Wednesday, August 11, 2021

"Feelings Doesn't Matter Blood Matters"

“Feelings Doesn't Matter Blood Matters” Yes my day has been a good one so far. Had lunch at the Center today, with friends, and was happily surprised to have one of our old table pardners back with us. She has been staying away for over a year because of the Corona virus. Almost every day something happens to encourage us, and keep us staying positive. However, there is always that something to try and take away that positive attitude. “He that is in us is greater than he that is out of us.” A wise old proverb that everyone should remember. I may be slow to catch on to a lot of things, but soon or later it all will make sense. At the end of this life I have a feeling of being one of the happiest saints in heaven. I sometimes wonder if there I will still try to hold onto my behavior like I try hard to do here on earth. I have never wanted to be in the spotlight, so whether for greatness, or stupidity, I try to act like an adult, as my father always told me to do. “Which kind of adult, dad? “Don't get smart with me?” I started growing up pretty fast. I learned what respect for elders meant. We let our children get away with much more disrespect than our parents did, and I believe every generation has failed more, and more in this area of teaching. Although I can't explain why, I feel like the prophets of long ago knew this would happen. All we, as parents, and grandparents can do is ask God for patience, and wisdom to tolerate the hate, and disrespect they put us through. Put it in God's hands and leave it there. But always know God will never leave you nor forsake you. As for the haters God's Word tells us they will suffer for their hate. All in all The Word tells us LOVE convereth a multitude of sins. I hope my love is enough to pass that. I do not like to see anyone suffer. I just have to mention a little story I heard about which is suppose to have happened. A son was very close to his mother, and his mover loved him dearly. The son met a girl and fell in love and married her. But she was a very jealous person of the son's mother. She told her husband you have got to get rid of her. You have got to kill her or I will leave you. The husband killed his mother. One day he fell and broke a leg. His mother appeared to him and asked, are you ok? Do we have that kind of love for our haters? I hope so. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp |

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