Saturday, August 14, 2021

"We Can Say We Believe Something Is Wrong Without Being Dishonest"

“We Can Say We Believe Something Is Wrong Without Being Dishonest” Today is bringing to close another week of blessings however, I am still concerned about our future. It seems as though each new day we are struggling harder to keep the faith in our Almighty God. Not because we think He is failing us, but because we are failing Him. “Without faith it is impossible to please God.” But faith for what? Faith for victory over death, and the grave. We cannot keep living after our appointed time, but we can keep believing 1 Corinthians 15: 6, “Oh death where is thou sting? Oh grave where is thou victory.” Another scripture says “to die is to gain.” We never want to give up our precious loved ones, but we must remember these scriptures. Many are dying from the terrible, deadly Corona Virus, and many are dealing with the effects of the shot. It does look like it will go on until the world's population has decreased drastically. It all depends upon God's will. Jesus said “not my will but thine be done.” This is when He was fixing to be nailed to the cross for our sins. Lately I have been thinking we the people have no justice system any more. I feel like we have been overpowered by evil people. I could not see any hope for the future of a Godly Nation again. But last night while reading my bible these words were so positive to me. Proverbs 29:16, When evil men are in power, crime increases. But the righteous will live to see the downfall of such men. I have renewed my faith in The Almighty God. God does not lie, nor does He ever get it wrong. I also read in those verses that lair's are one of God's worst enemies. Honesty seemed to be the most stressed, loved word to God. Can we think of any time we were not honest? Yes I can, and it bothers me a lot. I know my sins have been forgiven, but what about living the best, honest life we possible can live? Some of us still need to take a wake-up pill, and stop being dishonest. According to Proverbs, it is dishonest to flatter someone just because it's a nice thing to do. Aren't we all guilty of that? That leads back to the old teaching of our churches. “If you can't say something good about someone, don't say anything at all. That would not be dishonest. I don't mind being corrected, but I may not always agree with the error. I just have to have respect for an honest person, even though I may not agree. There is a lot to be learned from the book of Proverbs, and it was written for our own benefit. It is the book of wisdom, which comes before judgment. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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