 15,16. The time is nearer than we think. Any human being in their right mind can see with their own eyes why God would be angry at this sin-sick nation. I am not an expert on remedies of any kind, but I can see the poisonous effect form allowing sin to continue without boldly condemning it. I said, condemn, not condone. This statement could cause a lot of confusion, but we can draw our own line without crossing it. We do not have to straddle the line. It requires a continued effort to be pleasing to God. After all He is the only one we have to answer to. Again I would like to quote one of my favorites. “One ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.” Then second favorite. “If any lack wisdom let them ask of God.” If we have, and still are seeking wisdom in these hard times, we will not be left to run to and fro trying to escape evil. I believe with all my heart the true Christian has a Godly shield around them. The bible teaches this. Are we doing all we can to help others receive this shield? Even when they fight us off with hateful words of untruth. We know our hearts, and like I've said before honesty is God's most loved word. False accusations do not mean a thing to God. But it does to the accuser. We here in our little remote areas feel so safe from the blood shed that larger areas are experiencing, but mark my word, very soon we will be just as unsafe as any. The evil has gotten out of control, and it's spreading like wildfire. We must embrace ourselves to accept what God is going to allow. We can deny the truth, but we can't stop it. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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