Friday, August 27, 2021

"I Need To Sing A Song"

“I Need To Sing A song” I stayed home from the Center today, and worked around here. Trying to get ready for a lot of company in a few days when Rick will be brought here for burial. I did make a quick trip to Liberal to get something for Chuck. I have had a few grief attacks today, but it is getting better. However, it seems like I can't take a breath without recalling a sweet memory about son, Rick. It's almost like he is still living here although, he has been gone from this house since he graduated from high school except for visits, and the one year he stayed with me after I lost his dad, and my husband. During that time we were both a comforter to each other. That's been five years ago, but we talked on the phone almost every week. His two daughters lived in Houston, and he went back there to be close to them since he had come down with health problems. Also the doctors he was going to here was in Amarillo which was 250 miles round trip. Yes, these last five years have taken a toll on me with now being the worst part of all of it. I do not know what tomorrow holds for me, but I know who holds tomorrow. I did talk with an old friend this morning for about an hour. She lives in Oklahoma City. Her, and my children were raised up in the same church, and she had lost her husband about the time I lost mine. A couple of years ago she lost a son in an automobile accident, so we are both sharing the same kind of grief. It was a great comfort. Thank God for friends who never leave you. Her children are as close to her as mine are to me. We both have that same joy to share also. Oh! How I wish the churches were the same today as they were back then. God is the same so we only have to worry about keeping ourselves the same. I feel positive about bouncing back after we have put my son next to his father. Until then, and I don't know how long, because of the Covid they tell us, but the sooner the better. There was a process that had to be fulfilled since his body was found by a son-in-law, that the state requires, We are not sure how long he had been lying there face down on the floor. The son-in-law had gone to get him for a doctor's appointment when he found him. Why it had to happen that way I don't know, but I trust God it was His way. Thank you everyone for being patient with me. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, August 26, 2021

"Emotions Are Part Of The Healing Process"

“Emotions Are Part Of The Healing Process” Today I sit here at the computer with a blank mind, trying to decide what is wrong with me. I know I have a son waiting to be buried somewhere, but how could that be causing me to be so calm at times then all at once I yell out like a scared child looking for a parent. I think I am looking for Rick as he was so much help to me after my husband died. He retired and stayed with me for a year. My house is the one Rick was mostly raised in, and he loved being here, after living in Houston, Texas most of the rest of his life after high school graduation. He would sit in the swing on the patio for hours at a time just resting. He would tell me he loved sitting out there because it was so peaceful. Now every time I look out there I burst out like I am having a nightmare. Just never though it would effect me like that. I am fine most of the time, it's just off and on through the day. We are waiting for a release for his body from the medical examiners then we can put him away. Not sure how long that will take. I have had so much kindness, and sympathy shown to me, and it has helped, but it seems like nothing can heal the terrible grief. I know I can get through this, but it will take time. He is just another one that's been added to my long list of loved ones whom I grieve for daily. I am still encouraging everyone to hold onto their faith in God. He promised to never leave us. I am at complete peace at this moment, and plan to go to the luncheon at The Center tomorrow. This will soon all be over, and I can move forward with everything I am used to doing. Life is a battle from birth to the grave, but The Good Lord planned it that way. I trust Him that He knew what He was doing. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

"A Genus He Was To Me"

A Genus He Was To Me” I can't tell you all how much I appreciate all the kind, and loving words you said to me today after the loss of my loving son, Rick Sharp. It has been very hard to bear, but so many have helped me stay positive. Life is hard, and the older you get the harder it gets. But King Solomon told us to enjoy as long as we can because we will be dead a lot longer than we lived. I don't exactly know what he meant about that, but I believe him. I refused to stay home from lunch at the Center today, and just cry. I went and although I was a bit quieter than usual, I still made plenty of noise. So thankful for sweet friends who are always there for you. I do feel a bit rum dumb, and have to start talking o Jesus to get me back on track. He is so quick to guide me back. He tells me I am not suppose to understand everything, and to just keep trusting Him. Who would dare to ever argue with that? It's like I did some things today that I said yesterday I would never do. That is when I began to feel much better from my grief. Many hurtful past memories begins to fade away. It's hard to keep them from coming back, but we must not let them return. No grudges can ever enter heaven, and I'm glad for that. When I start thinking like this I almost go to sleep before I'm finished with my blog. Too relaxing for the mind to operate freely. I'm waiting now for closure to my son's death. This will be a delayed burial since his body was found some time after his death. A normal procedure that always follows a situation like that requires an investigation. Another hard thing to go through. I need it to be over with as soon as possible. By faith I will not faint. God has definitely directed me how, and what to do. Something I had sworn off of, but now I will follow His directions. I'm so thankful because there would never have been closure had I done it my way. Nothing is concrete yet, but praying that nothing will hinder what we have planed so far. My God, my God, help me get over this. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, August 23, 2021

"Lets Talk Wisdom Versus Confusion"

“Lets Talk Wisdom Versus Confusion” It's always nice to go to the Center and learn of things that interest you .Some bad news, but it's really good to hear about it. One of our members who does a lot of work for the Center now has a son who is in an Oklahoma City hospital with the Covid 19 virus. He had a lung to collapse, and was sent to a special hospital for more serious cases. We are sorry, but needed to know so we could keep him in our prayers. We heard some other news that was better, and we rejoice over that. It takes a little effort, and a little scolding from myself to get me going instead of staying in my recliner, but once I'm convinced that it's necessary to go, I am always glad I did. It takes a wise mind to know which things I need to do today is the most important. I can never do them all. My body just won't allow it. I did hear one thing today from a guy who I never talk to except to say hello, something that I can't wait till next lunch day to tell my friends. It's a bit nasty, but funny anyway. He and I met at the dish drop-off when leaving the Center. Got to appreciate these quick-draw friends sometimes. They shoot pretty straight, and it's best to have a comment ready. I won this one, but not anxious to compete again. I know its hard to laugh when so many people are hurting, but if I understand King Solomon correctly He says in so many words, what will be will be. I feel the need to print the verses 7-10 of Ecclesiastes chapter 9. Go ahead---eat your food and be happy; drink your wine and be cheerful. It's alright with God. Always look happy and cheerful. Enjoy life with the woman you love, as long as you live the useless life that God has given you in this world. Enjoy every useless day of it, because that is all you will get for all your trouble. Work hard at whatever you do, because there will be no actions, no thought, no knowledge, no wisdom in the world of the dead---and that is where you are going. These words were taken from the Good News Bible.. Today's English Version. I compared them to the King James Version, and the meaning is the same, just worded a little differently. King Solomon is calling the word vanity, a useless life. I am forever confused, but because I live by my own interpretation trusting that God is directing me, I will not change anything about my life. I do find myself finding reasons for all things that happen in peoples life. I do believe that all people were born with an already planned life, but that also confuses me. I understand that we are now living under grace instead of the law, but why did Jesus say,” I came not to do away with the law, but that the law through Me might be fulfilled? I suggest that we talk with God every day to help us with our understanding of His Word. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, August 22, 2021

"Are We Really Who We Think We Are"

“Are We Really Who We Think We Are” Praising God for a good service at church this morning. A new family joined us, and they were such a blessing. It was nice to see the pews filling up again. People are searching like never before trying to find a secure place to worship. The pastor certainly had a sermon prepared this morning that should help anyone to feel safe, and secure from all alarms. No matter if we stay home, hide in the bushes, go to church or whatever, our life is in danger of the wicked enemy of Jesus Christ. He has found a weakness in the Christian believers that has let him take over by great multitudes. Only by the power of God, with believers there of, will any place be safe ever again. Let each one of us band together, and be a power tool to keep this wicked enemy at bay. My friends there is no other way. Can you not see that the only way this evil enemy got in power was because God allowed it? Why?? Could it be punishment for those who refused to respect God? Maybe from grudges that some would not let go? Maybe from jealousy from some who thought they were better? How about pay back from some who were embarrassed by the very one whom they had labeled as never, never my President? Could that one have put then in their place, and they were not able to forgive, because of so much self admiration? Could they have done the worst sin ever by taking back power in whatever way possible? Could they have believed that God's Word is fake when He said “God is not mocked for what so ever a man soweth that shall he also reap?” Could reaping time be in order at this very time? You guessed it. I believe all of the above is why we are in such danger of our own lives being taken most anytime. But to the righteous God speaks these words. Hebrews 10:38. “My righteous people however, will believe, and live. But if any of them turns back, I will not be pleased with them.” v. 39, We are not people who turn back and are lost. Instead, we have faith and are saved. I do not write these words for myself because I am old enough to die by natural causes any day. But I hope to leave behind a map of what could be a help to the younger people. I believe that is what all Christian believers are suppose to do. I choose not to be alone during these stressful times, because it has always been a tradition for believers to have fellowship, and be a supporter of each other. Any other way seems like selfishness to me. Fear of not being agreed with. If one is really that sure of themselves then why are they still here? God does not need anyone who is not of any purpose except to kill time. I am trying hard to keep myself active in as many ways as possible for the good of others. I trust God is pleased with that kind of attitude. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, August 21, 2021

"Mourning Is A Gift Of God"

“Mourning Is A Gift Of God” My thoughts today are focused on people less fortunate than myself. The Afghanistan crisis is a positive sign that Bible prophesy is being fulfilled, and what else can we make of it but to say we all are victims of perilous times. The entire world belongs to God, the Creator, and only He is in control. At His command will everything happen whether good, or bad. Every liar, and deceiver, and those who were so naive as to believe them will suffer more than what they've made the Christians suffer. King Solomon said in Proverbs chapter 7, verse 1. A good reputation is better than expensive perfume, and the day you die is better than the day you were born. How does our reputation register with God? Does it compare with expensive perfume? I wish I could say yes, but I fear it might compare more to body odor from a dirty body. I don't know what God thinks about my reputation, but I do know He answers my prayers every day. Not that I can boast about, but what I can praise Him about. It is in this frame of mind that I can live on from day to day, long after most of my older family members lived. Some of whom I thought was almost perfect. I don't know what that means, but I am pleased with it. As long as I can be active, and help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ I am being blessed. I have faith to believe God will not put me through unnecessary suffering. However, if I should have a lingered death bed, I will say it was necessary for some unknown reason. Both of my parents had a quick death bed, and I am so thankful for that, Neither of them ever entered a nursing home, or became dependent upon anyone. My grandparents on my mother's side were just as independent. A quick death may not always be pleasant, but little pain is always a blessing. I hear, and know without a doubt that many Christians in Afghanistan as well as other places are suffering terribly, and we will never understand why, but we can continue to pray for them which I believe helps a lot. Some may wonder why I'm focusing on death. Well here is one reason. I believe some people live like they think they will live forever. I try to gain wisdom from such wise men like King Solomon. This wise King told us in Proverbs chapter 7, verse 4. Someone who is always thinking about happiness is a fool. A wise person thinks about death. I think if more people would think more about being judged for their sins, they would commit a lot less of them. It's nice to have been taught this as a child growing up. I didn't grow up in the dark. I am one thankful sinner saved by grace. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, August 20, 2021

"What I Really Think"

“What I Really Think” I got an impression today of what I believe will soon be the norm in my small town. We have always had a quite, low rate, crime record in Perryton, Texas. That's because our law enforcement is so strict with keeping order, and even the Cities code of ethics. I personally cannot remember ever seeing a beggar in this city, or even on the outskirts. Today when I came out of the Dollar General Store I saw a guy running across the parking lot trying to catch me before I got to my car. This guy was the freakish person I had ever seen in person. He was wearing only a pair of shorts, no shirt or shoes. His body was a solid tattoo. His entire chest was covered with black tattoos. Also his face, arms, and legs. It was 93 degree, and this guy was barefooted on the blacktop parking lot. He caught me before I got to my car, and asked me for a dollar. I have never given money to beggars before when I would see them in other cities. But since things have gotten so evil all over the world, I have taken a closer look at my Christian life. I did not want to lie to the freak, and tell him I didn't have any money, and besides from what I'm hearing on the news every day people are getting shot at the least little things. I did say let me see if I have a dollar. I gave him one dollar, and he walked away. Now someone asked me if I called the police. But this guy stood out like something from outer space. The parking lot at Dollar General was almost empty, and no way could a policeman have missed seeing him. I did not call them, because I felt too confused to get more involved. I am reading the book of Proverbs, and I'm now to the seventh chapter. I have been shaken by the most impressed meaning of those six chapters. The highlight has got to be about giving to the poor. I refuse to judge that pitiful looking soul after so many years I have judged just such souls. What has happened to me? Am I one of those who have been chosen to stand the test of my Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ? Will I even deny Him like Peter did after the pressure was put on Peter? I feel so positive that our little city of Perryton will become one of the same evil cities like so many others. The huge, modern, 15 million dollar jail building will probably never be needed, because our justice system is fading fast. I cannot ignore what I'm seeing every day in this sin-sick world. All I can say is I am trusting in my God, and whatever happens, I will surly be strong enough to endure. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, August 19, 2021

"Thanking God For The Great Comforter"

“Thanking God For The Great Comforter” I came home from work today, and fixed me a bacon, and tomato sandwich with a fresh tomato right out of Chuck's garden. Nothing could be better. However, the garden didn't do good at all this year. We kept it watered well, but the fruit rotted on the vines. The cantaloupes split open before they got ripe. The green beans were blooming and looking good then they just quickly began to die. No green beans. I was wondering if maybe everything got the Covid 19 virus. We didn't have them tested. What a crazy world we're living in now. We do still have lots of green tomatoes, but don't expect them to ripen. At least I got one tomato that I was able to cut out the bad part, and make a good sandwich. Most of it was eatable. The taste was wonderful. Good-bye garden. Hope you do better next year. This Thursday is really helping me to be proud of my daily accomplishments this week. I cleaned Chuck's house good, and vacuumed the carpet extra well. That is a big plus for me since I've began to wear down with age. Chuck was expecting company or I might not have been so energized. My prayers seems to be more sincere when I know I have got to really kick in gear. Tomorrow is my fun, and fellowship day, and that's the end of my scheduled week. Like King Solomon said in the book of Proverbs. Now we start all over again. I do hope I can keep this bit of energy for awhile because I have felt pretty tired, and hopeless for some time now. I don't care to admit it because I think I have a legitimate reason to feel that way. The Corona Virus has changed the whole world drastically. Especially to those who are regular readers of God's Word. We know that things will, no doubt, get worse as time goes by. God will only tolerate the evil sin that has so bravely swept over our country making it a shame to live here, only so long, and enough is enough. The God fearing, and followers of Jesus, will have to suffer also because we love even our enemies. Some of our own loved ones are part of the evil blasphemers, Of course we suffer when we see them suffering. God gets no joy from it either, but He formed the world according to His own desire, and He will never go back on his Word. All of this being said, God does have a way to comfort His faith followers, and by His Holy Spirit I have found comfort. As King Solomon said, even though life is useless, let us live and be happy for as long as our time allows. Proverbs chapter 5. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

"This Is My Voice Today"

“This Is My Voice Today” So where do I start today. I had a restless night last night, and today I am feeling useless. I did get ready and go to the Center for lunch, but since coming home I have been puzzled to say the least. Everything seems in vain. A great tide of evil waves has all but washed us away. If we manage to ride them out, how long will it be before another comes rolling in? I feel compelled to ride these rough waves for as long as it takes, even unto death. I can, and I will, complete this course of life. King Solomon said in his book of Proverbs that life is useless, and I think most of us have to think that also, but we are not here by our own choice so I surrender all to my Creator without question. I will find a way to beat the odds of a useless life. By faith I will leave teardrop stains on everything I have touched reminding people of how much I believed in this Great Creator. Silence is no help to God, although there is a time to be silent. A time to hurt, and a time to heal. A time to tear down, and a time to build up. A time to weep, and a time for joy. These are just a few of the things King Solomon told us in the book of Proverbs. Jesus never shed a tear for Himself, but he did weep for others. I have to ask are we crying for our self, or crying for others? I feel like I have to say for both reasons do I cry. When I see the pain, and misfortune of others it causes me to hurt also. Every time I vision my Jesus hanging on that cruel cross I have to cry. He hears me, and gives me peace. No greater love hath no man than this. Now is the time for me to prepare for work tomorrow. I have to cook a meat for Chuck's lunch tomorrow since there is no time for that before I leave in the morning. Today's time for play is over. But I have enjoyed while it lasted. I'm asking God for a better night's rest tonight. My work tomorrow is quite tiring, and I cannot put it off any longer. I will ride out this tide by the grace of God. I've stayed on top all week, and I will continue to bounce on the rest of the week. Hopefully we can get a little calmness in a few days. However, it will continue to blow in again. Keep your trust in Jesus, He is the calmer of all storms. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Please don't play God"

“Please Don't Play God” I just got home from work and had to say another quick thank you to our God for giving us a peaceful day. I can see where many more people are waking up to the fact that the bible is not just a story book. However, many are lost, and have no idea what to do. They are still trying to believe it's not as bad as a lot of people think. I totally differ with that belief. I think most people are so blind to the bible that they have no idea how bad it will get. They refuse to give up their daily comfort habits, and look for ways to help those who are not so comfortable. I am very aware that any of us could wind up any time being in great trouble just for trying to help someone, never to harm anyone, but the times have changed, and we are totally at risk with anything we do, or do not do. I absolutely believe that, and keep a hand to my Father's coattail at all times. It's dam if we do, and dam if we don't. The Isis enemy is not only in Afghanistan, but right here in America also. President Trump had them on the run, but since he was robbed of his power Isis is gaining ground like a steak of lightening, I might say while so many are still holding onto foolish habits. I am not a tee totally believer of sin free people, and believe we should seek the best therapy treatments possible, but we should always make sure we are close enough to God to reach His coattail. This may sound childish, but we are children of God. Help us Lord to never stray far. Genesis 3:19. In the sweat of thy face thou shalt eat bread, till thou return unto the ground: for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. I dare say I am cleaner than anyone, but I can say no one is cleaner than I. We all were made from dirt. Of course we know that we all will be judged because God made us to work, and be faithful to His teachings. I believe the Ten Commandants are the steadfast teachings of God, and if we truly live by them, we will be accepted as a good and faithful servant. The main thing we Christians have to worry about today is keeping ourselves right with God. We must not let others tell us what to do when we have a personal relationship with God. We can relate to others what we believe, but never say you have to do the same. I think this life is a mystery to all mankind, but I trust God for everything He is doing. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp .

Monday, August 16, 2021

"Pass Me Not Oh Gentle Savior"

“Pass Me Not Oh Gentle Savior” Last night for the first time to my realization I met a bible Philosopher who echoed my own Philosophy. Solomon, the son of David, is believed to be the author of the book of Ecclesiastes. The introduction to Ecclesiastes, of the Good News Bible, describes Solomon as a Philosopher. The first chapter of this book just about blew me away. I might say it would be best not to read this chapter unless you are a strong, Christian believer who would never dare to question the reality of Almighty God. Solomon calls life useless. I will warn you of the deep depression that could grip your mind if you are sincere about the creation of the world which we live in. Ecclesiastes chapter 1, 2-5. It is useless, useless, said the Philosopher. Life is useless, all useless. 3. you spend your life working, laboring, and what do you have to show for it? 4. Generations come and generations go, but the world stays just the same. 5. The sun still rises, and it still goes down, wearily back to where it must start all over again. Then verse 8. Everything leads to weariness --- A weariness too great for words. Out eyes can never see enough to be satisfied; our ears can never hear enough. The KJV of these verses have the same meaning, just worded a bit differently. These same thoughts have entered my mind many times, and no doubt yours too, but thank God our parents taught us to never question God. By faith we will understand it better by and by. Especially in these times we're living in now, people are looking everywhere for something to control their nerves. There is nothing lasting, but the love of God. Let us take Him at His Word, and trust Him with all our heart, and soul. If the wisest King on earth, King Solomon, said life is useless, it does not mean we have to agree, but to be for sure do not try to correct King Solomon. Our wisdom could never begin to match his. I live from day to day trying to trust God with every breath I breath. I try in some way to tell others to do the same. My body is flesh, and blood, and it is subject to abuse by prescription drugs or a surgeons knife just like anyone else, but God told me long ago to always trust Him. I trust Him to guide me when I seek to find a good doctor, or hospital that also trust God with their expertise. I hope, and pray that my life will not have been lived in vain. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp ecc

Sunday, August 15, 2021

"The Evil Have Set Their Own Trap"

“The Evil Have Set Their Own Trap” I came home from church today to hear some more devastating news. The Taliban extremest had taken over Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. The U S embassy would be cleared out within 72 hours. This is nothing more than we have been expecting every since our own country, America, was taken over by extremest liberals. Eight months in power by these liberals have already brought our country to the weakest point it has been in years. We might as well face it, we are also a near powerless nation..We do have The Great Creator on our side, but we do not know how long, or how much He will let America suffer before He destroys the source to which caused this evil. All ye Luke-warm Christians, ye better turn up the heat, or you will get spewed out of God's mouth. Revelations 3: 15,16. The time is nearer than we think. Any human being in their right mind can see with their own eyes why God would be angry at this sin-sick nation. I am not an expert on remedies of any kind, but I can see the poisonous effect form allowing sin to continue without boldly condemning it. I said, condemn, not condone. This statement could cause a lot of confusion, but we can draw our own line without crossing it. We do not have to straddle the line. It requires a continued effort to be pleasing to God. After all He is the only one we have to answer to. Again I would like to quote one of my favorites. “One ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.” Then second favorite. “If any lack wisdom let them ask of God.” If we have, and still are seeking wisdom in these hard times, we will not be left to run to and fro trying to escape evil. I believe with all my heart the true Christian has a Godly shield around them. The bible teaches this. Are we doing all we can to help others receive this shield? Even when they fight us off with hateful words of untruth. We know our hearts, and like I've said before honesty is God's most loved word. False accusations do not mean a thing to God. But it does to the accuser. We here in our little remote areas feel so safe from the blood shed that larger areas are experiencing, but mark my word, very soon we will be just as unsafe as any. The evil has gotten out of control, and it's spreading like wildfire. We must embrace ourselves to accept what God is going to allow. We can deny the truth, but we can't stop it. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, August 14, 2021

"We Can Say We Believe Something Is Wrong Without Being Dishonest"

“We Can Say We Believe Something Is Wrong Without Being Dishonest” Today is bringing to close another week of blessings however, I am still concerned about our future. It seems as though each new day we are struggling harder to keep the faith in our Almighty God. Not because we think He is failing us, but because we are failing Him. “Without faith it is impossible to please God.” But faith for what? Faith for victory over death, and the grave. We cannot keep living after our appointed time, but we can keep believing 1 Corinthians 15: 6, “Oh death where is thou sting? Oh grave where is thou victory.” Another scripture says “to die is to gain.” We never want to give up our precious loved ones, but we must remember these scriptures. Many are dying from the terrible, deadly Corona Virus, and many are dealing with the effects of the shot. It does look like it will go on until the world's population has decreased drastically. It all depends upon God's will. Jesus said “not my will but thine be done.” This is when He was fixing to be nailed to the cross for our sins. Lately I have been thinking we the people have no justice system any more. I feel like we have been overpowered by evil people. I could not see any hope for the future of a Godly Nation again. But last night while reading my bible these words were so positive to me. Proverbs 29:16, When evil men are in power, crime increases. But the righteous will live to see the downfall of such men. I have renewed my faith in The Almighty God. God does not lie, nor does He ever get it wrong. I also read in those verses that lair's are one of God's worst enemies. Honesty seemed to be the most stressed, loved word to God. Can we think of any time we were not honest? Yes I can, and it bothers me a lot. I know my sins have been forgiven, but what about living the best, honest life we possible can live? Some of us still need to take a wake-up pill, and stop being dishonest. According to Proverbs, it is dishonest to flatter someone just because it's a nice thing to do. Aren't we all guilty of that? That leads back to the old teaching of our churches. “If you can't say something good about someone, don't say anything at all. That would not be dishonest. I don't mind being corrected, but I may not always agree with the error. I just have to have respect for an honest person, even though I may not agree. There is a lot to be learned from the book of Proverbs, and it was written for our own benefit. It is the book of wisdom, which comes before judgment. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, August 13, 2021

"Why Why Why"

“Why Why Why” We were made happy again today at the Center. Two people that we had been concerned about for some time both showed up today. Both looked good, and we all were so thankful to see them. One of our other faithful members who had been missing for over a year due to the Corona virus, was there for the second time today. She came last Wednesday, and it was so encouraging to see her. My positive side is still on top, and I'm trying hard to keep it there. I painted on my Amsterdam beauty scene for two hours after lunch. I am beginning to feel more positive about that also. I am beginning to think God lets Satan have control over us from time to time just to prove to him that we are never going to give into the old wicked demon. Our faith is made stronger if we endure those dirty tricks Satan tries to persuade us to do. A dream I had last night surly is the end of my struggle with that chief of all demons. When I woke up I said, “God thank you for letting that be just a dream.” In the dream I was not a victim, I was the evil one, but was doing something that no way on earth would I really have done that. My dad has been gone for forty years, and I am always praising him for teaching me God's Word, and giving my brothers, and sisters, and I such a good life. In that dream last night I was cursing my dad out, and telling him I had had enough of him, and it was good-bye to him forever. I was being more evil than Satan. I never talked back to my dad growing up, or never wanted to. I don't understand why I had such an evil dream. I cry every day when I think about how much my dad sacrificed for me. And just before he died I saw him cry and say, I wish I could have given my kids more than what I did. That was, and still is so hard for me to take. Another word of encouragement I want to pass on. No matter how hard life gets to be for you, never, never give up on God. It's God or Satan, and I will always choose God. As much as my earthly father loved me, God loves me even more. He tells us that in His Word. I am making a sacrifice at this time for God that some may call me crazy for doing, but until God tells me enough is enough I will keep it up. “All things happen for a reason. At the end of the day Satan is always a loser. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, August 12, 2021

"Look To The Lamb Of God"

“Look To The Lamb Of God” Another very hot day today. Hoping this will change in a few more days. I'm tired of looking at brown lawns. Most people quit trying to keep their yards green. Water was too expensive, and unless you had an underground sprinkler it was too hot to go out and keep moving the hose sprinkler. No matter how much you watered the flowers they just wouldn't bloom well. We are patiently waiting for better days. There is one thing for sure we aught to be extremely thankful for cool homes, and pure water to drink. We should never take this blessing for granite. We all are intelligent enough to see what's happening to our country, but we are also intelligent enough to know our God can change all of that in the twinkling of an eye. I will never doubt Him. He gave me that promise many years ago, and I'm still standing on it. In the eyes of man things may look impossible, but in the eyes of God all things are possible. You may not see me, or hear me, but I am giving praises to my God for my many blessings every minute of my wake time. God sees, and hears, and that's all that matters. I just have a word or two for anyone who thinks they can smart mouth God, or His people and get by with it, “YOU CANNOT.” Read the book of Proverbs if you think I'm wrong. Remember God also knows our thoughts. They are buried in our heart. Let us make sure our heart is right with God. Why do I write these words today, because of a reason I do not know for sure, but it could be for someone who has verbally disrespected, or for someone who has been holding ugly feelings against someone in their heart. When Jesus spoke and told His disciples that someone at this table here tonight will betray me, it was alarming to them all. They began to ask, is it I, is it I, but Judas was the one who fit the sin. Let us all search our hearts for un-repented sin. If it is I, Lord, please let me know without delay. I will be the first to try and fix the problem. There has to be a remedy for every stricken member of Christs Church Body. If it is not found, and fixed the body will die. I plead with God to take charge, and help fix the broken part of the body of Christ. Healing is what we need. How far do we still have left to go before that happens? Too far? Never in the name of Jesus, never. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

"Feelings Doesn't Matter Blood Matters"

“Feelings Doesn't Matter Blood Matters” Yes my day has been a good one so far. Had lunch at the Center today, with friends, and was happily surprised to have one of our old table pardners back with us. She has been staying away for over a year because of the Corona virus. Almost every day something happens to encourage us, and keep us staying positive. However, there is always that something to try and take away that positive attitude. “He that is in us is greater than he that is out of us.” A wise old proverb that everyone should remember. I may be slow to catch on to a lot of things, but soon or later it all will make sense. At the end of this life I have a feeling of being one of the happiest saints in heaven. I sometimes wonder if there I will still try to hold onto my behavior like I try hard to do here on earth. I have never wanted to be in the spotlight, so whether for greatness, or stupidity, I try to act like an adult, as my father always told me to do. “Which kind of adult, dad? “Don't get smart with me?” I started growing up pretty fast. I learned what respect for elders meant. We let our children get away with much more disrespect than our parents did, and I believe every generation has failed more, and more in this area of teaching. Although I can't explain why, I feel like the prophets of long ago knew this would happen. All we, as parents, and grandparents can do is ask God for patience, and wisdom to tolerate the hate, and disrespect they put us through. Put it in God's hands and leave it there. But always know God will never leave you nor forsake you. As for the haters God's Word tells us they will suffer for their hate. All in all The Word tells us LOVE convereth a multitude of sins. I hope my love is enough to pass that. I do not like to see anyone suffer. I just have to mention a little story I heard about which is suppose to have happened. A son was very close to his mother, and his mover loved him dearly. The son met a girl and fell in love and married her. But she was a very jealous person of the son's mother. She told her husband you have got to get rid of her. You have got to kill her or I will leave you. The husband killed his mother. One day he fell and broke a leg. His mother appeared to him and asked, are you ok? Do we have that kind of love for our haters? I hope so. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp |

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

"Thankful For The Comfort I Have"

“Thankful For The Comfort I Have” Tuesday, August 10, 2021, 100 degree in Perryton, Texas. Nothing could make a day at home more interesting than a day like this. I don't exactly have anything to shout about, but I am comfortable. Maybe too comfortable to care about anyone else. That is not true with me today. I have been thinking all day about several members of my family in great need of God's healing mercy. I need to see signs of this happening more than anything else. It's a constant battle to live on this planet, and stay positive about tomorrow. People with this proven attitude day, after day, have got to be prophets chosen by God. I am determined to stay in touch with these special gifted servants even when it seems we have lost them, or if the enemy tries to make us believe they are not genuine. When they do fall, like all humankind is bound to do, I will look for another door of wisdom to open for me. “I shall not be moved like a tree that's planted by the water, I shall not be moved.” Every day I look for that blessing I already know God has for me. You may not recognize it, but I will. Naturally I am tired at the end of the day, but I am always feeling refreshed when I wake up in the morning. I start watching, and waiting for good news. There is some bad, but always some good if we are of a positive mind. I have no idea what, if anything, anyone might get from reading my blogs, but because I have dedicated my life to the Creator of all things, I will be yielded forever for that service. When we have done our job, we can let God do the finish work. My plans for tomorrow are to enjoy another special day with friends sharing a good lunch at the Center. After that I don't know what I will be doing, but I know it will be something to satisfy my ego. I have to show myself that I can do all things through Christ who strength me, just like Paul, the apostle, said. Anything we chose to do, we should do it well. God does not like sloppy work, so let us put everything we have into doing a good job. The things I don't even try to do, God forgive me for trying to make excuses. Some are genuine, and some are not. By faith I am forgiven. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, August 8, 2021

"Freedom Of Speech My Friends"

“Freedom Of Speech My Friend” Another one of those Sunday afternoons where you just want to relax, and keep your mind blocked. I don't know if that's a good thing to do or not. It seems like the more you try to understand the more confused you get. It is so hard to believe what we're seeing happen right before our eyes. I have just about lost all words that I was using to explain some of this mysterious, senseless, vague, empty, form of communication that goes on, and on. Seven days a week even Sundays this is the fulfillment of time. When will the reality come back? Will it ever? Is time of no essence anymore? Are most people as alarmed as I, and just keep quiet about it? Or are they refusing to admit that parlous times are upon us? In either case I do not have a solution. We will keep bearing our cross as long as God allows. I will do all I can to help someone else bear theirs, but the bible tells us there is a cross for everyone. I will not allow some bible, so called experts, take away that reality from me. The Libertarians can preach only love, and no sacrifice all they want, but don't expect me to believe it. When they say sin is no longer sin, and wrong is no longer wrong, they are not only taking themselves to a place of damnation, but many others who believed them. I'm thankful for the forgiveness of our sins, but we still sin every day of our life. They must be confessed, and forgiven by our Lord, Jesus Christ. The big question now is what is our duty to help restore God's presence in our country once again? Can it be done by staying home from church? Can it be done by going to church, but remain voiceless? Has our song of praise been taken from us, and replaced with a new song of trying to convince Jesus that we know who He is, but where have you gone to? I in good faith cannot continue to accept such nonsense. If I cannot feel the presence of God in His house, then I will not go. I truly believe that is the reason so many church pews are empty today. God has been shut out. It is not “Our way or the hi-way.” It is God's way. I am so saddened to see such haughty attitudes in some of the highest church leaders. I believe some day they will have a sad awaking. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, August 7, 2021

"Freedom To Wear My Pajamas All Day"

“Freedom To Wear My Pajamas All Day” Saturday is the only day that I have free to do nothing, or whatever I want. Today I have fully taken advantage of it. I have done nothing but talk on the phone. Feeling guilty, but if there is no interest it's better to leave everything undone. I am told these kind of days happens to everybody. Just hoping they don't happen too often. Every day this week except this one has been a good one. Tomorrow I start a new week. It begins with church then something every morning the rest of the week. I'm so thankful that three of those days will be shared with wonderful friends for lunch at the Center. The other two will be shared with my son, Chuck, and a good friend living next door to him. I am truly blessed in so many ways. If I have to put my projects on hold for awhile that will be o k. Joy, peace, and happiness come first, and far most in my life now. Several members in my family need prayers at this time, and I will put them first. God help me not to sound doubtful in these troubling times, even though that is a battle within it's self. We must stay positive, whatever it takes. That depends mostly upon who we connect with outside of God. The book of Proverbs tells us to sit with the wise otherwise we will become foolish..I hope I can distinguish between the two. Sometimes there is a thin line between the two. I became a joker after I married my husband. That was what he was best at. I had to learn to stay even with him. Then sure enough three of my four kids grew up to be humorous also. The other one never hardly smiled at anything. To this day he is totally serious about everything. I would label my husband, and children as being part of the wiser group even though they joked a lot. Wise does not always mean rich or famous. It means believing in the Wise Creator of the world, and all that's in it. So wise that He shared His wisdom in written form that no one has been wise enough to understand yet how He did it. The Bible is there for us, and every word of it has proven to be the Inspired Word of God. Anyone who don't believe in it is nothing but a fool. From those remove yourself from their presence. Taken from the book of Proverbs. I leave you now with hopes you attend church tomorrow. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, August 6, 2021

"How Much Farther Do We Lack"

“How Much Farther Do We Lack” What a good week I have had. One more day, and I can say I have had a blessed day every day. I have missed writing my blogs for the last three days, but that was because my mind had been working on some more important things. I have learned to be more flexible with my time. My schedule is no longer in effect. It's from now on if I can I will, if I can't don't worry. This change of attitude possible happened because of an answer to pray, which I didn't know I was asking for. When we say, “Lord It's all in your hands I will not worry about it, He will take us at our word.” Nothing can be more rewarding than that if we will keep our promise to God. The highlight of this day has been lunch at the Center with friends. If I do nothing else the rest of the day, I can take pleasure in feeling the encouragement these friends give me. They answer a lot of questions for me without my even asking. Is this not a blessing from God? Then our eyes let us know some things that words would never have told us. It's just always good to be with good people who believe in God. The happiest I can be is when I see someone walk in who looks 100 percent better than they looked last week. It always renews my faith. Then I must go to a place that is much less encouraging because God has lots of unfinished business, and needs our help. Sorry if you disagree with me on that, but that is a big positive for me. As I read the book of Proverbs, which I call the book of wisdom and knowledge, I am learning something new every day. I can't recall how many times I have read this book, but it almost seems like I'm reading it for the first time. I've never found it to be this alarming before. So many people have a way of trying to explain this “straight forward” book, but I take it word for word for what it says. Of course the sacrifice Jesus made with his life does help to claim victory over sin, but I do not feel like it voids the book of Proverbs. There has to be a reason it still remains in God's Word. Neither do I believe we can pick, and choose what we want to believe. I will say not everything we think it means is to be explained any other way, but I fear some are mocking the reality of God's wisdom. The word says no one is perfect, but we all should strive to be perfect. Just to remember that the love of God is the most perfect thing we can strive for. If we love God we love everyone. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, August 2, 2021

"Give It Your Best Guess"

“Give It Your Best Guess” Well folks the fun is over for today now I have got to get to work. Lunch with friends at the Center today was beyond pleasant. It was hilarious. Yours truly exposed a fact about the consequences of getting old. The only requirement about repeating this “old age”drama was not to tell the children. It could be a “good-bye” home to the victim of a good intention. If I'm asked any more questions, I will not answer. Some things are best not to explain. The power of thinking is more important than relaxing in a recliner. I hear you my wisdom friend. I will sit less, and dance more. What fun it is to be simply me. I believe God is pleased with that also. After talking to my sister on the phone this morning about this bit of drama, she had the right message I needed to complete my mystery. She just reinforced my thought of what I believed about this unsolved mystery. I had not given her any clue about what I thought, but her belief matched mine exactly. Some things are just meant to give us more confidence in ourselves when it may have seemed just the opposite. At least I'm taking that for a fact at this time. I'm ready to try it out, just give me a little time. I still have a thing or two on hold that I'm curious about. In time it will be made known to me, and I can feel satisfied. It will be then that I will understand why I have not been impatient to wait for the right time. In the meantime I will keep praying for these possibly hard times some have to bear. Yes, I hear you saying you are the one who needs prayer. I agree, but evidently someone's prayer is being answered because I feel so positive about God answering my prayers. It's all about love, and trust in the One who gives us breath every second of every day, and night. When more people believe this they will depend less on someone else to pray for them. If we do not have faith to believe for our own needs how can we believe for someone else needs? If I finish my assigned work for today I must sigh off, and get busy. “Never let the sun go down on your anger of frustration.” God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, August 1, 2021

"Dance Or March i'm Going In"

“Dance Or March I'm Going In” What a nice shower we had today. It cooled things off, and the yard already looks better. My car got a good rinsing off on the way to church, but I didn't have to open my umbrella. How nice mother nature has been to me lately. Church attendance was good today, and I'm thankful for that. I feel ready to start another week of fun, and excitement. Lunch at the Center tomorrow is already pulling at me. Something good must be going to happen. Our cooks fix delicious chicken tenders with all the extras. The only bad thing about my eating regularly at the Center again is that it's putting pounds on me. My heart won't like that. Oh my! What a life of ups, and downs. My brain keeps trying to fail me, but it just don't know how stubborn I am. I will get my thoughts out whether in words, or on canvas. Nothing is going to stop me. The love of God controls my life, and I wouldn't have it any other way. So what if I miss a step or two on the dance floor. I can slide back on track, thank you. I'm waiting for that perfect dancer to come along and teach me perfection. Oh course I don't dance in reality, but I do spiritually. “When the saints go marching in, I hope to be in that number.” I might even dance my way in. I am so ready to spend some time with my sisters again. The long distance between us makes that hard to happen very often, but I have faith to believe it will happen soon. God has blessed us all with so much more than we deserve. Not with worldly goods, but with precious peace. We can all lay in our beds in the same motel room or house, and sleep all night without waking up. Can God be any better to us than that? Our mom and dad's four daughters are all still living as widows, but we still have each other. We all are still able to do our own business, and help others with theirs. I am the oldest, but can manage to make the others behave. Please don't tell them I said that. Any three of them would go to the moon if possible to help me if I needed them. And I believe God would make it possible. Here's wishing everyone a very happy, and prosperous week. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp