Sunday, March 31, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Birds Are Free So Are We As Yet"

Jean's Comment's: "Birds Are Free So Are We As Yet":        Shying away from my camera, but otherwise very friendly. 3-31-2019 Perryton, TX   This bird was eager to greet me this morning...

"Birds Are Free So Are We As Yet"

       Shying away from my camera, but otherwise very friendly. 3-31-2019 Perryton, TX

This bird was eager to greet me this morning, but he shied away from my camera. Or maybe he just wanted me to get a good view of his head. Either way I was pleased with the shot. He never left his position until after I left mine. Gotta love my birds. I am reminded of something I read on face book yesterday. It said birds eats ants, but when the birds die ants eat the birds. Something to think about. This could be said about humans eating wildlife if the human body was left on top of the ground. My grandfather loved rabbit, and squirrels. My husband was an elk, and deer hunter, We ate their meat. All of those would probably gobble up human flesh if they could get to it. Not a good subject to talk about this Sunday morning. I have heard even worse than that.

Tomorrow is April Fools Day. I'm trying to stay alert, and be prepared for the jokes. I will be having lunch at the Center, and those dear folk love playing tricks on each other. This year is passing so fast. I don't like to think about it, but how can I keep from it. I need more interesting things to do. I'm through with work, and I want to enjoy the rest of my life. I do a lot more thinking than doing.

I talked to my sister a few minutes ago. She is not doing well after falling and breaking her hip, and fracturing her shoulder. She is having lots of pain after surgery on her hip and will be have surgery tomorrow on her shoulder. This accident was worse than the usual hip-breaking accident. Although she is 68 she still has other health issues that hinder her healing process. I'm thankful that she has a good attitude. I need to work on mine.

So glad to report that I have talked to my daughter, and my other two sisters within the last 30 minutes. We are keeping each other updated on the condition of our sister in the hospital. It is nice to have someone to share our concerns with, At least maybe I can now relax a bit, and get my mind on something else. There is a lot of news in the making for this next week. Things could get real bad for America, since our President is not going to give into bullying. I am with him all the way. The swamp still has plenty of sewer that has to be cleaned out. However, millions of tons of stinking, liberals have been dug out. They now need to be buried, and covered up. I see that coming soon. We have just the right person in the White House to do it. He can, and will finish the job. What a day of rejoicing that will be. The brightest star in heaven will shine even brighter.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "When Darkness Comes Light The Candles"

Jean's Comment's: "When Darkness Comes Light The Candles":                   A few candles of light but still a lot of darkness. 3-30-2019 Perryton, TX As a child my mom told me there would...

"When Darkness Comes Light The Candles"

                  A few candles of light but still a lot of darkness. 3-30-2019 Perryton, TX

As a child my mom told me there would be days like this, but I never expected her to not always be here to help me through them. All day today the skies have been dark, and the clouds are very unusual. I took this picture I have posted a few minutes ago. It looked like a few candles were appearing to give off a little light. My hopes have been high, then low all day so far. I have tried to be patient, but I need to hear that my sister is doing well after her fall day before yesterday that broke her hip, and slivered her shoulder. So far the only news today has been from her son who visited her last night. He said she was in a lot of pain after surgery. He was on his way back to see her today, but no more news yet. I know that broken hips are common among elderly people, but my sister is only 68, and has been in a fragile condition for years. She is a fighter, and won't give up until the last breath is gone, so I do have that leg to stand on. She can't wait to get out of the hospital so we can continue on with the trip the three of us sisters had planned the day before the accident. I was within one hour from leaving when I got the call. My sister had everything ready but carrying out the trash which she was doing when she fell on the front lawn. I am sure it will be a long recovery, but knowing my sister she will be up, and fighting again in a few weeks. It's me that don't have the fight left in me. My sister, like our mother, was always encouraging me. She is the best thing my mother left me. So these few candles I see in the sky today are proof that my sister's spirit, and our mother's, is still alive.

Just as I finished writing the last word of this last sentence the sun suddenly popped out. Praise the Lord, God is still alive also. I may have to hunt up my sun glasses in a minute. Just when I needed it so much, I got the victory shot. By faith now I will deny that my sister is in bad shape. She is sitting on top of the world. I won't unpack my suitcase or change any of the plans we had made. I will patiently wait for another date to be set. Those words are an echo from my mother. She gave birth to four daughters, and three sons who were all worshipers of her. Our dad was the mortar that held us all together. The brothers are all gone on, but the three sisters still are living. We want to continue this live forever if possible. It has never been about money or fame, but about love, and simplicity.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, March 29, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Just A Flower Or Two Does Help"

Jean's Comment's: "Just A Flower Or Two Does Help":                               The flowers that help to cheer me up. 3-29-2019 Perryton, TX/   So here I am at home. My trip had to be c...

"Just A Flower Or Two Does Help"

                              The flowers that help to cheer me up. 3-29-2019 Perryton, TX/
So here I am at home. My trip had to be canceled. My sister that I was to meet today in Norman, Oklahoma fell, and broke a hip, and fractured a shoulder last night. I got the call this morning about an hour before I was to leave. I had almost everything loaded. This baby sister of mine is just 68 but she had just been released from ICU about three weeks ago with a stomach virus, and in a run-down condition. She was still very weak. Last night when she carried her trash out she fell in the yard, no doubt she was too weak yet to be doing that. She is having surgery today, and is suppose to go home Sunday. I am more than sad that this happened to her. I was going to see her mostly to cheer her up, and bring on the laughs. God does all things well, so I will not question Him on this one. I believe she will come through this, and be stronger than before. She told me a few days ago that she will never give up. I got to admire her courage, and determination to help others even if she has to sacrifice her own body. I went on to the luncheon at the Center today, but my heart was breaking. Thank God for friends there who helped me feel better. I can't go to be with my sister now, because I don't drive in big cities that I am not familiar with, but she has family with her, and I will go as soon as possible. God help us to be patient.

I could have gone to another place to just get away for a day or two, but I did not want to leave my home after this awful thing happened. My spirit will stay with my sister although I will not be there in body. I plan on going to church Sunday, and maybe that's where I should have been going all the time. When God closes one door He opens another. Lately I have been wishy-washy about church. I can't seem to distinguish between where I should be going. I've been trying hard to find peace in my church again. A lot of discouragement is happening there, as in most all churches today, and I have tried to find a place where I could feel happy. To say the least I am living entirely by faith at this time. Taking things one day at a time. I have been blessed extremely these past few months, and I don't understand why I am having these difficult times now trying to find God's will for my life. I still believe there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I will travel on until I reach it. I will let you know when I get there.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "A Needed Rest Is Nigh At Hand"

Jean's Comment's: "A Needed Rest Is Nigh At Hand": 75 degree today in the shade at Perryton, My birds are happy. 3-27-2019 Perryton, TX  Look what Father God gave us today. A beauti...

"A Needed Rest Is Nigh At Hand"

75 degree today in the shade at Perryton, My birds are happy. 3-27-2019 Perryton, TX 

Look what Father God gave us today. A beautiful 75 degree in the shade day. But He forgot to turn the fan off. The wind is a hindrance to my yard work. I'm still waiting for that perfect day, and hopefully a little fairy with a magic wand to whisk away all the dead flowers, and weeds in my yard. At least I pray the Heavenly Father will put a magic wand in my hand. It's coming, I just have to wait for it. I'm thinking when I return from my trip that I'm leaving on this Friday I will have a bit of magic come home with me. I'm so excited, and counting the hours before I get to leave. It's only a week-end get-away trip, but that's all I need to revive my spirit. I will be spending some fun time with my sisters in Norman, Oklahoma. I am so blessed to have such sweet sisters.

I have to mention my sweet 94 year old next door neighbor also. She brought over a check to pay for half of the fence repair that the recent wind blew down. My husband put that fence up before a house was built on that lot, but my neighbor wanted to share the expense. That's like a good neighbor that we all need more of. I do not deserve all the blessings God gives me, but I never fail to thank Him from the smallest, to the largest. Most of all I'm thankful that I recognize God everywhere I look. He is everywhere all the time. He is the world, He is the time, He is the Mystery that will never be known to anyone. I love Him for all those reasons, and I trust Him daily.

My hair appointment is almost here, and since I am the operator I must hurry and sign off of this blog. I am hard to please when it comes to my hair so I usually do it myself. When that's finished I am ready to go on my trip. I do have to work tomorrow, but everything else is done. Friday morning I will be leaving sharply at 9 O'clock a m. I may not write a blog tomorrow, but will be back on the job next week. My best wishes are with everyone who reads my blogs, and I always remember you in my prayers. You will never know how much you have blessed me. Except I believe when we all get to heaven we will find out a lot of things that will truly surprise us. Until then be patient, and keep believing in our God.

God Bless 
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "My God My God"

Jean's Comment's: "My God My God": The sunrise at 10 o'clock this morning in Perryton ,TX.  3-26-2019 Perryton, TX Struggling through the clouds this morning the ...

"My God My God"

The sunrise at 10 o'clock this morning in Perryton ,TX.  3-26-2019 Perryton, TX

Struggling through the clouds this morning the sun finally made it's way partly through. The weather is nice, but has been cloudy off, and on all day. The weeds are taking advantage of the misty weather, and are growing by leaps, and bounds. They need to be sprayed badly. We cannot wait but one more day to spray Chuck's peach tree. It is ready now, and the tree is full of blooms. We need to spray for worms, and insects.

My sister made reservations at River Wind in Norman, Oklahoma today. My two sisters, and I will be meeting there next Friday. I can hardly wait, but have a lot to do before I can leave. Chuck was not feeling well today, and I hope he is better before Friday. It is hard for me to leave town if he is not well. Most of his friends live far off, and the two that live here both work. He is a survivor though, and somehow makes it through rough times. He never wants to be a burden to anyone. He is my strength when I am weak.

Today has given me another reason to believe that our Great American principles are a thing of the past. The criminal who was found guilty of staging a robbery has unbelievably been dismissed of all charges by the prosecutor. This was a sound case of fraud with proof to back it up, but money does talk, and also power from some who have acquired money illegally. This distributing decision by a prosecutor today has raised anger from many believers of the law, and has put deep doubt in the minds of those who have risked their lives to uphold the law. It is just another sign that brave policeman, and sheriffs, are no longer able to do their job without evil prevailing. Many people without any fault of their own, and because of lack of understanding American law, have been used to profit the evil wealth seekers. When such demon attackers have finally been caught, and charged, they still are successfully set free. The victims are not. I see absolutely no hope for this 250 year old country that God has blessed for all those years. The evil power has finally made it's way to the top of those seeking justice for all. This powerful giant has been let go unchallenged too long. Without a doubt he has a right to laugh and make fun of those whom he out smarted. Where do we go from here? Deeper, and deeper into the pits of hell. I pray that every Christian will stop whining, and declare to God that He is able to smite this giant with one stone. I don't believe it will happen if you, and I don't declare it. No more wishy, washy, hocus-pocus pretenders please. This is a serious crisis situation America is in, and nothing but the mercy, not because of our worthiness, but only mercy will we get an answer from Him.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, March 25, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "A Mere Home Body Speaks Out"

Jean's Comment's: "A Mere Home Body Speaks Out": The fruit trees are not waiting any longer. They are ready to produce. 3-25-2019 Perryton, TX   I can't tell them to wait awhile...

"A Mere Home Body Speaks Out"

The fruit trees are not waiting any longer. They are ready to produce. 3-25-2019 Perryton, TX

I can't tell them to wait awhile because it might come another big freeze. These fruit trees are ready to produce, and I am holding my breath for them. For the past two years after all the trees were solid blooms we got a late freeze, and had no fruit at all. Hopefully this year we will not be disappointed. Within another week I expect all the trees to be bloomed out. Apple, cherry, plums, and peaches. The strawberries are growing, and the asparagus is coming up.

I have been watching news most of the day. It is time for me to change the atmosphere in my house. The same old commits are being said over, and over about the findings of the Special Council Report. I predict that many people are going to lose their minds before the war of words are ever finished. I am hearing from very knowledgeable people several times a day that this country is suffering the very effects of a coup attempt. I have said that myself from the start of our President's inauguration. It has been obvious to me, and I think many others have believed the same thing. Those who didn't want to believe that are waking up now, but I am afraid it's too late. It will take nothing less than a miracle of God to save this country from evil destruction. Things are happening that makes one wonder why our President has any power left at all. Some of his own party is against him. The Democrats have helped the Muslim religion take seats in Congress, and are letting them control already. How much more are people going to have to see before they admit it's just about all over for America. Israel is being attacked more and more every day, and that religion also is being split. Confusion is rampant all over the world. Mental illness has tripled in the past few years. Brilliant people are losing their minds by the score. Is it too late to fix the mess we are in? Only God can answer that, but I believe He has put the right person in our White House to deal with the odds. Let us all stay faithful, and pray more than ever before. We still have some hope, but it seems to be fading daily. The giant was a way bigger than anyone imagined. But I truly believe we have a lot of Little David's that haven't showed up yet. They will be waiting to be called, but in the meantime they are herding sheep. Sheep herders don't fill their bellies full of drugs, and alcohol. They are sharp shooters, and never miss a bull's eye. Hold on dear brother's, and sister's, we are close to the finish line. God is on our side.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Beauty Among The Beast"

Jean's Comment's: "Beauty Among The Beast":           My first flowers of spring to dress up and make me cheerful. 3-24-2019 Perryton, TX   A happy day today. My purple Crocus ar...

"Beauty Among The Beast"

          My first flowers of spring to dress up and make me cheerful. 3-24-2019 Perryton, TX
A happy day today. My purple Crocus are looking pretty, and they make me cheerful. They were the first flower I have to bloom. Tulips will be next, then daffodils. The only thing I don't like about these flowers is they don't bloom very long. But I can say they are beautiful while they are blooming. I made a start today in getting my yard ready for the major treatment. Lots of raking, and cleaning leaves out of the flower beds. Then the mower guy will come, and get the yard ready for me to weed, and feed. Plants have to come out of winter storage, and be placed in their usual places. I have a large planter of Texas Blue Bonnets almost ready to bloom. I sprayed my gold nugget today, and a planter that struts a bright gold finish. I am on my way to recovery from winter cabin fever. Little by little I am gaining on my ton of yard work.

I know this is Sunday, but I stayed home from church to wait for the Special Council's report on the Russian Collusion. I was delighted to hear that Our President Trump has been right from day one. He did nothing wrong, and the entire two year probe was nothing but a witch hunt. The Democrats were scared to death after Hillary didn't win the presidency because they had done so many evil things and they knew President Trump had them trapped. They all were involved in treason, and selling our countries security to other countries for billions of dollars. They used the money to make themselves rich. It was a do or die for them to take after President Trump with some of that stolen money. They paid money to a Russian spy to make up lies on our President, thinking that would get him impeached, and they could get away with their crimes. Today we learned they were proven wrong, and I believe they are shaking in their boots. I pray every one of those evil doers will be charged, and prosecuted for their war crimes. Their sins have caught up with them, and no lawyer will be smart enough to argue their case to God. The billions of dollars they stole from our country, and others will do nothing but haunt them. The many murdered lives they are responsible for will lay heavily on their minds. I fully believe those evil people will rot even before they are buried. They deserve every bit of the misery they will be laden with. If I were allowed I would say to God, “hurry up and give them their punishment.” I wonder how much longer He will wait. I know that much suffering is already happening to a lot of those evil demons, but so far they have been able to keep it covered up. Their money hasn't all run out yet, but it won't last much longer. I pray that God will strip them all of their American power they are still hanging onto.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Steak For Two My Son And I"

Jean's Comment's: "Steak For Two My Son And I":                        Steak night at our house tonight. Choice sirloin. 3-23-2019 Perryton, TX It's a lovely day today in Perryt...

"Steak For Two My Son And I"

                       Steak night at our house tonight. Choice sirloin. 3-23-2019 Perryton, TX
It's a lovely day today in Perryton, TX. I chose to cook steaks on the grill for dinner tonight. I enjoyed sitting out while the steaks cooked slowly on the grill. I plan to have baked potatoes, and salad to go with them. I emptied an inch of rain out of the rain gauge that had collected over a few days. The ground is wet, and things are growing by leaps and bounds. I would like to run away from all the work I need to do in my yard, but I can't do that. I work by moods any more, and the moods don't come as often as they used to. However, they will come sooner or later.

This Saturday has been spent goofing off. Not much work accomplished, but I called my sister in Oklahoma City and told her I needed to get away for a few days. I felt like I was in a rut, and needed my two sisters to meet me in Clinton, for a refreshing of my, get up and go thing. She agreed with me, and we are planning to meet next week-end. That's going to be the longest week I've spent in a long time. I am ready to go now, but that's not possible. The way my mood changes I may not even want to go by next week-end. I am fast becoming an impossible misfit. I think I understand how children born without any brothers, or sisters feel. It just isn't fair for them to be raised all alone. For six years I have been all alone, and it's a horrible life to have to live.

I feel so proud of myself anymore at just running the sweeper over part of my house at a time. There is nothing physically wrong with me, but I just don't want to do my work. Little by little I keep the place livable, but it sure isn't any fun. I am sorry to have to say, but I get friend request on face book a lot from what I believe is nice men, but since I don't know them I will not accept their request. The world is too full of evil anymore to trust anyone much, even some you do know sometimes turn out to be deceivers. I have to wonder how God puts up with it. I will never give up on finding that true one fellow who will fill in the loneliness that I am left with. I may never find him, but I will keep trying. All my lady friends are just like me, lonely widows, but too afraid to change it. God help us to find friendship with both male, and female sweeties. We all need that balance, because God made us that way. If my sweet brother were still alive he would make up for everything my husband took away from me when he passed into his next life. I was grieving happily for six months until my brother suddenly was told he had four weeks to live because of cancer that had spread through his body. He had no idea, and was having such a happy life. Oh well God knows best, and does all things well.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, March 22, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Before His Funeral He Cried"

Jean's Comment's: "Before His Funeral He Cried":                              My vision of my savior, Jesus Christ. 3-22-2019 Perryton, TX   It's getting close to Easter, and I ...

"Before His Funeral He Cried"

                             My vision of my savior, Jesus Christ. 3-22-2019 Perryton, TX

It's getting close to Easter, and I was given a thought this morning that cheered me up immensely. After a scandalous, injustice, and testing of my faith the past two or three days, I was seeking favor from someone, anyone, besides my Heavenly Father. I needed someone to share my anger with. I have repented of that. I remembered my baby sister who lives 250 miles from me, but was the right person at the time to understand my frustrations. I called her, and was unloading my anger, confusion, and yes, pity, when another call came in and settled the whole conglomerate. At the end of the day a new me was resurrected. I was still wondering this morning what lesson I could take from such a discouraging few days of almost defeat.

It was at this time that I remembered the most loneliness, and almost unbearable pain that anyone human could possible endure. Our Lord, and Savior was about to be crucified for a sin He never committed. He knew who He was, and He knew what He was facing, yet the human He had become after leaving His Heavenly Father, had made Him suffer immensely before the final death on the cross. Finally the grief overtook the human feeling that possessed him, and for a short moment Jesus cried out. “ Father if possible let this cup pass from me, not my will, but Thine be done.” I had written a blog before on this subject, and posted this same picture of Jesus that I had depicted of Him. Now it was obvious to me that my frustrations, insults, and even being ignored by others, was a testing just like our Jesus had to endure. But there is always a good ending to the inevitable if we keep trusting God. Many, many times Satan has tried to trap me into saying God don't care about me, or He wouldn't let me be treated the way I am sometimes. But I always remember the millions of times I have felt blessed to the highest of highs. Like Jesus, I always say, “not my will Lord, but Thine be done.”

At this time I feel positive I am still going through that testing time, and I was just given a temporary relief, but I will keep trusting God for whatever lies ahead. It's hard, and many will say we are crazy to go through some of the things we are forced to do, but I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to do that which He has promised unto me until that day. God knows when we have had enough, and will not put more on us than we are able to stand. That is His own words from His Holy Word. He is my rock, my fortress, my Savior, and my Heavenly Father. In Him I shall not want. It's better to suffer for God's sake than to suffer for Satan's sake. Suffering is inevitable, and we have a choice as to who will gain for our suffering. I hope all will say “God is my choice.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Flowers From An Evil Seed"

Jean's Comment's: "Flowers From An Evil Seed":                   These may be weeds but I think they are pretty. 3-20-2019 Perryton, TX   My son's back yard is covered with these...

"Flowers From An Evil Seed"

                  These may be weeds but I think they are pretty. 3-20-2019 Perryton, TX
My son's back yard is covered with these little purple flowers. I think they are pretty, but he is fixing to spray and kill them all. Of course they are just weeds, but a new birth of anything is usually pretty. It's as they get older, and grow that they become enemies to the soul. They must be controlled before they have a chance to mature to damage age. We are seeing this with our own country no-goods. At first they seem innocent, and even pretty in some ways, but once they are let go, and even helped to keep growing, the damage is on it's way. It takes more than spray to kill the full blown roots of evil. It takes a mowing down of the jungle type weeds, and it takes more than a lawn mower. A powerful tractor with a sharp bladed cutter is needed to remove all the messy, poisonous , growth that has overtaken any chance of a beautiful yard again. The piles of dead cuttings must then be raked, and hauled to the landfill.

I have tried to show how American democracy has become as pretty little weeds that were left to grow into the taking over of our beautiful land of the free, Nothing less than God's big engine, cutter will ever remove the deadly, poisonous, weeds from our proud, respectable house, and senate, that have been working great for us for years. I am asking God to unload that super powerful mower now, and get rid of all the ugly, harmful weeds that have grown to full maturity. We as a nation cannot go on without a great cleaning up of our country ground. The spray chemical is far fetched from killing these poisonous weeds that are multiplying daily. It's time to demand they be cut down, and raked up. I believe we have the power within our prayers to make this happen.

I was able to make it back to the Center today for lunch. I had missed far too many times due to other priorities. It was nice to see everyone again, and find most of them well and doing good. I will continue to fight for my country even if I have to give up a few of my favorite things to do. I am sowing a few seed everywhere I go, and I believe they all will sprout, and make growth for the good of God. In the mean time I will chop down every ugly weed I possible can to slow down the take over of what God has made beautiful for us. I have learned that the smaller they are the easier they are to chop down. What's better is to pull them up by the roots while the ground is soft. Being a farmer's daughter I have been doing this most of my life. I know the difference in a weed and a flower, although it's easy to get fooled sometimes.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "God's Sun Shines On All"

Jean's Comment's: "God's Sun Shines On All":          I caught this sunset last night just before it hit the ground. 3-19-2019 Perryton, TX   This sunset was showing between two ga...

"God's Sun Shines On All"

         I caught this sunset last night just before it hit the ground. 3-19-2019 Perryton, TX
This sunset was showing between two garages across the alley from my back yard last night. It was so inspiring, and unusually bright amidst a deep red background. It completed my busy day, and I was ready to relax the rest of the evening. But sure enough before I went to bed I went to the kitchen and made a banana nut cake. I was proud of my productive day, and was made to know I can still accomplish a lot if only I will get up off my lazy buns. Today has also been a good one, even though we are getting light showers. The sun shined this morning. The weeds are growing fast now, and need to be sprayed already. This is a rainy time of the year so I feel the weeds are going to get out of control. The chemical in weed killer doesn't like extra water when it is trying to do it's job. I am the best when it comes to looking on the dark side of life. I think it's more for caution's sake than anything else. My parent's, and grandparent's, taught us that life is not always easy, We have to take the bad things along with the good. Jesus is a way maker, and He knows what we need.

It is time for my thought for today. I believe the two most important religions in the world, the Muslims, and the Jews, are headed for a showdown with God. I have studied these two religions a lot, and I believe these two decedents of Abraham will be the world wide fight, and the last war to be fought. Yes, I believe all human creation will be either on the Muslim side, or the Jewish side. There will not be any left to chose to be neutral. We all will be one or the other not by choice, but by God's plan. I believe God has multiplexed the Muslim population so it is now the largest population on earth, as he promised Abraham's maid He would do. But I also believe God promised His chosen people, the Jews, that they would never be defeated in the end. Both Religions, the Muslims, and the Jews, have been persecuted beyond imagination, because they both made mistakes, and did not trust God with His promises. But the bottom line is God's Son, Jesus, was a Jew, and even though the Jews did not accept Him when He came to earth as their Savior, God did not forsake them. He let them suffer many years of torture, and death, but He still declares they will be saved from all persecution in the end. So we today can expect the wickedest, bloodiest, and possible the longest war that has even been fought. I believe this with all my heart, and I believe it's getting closer every day to that reality. Let me warn you. God will never allow the Jews to suffer again, so my advise is to support the Jews, which we are part of them, because God let us be grafted into their bloodline. You will have to make a choice between the Muslims, or the Jews.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, March 18, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "I See A Grown Up Baby Bird"

Jean's Comment's: "I See A Grown Up Baby Bird": Another one of my feather friends visiting me from the pine tree in my front yard. 3-18-2019 Perryton, TX These beautiful days of sun...

"I See A Grown Up Baby Bird"

Another one of my feather friends visiting me from the pine tree in my front yard. 3-18-2019 Perryton, TX
These beautiful days of sunshine are bringing my birdie friends to visit me by the score. Their flopping wings, and landing as close to me as they can get makes my heart happy. I can watch them from my recliner in my living room through a large plate glass window, but when I walk out on my porch they come flying from all directions. I get a lot of entertainment from these pretty birds since I live alone, and have a lot of idle time. I am waiting for the new hatch before I put my feeders up because those little ones needs the food more than the grown ones. Bird seed is quite expensive these days. I found out last summer the birds don't like the seeds that come from my own flowers, or garden stuff. They seem to eat the sunflower seed from the flower while still on the plant, but not when I put them in the feeders. They rather have the baby bird seed I put in the feeders.

I uncovered the strawberry, and asparagus plants today. Both plants are looking good, and I am anxious to start eating their fruit. I try not to think about all the yard work involved after spring finally arrives. I just take it one day at a time. All the fruit trees are budding, and I hold my breath hoping not to get a late freeze again. I will be fertilizing my lawns in a few days. They are starting to green up also. The weed and feed I spread on them do a good job, each their own. I do have to mix grub killer in with the other two chemicals. The lawn mower fellow does the rest of caring for my yards. I cannot, and will not give up my yard exercise as long as I possible can do it. I'm so thankful I can still do most things I could do at 35. Amazingly God is still using me with wisdom power He gave me down through the years. I am speaking of name calling when I am needed to help with a project that Satan has broken down that displeased God. I am always listening, even though I might not understand at the time, but I never doubt God's calling when I hear my name. I will retract that a bit. I do have to question my own wisdom because I am human like everyone else. Sometimes we make mistakes, and it can be hard to correct them. “Trust and obey” are two of my favorite words found in the bible. I have no other solutions, and that is the best wisdom one could ever hope for. That's my job even though I have no title for it. I cry some, pray a lot, and laugh when I am not doing either of those. I have to fight anxiety because I am a hurry-up person, but God always reminds me of what's He's done for me in the past.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "A Little Bird Will Carry The Message Sayeth The B...

Jean's Comment's: "A Little Bird Will Carry The Message Sayeth The B...: The bird is about to play the flute for St. Patrick's Day. 3-17-2019 Perryton, TX The bird had no green on, but it was thinking...

"A Little Bird Will Carry The Message Sayeth The Bible"

The bird is about to play the flute for St. Patrick's Day. 3-17-2019 Perryton, TX

The bird had no green on, but it was thinking about playing the flute for a substitute. This day has been so nice it's hard to believe. Everything is quite, and peaceful after a week of damaging high winds. Today is St. Patrick's Day, since it came on Sunday no one at church paid any attention to it. I did wear green, but just because I was going to wear my outfit even if it hadn't of been St. Patrick's Day. Most everyone celebrated the event yesterday. I can always get a good picture of a bird any time I walk out in my back yard. Sometimes I just can't pass them up. This bird looked so poised as it seemed to want to show off somehow. My out door nature habit keeps me occupied when there is nothing else to do.

I had a great day at church today. My spirits were lifted up, and if they hadn't of been, I was thinking of leaving for lack of progress the church was making. The church has been without a pastor for about five months, and it was near the brink of no revival. I felt so encouraged today, and I believe we are on the road to recovery. That is not to say I am going to become a member of the church, since I have been a member of another church for 37 years, but the present church is the one I was born into many years ago. I am in a place of waiting upon God to give me complete assurance of where I should settle down. It is very hard to decide what I should do, but in time I think it will come to me. I will never be pushed into any kind of worship that I don't feel comfortable with. Neither would I ever try to push anyone into the kind of worship I believe in. Whether this present church will accept that remains to be seen. It has a past of being guilty of just such ideology. Hopefully it has changed some now.

This next week I will be busy getting some repairs done around my home. The wind damage was pretty devastating for me. I have a good repairman who will get everything fixed back up. Another one of God's blessing to me. God has blessed him through me, although I'm not sure he knows that. After all God does work in mysterious ways. This is what a Christian's life is all about. Never throw away the pieces of a broken “Christ relationship.” There is hope to glue them back together again. I am so happy at what I see God doing in so many lives, that have had broken relationships with God. All because of someone's fault. I see a great repairing coming for many who have suffered so greatly while serving their God. Patience is our most needed tool to fix these broken bodies. Let it be so, dear Lord.

God Bless 
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Too Real To Be Real"

Jean's Comment's: "Too Real To Be Real": Absolutely astonishing. A perfect rainbow of jet stream from the east bottom of the earth to the west. So very low to earth's surface....

"Too Real To Be Real"

Absolutely astonishing. A perfect rainbow of jet stream from the east bottom of the earth to the west. So very low to earth's surface. See the sun daring to be outshines. 3-16-2019 Perryton, TX
I have had my thrill for today. As I went to the sink this morning to wash dishes, I noticed this very wide jet streak so close to the earth; I was shaken. I grabbed my camera and went outside. What I saw was something I've never seen before. A perfect rainbow from the east earth surface to the west surface, except it was a white jet stream rainbow. It stayed in sight for several minutes. I don't know how long it had been there, but thirty minutes later it was still visible. I called my son, Chuck, and he said this unusual sight was because of the wind. That don't make sense to me. The wind is not blowing here at the ground today. The bright sun can be seen in the picture I posted. The temperature is 57. If this is really a jet it may need to be grounded. Too close to earth for comfort. So what's next for us anxious sky watchers? If we can't see it on TV we look to the sky. There just has to be some excitement somewhere close by. I'm not going on an air flight any time soon. And I've been thinking about missing church. If our congregation grows much I may do that. I feel pretty safe right now. But the Christian churches are being targeted also. I was having a boring day till I finally decided to wash the dishes. I got hyped up fast after that. Now I have something to think about. The dishes are finished, so I can think, think, think.

As I sit here writing this blog I have to take a minute to pray and ask God for something positive to say. It seems as though the past year or two has been flooded with bad news both from television, and from my reading of the Holy Bible. I have been reading the Old Testament for about a year reading just a chapter each night. It is almost entirely about sin, and the severe punishment for doing it. If nothing else bad was happening in the world there would still be a depressed feeling by just reading the Old Testament. I understand many people don't believe in reading the Old Testament, but it is the biggest part of God's Holy Word. It declares that we shall not take any part of God's Word out of His Holy bible. We are instructed to read, and believe every word it tells us. I have known most all of my life what the New Testament was about, but I also know we have to use the Old Testament as a reminder of why the New Testament was written. God sent His Son to live, and die on the cross, for sins that we were born with. But that is not to say we do not have to shun the very appearance of evil. We must accept Christ as our Savior, and live the cleanest life we possible can. The New Testament is a collection of books from Jesus' followers, and are inspired to write what Jesus told them to write. It is a command that we must follow. We are not exempt from obeying the Word of God just because Jesus came to forgive us. The world is now in the depth of sin because people ignored the message Jesus left them. This may not be considered by some to be positive, but it is a fact, and it will bring happiness to everyone who accepts, and follows it. There are tears of joy, and tears of sorrow that must be shed for the death of Jesus Christ.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, March 15, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Dragging Them Out One By One"

Jean's Comment's: "Dragging Them Out One By One": Peace after the storm. Gorgeous sky last evening after the wind laid. 3-15-2019 Perryton, TX The past two days have been wicked here i...

"Dragging Them Out One By One"

Peace after the storm. Gorgeous sky last evening after the wind laid. 3-15-2019 Perryton, TX

The past two days have been wicked here in Perryton with winds up to 60 mph doing lots of damage to building, fences, and vehicles etc. It had to be an awesome sight least evening to see these gorgeous, colorful clouds to change the mood of the sadden hearts. Trees were uprooted, limbs blown all over yards, shingles from roofs blown off, and fences lying on the ground just to mention a few. But when the eyes behold such beauty in the sky as was the case last evening, the smile quickly returns. God is still in control without a doubt.

As I write this blog I am listening to the President, Donald Trump, veto his first bill since he's been in office. The television right behind me is so much help to keep me updated when I need to be busy at my computer. It is a very sad thing to learn that the President's own party has gone against him, and helped the evil liberals block the emergency bill to bypass Congress and build the wall. Twelve of the rino's were happy to support these evil liberals, and stop the President from protecting America. They have spoke loud, and clear that they are not the Republicans that people voted for. They fooled their way into Congress, and now they are doing damage to America just like the ones who openly declared their intentions. President Trump is the reason several of these rino's who have now gone against him, got elected. You can't get dirtier than that, and no doubt they will receive their due punishment. They are a big part of the swamp the President swore to clean up. It's strange how wisdom works to get the dirty job done. God Bless Our President. How I love to see his spiritual power at work. The more damage people try to do to him, the more powerful he becomes. I am so proud to be part of his successful army.

I say to these twelve rino's you have been a fool, and you will remain a fool. There is no forgiveness for you, because you have sealed your conscience. You played the dirty game, and you will reap a dirty game winner. Yes, the swamp is getting dragged out from the bottom up. We see you, even those who thought they could stay covered, but the teeth of the dragging machine goes deep. What a happy time the workers of God are having, exposing all that garbage. I'm looking forward to that day when the saints go marching in. I am aware of the price one has to pay to keep their promise to God, but it is either suffer for His cause, or suffer for Satan's cause. Which one will you suffer for? I promise those who choose God will be included in the march when the saints are called to Glory.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Time To Rebuild Our Fences America"

Jean's Comment's: "Time To Rebuild Our Fences America":                 The high wind did take my fence down. 3-14-2019 Perryton, TX I came home from work today to find my fence lying on ...

"Time To Rebuild Our Fences America"

                The high wind did take my fence down. 3-14-2019 Perryton, TX

I came home from work today to find my fence lying on the ground. I feel lucky because lots of damage all over town has been done. We probably will have high wind the rest of March, all of April, and into May. It happens that way almost every spring. It makes me want to leave this part of the country, and go elsewhere. Except my sister in Oklahoma City said they were having high wind also. Some things you just can't get away from. At least everything else is going fine, so I have a lot to be thankful for. I do have a repairman who helps me with my repair jobs, and that too is a blessing.

I am very angry at my Rino Senators. I am wishing them bad luck, and as soon as possible. Twelve of them voted today to cancel Presidents Trumps call for an emergency at the border. I am more than shocked, yet I should not be because those Rino's have been fighting our President every since he was elected. The more good he does for our country the harder they fight him. I have no mercy for any of them, and am asking God to get rid of them. They have to go, and I am positive they will. It's not only our President they are fighting, it's also his supporters. One of my face book friends put on face book today that she is being investigated by the FBI for saying there was an invasion of illegals at our borders. She is repeating what every Border Patrol, and many Congress people have been saying for a long time. Sorry to say, but all Trump supporters are under attack. I don't know where it will lead, but it is seriously bad. I hope people will hold onto God no matter how much they have to suffer, because there is no other way to make it to heaven, if I understand the bible correctly. We who trust in God have a right to ask Him to continue to fight our battles for us, because that is what He said He would do. War is not without bloodshed, and I hate to see that, but evil is evil, and it must be killed. The bible clearly says “be sure your sins will find you out.” We are seeing that happen today in an landslide way. The evil ones are definitely on the run, but they are shooting backwards as they go. The spotlight is on them, and the fear is what's killing them. The Lord is our buckler, and our shield. In Him we cannot be hit by the evil swords that are thrust at us. Faith, and bravery was exercised today by my face book friend who has been targeted by the FBI. She may be reprimanded in some way, but she was brave enough to stand by her conscience. Her fence may blow down, but it can be put back up.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

"The Winds Of Danger"

The 47 mph wind is wicked today tarp blowing off the school building material. 3-13-2019 Perryton, TX

I am waiting to hear how much damage is going to result from this 47 mph wind today. I hope my fence will withstand. I took this picture of the tarp blowing off the building material across the street from me at the school. I don't dare stick my head outside. It's now the season for our part of the country to brace for very high wind for probably a couple of months. It happens every year. There are always lots of wind damage here during those months. I'm sure I will be picking up a lot of limbs from my yard. We are not expecting any type of tornadoes, and that in it's self is a blessing. Wind, and hail are our two most dreaded enemies. Both of which have hit us hard within the past three years. Hopefully it will not happen again in several years, as that is the pattern of the past.

Even if the wind hadn't been blowing today I still wouldn't have gone to the Center for lunch. I was glued to my television waiting for the second sentencing of Paul Manafort. This man has been given the worse treatment of any human being except for Jesus Christ. He is paying for all the sins of the Clinton/Obama traitors, and it must be overridden by the people. The DOJ has left us with no other choice. The people must take up arms against this evil invasion of our “God fearing” country. The longer we wait the more people we will lose to evil forces. I know without doubt that many more very smart, intelligent people are on the side of God, than are on Satan's side. I do also know that when the time is right, the evil walls will come tumbling down. We must hold our guns until that time, and not my time. In the meantime I cannot get far away from my television for long at a time. The dangerous, destructive acts of nature are minor compared to the dangerous, destructive acts of Satan's army. However, we know for sure this battle is God's, and not our own.

I have to say I am perfectly at peace with it all. I know who's side I am on, and that is the winning side of our Lord. I just want to stay within hearing distance of Him.

Wham o! I just lost my internet signal. Was it wind, or other enemy? It came back on in five minutes, but it's very scary. The television went off also. This is a sign of what it may feel like if the evil forces keep gaining power. Even the wind can be controlled by evil, but Jesus can come walking on water, and calm the storm. He did it for His disciples. This may sound funny to some, but I believe we are now living in just such an fearful condition. I would not be surprised at anything at any time as of now. Stay close to God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Jean's Comment's: "The Winds Of Danger"

Jean's Comment's: "The Winds Of Danger": The high wind is blowing the tarp off the building material at the school across the street from me. 3-13-2019 Perryton, TX   I am wait...

"The Winds Of Danger"

The high wind is blowing the tarp off the building material at the school across the street from me. 3-13-2019 Perryton, TX
I am waiting to hear how much damage is going to result from this 47 mph wind today. I hope my fence will withstand. I took this picture of the tarp blowing off the building material across the street from me at the school. I don't dare stick my head outside. It's now the season for our part of the country to brace for very high wind for probably a couple of months. It happens every year. There are always lots of wind damage here during those months. I'm sure I will be picking up a lot of limbs from my yard. We are not expecting any type of tornadoes, and that in it's self is a blessing. Wind, and hail are our two most dreaded enemies. Both of which have hit us hard within the past three years. Hopefully it will not happen again in several years, as that is the pattern of the past.

Even if the wind hadn't been blowing today I still wouldn't have gone to the Center for lunch. I was glued to my television waiting for the second sentencing of Paul Manafort. This man has been given the worse treatment of any human being except for Jesus Christ. He is paying for all the sins of the Clinton/Obama traitors, and it must be overridden by the people. The DOJ has left us with no other choice. The people must take up arms against this evil invasion of our “God fearing” country. The longer we wait the more people we will lose to evil forces. I know without doubt that many more very smart, intelligent people are on the side of God, than are on Satan's side. I do also know that when the time is right, the evil walls will come tumbling down. We must hold our guns until that time, and not my time. In the meantime I cannot get far away from my television for long at a time. The dangerous, destructive acts of nature are minor compared to the dangerous, destructive acts of Satan's army. However, we know for sure this battle is God's, and not our own.

I have to say I am perfectly at peace with it all. I know who's side I am on, and that is the winning side of our Lord. I just want to stay within hearing distance of Him.

Wham o! I just lost my internet signal. Was it wind, or other enemy? It came back on in five minutes, but it's very scary. The television went off also. This is a sign of what it may feel like if the evil forces keep gaining power. Even the wind can be controlled by evil, but Jesus can come walking on water, and calm the storm. He did it for His disciples. This may sound funny to some, but I believe we are now living in just such an fearful condition. I would not be surprised at anything at any time as of now. Stay close to God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "The Bird's Turn Now"

Jean's Comment's: "The Bird's Turn Now":   My friend yellow breast pretty bird. Watching me type through my office window. 3-12-2019 Perryton, TX. Almost every time I sit down ...

"The Bird's Turn Now"

My friend yellow breast pretty bird. Watching me type through my office window. 3-12-2019 Perryton, TX.
Almost every time I sit down at my computer a bird lands on the little tree just outside my office window. I could almost reach them from my window if they didn't fly away. I am convinced these birds see me, and come to watch me work at my computer. The picture I posted today was taken yesterday after I nearly lost my breath at it's beauty, as well as bravery. The colors just won't show good for some reason, but this bird had a light yellow breast, with white tips on it's wing feathers. It was very pretty. It sat on that one branch for several minutes. I can look it in the eye while I write my blog. It's such a joy to have so many different kind of birds close by me at all times. Even in the house they come to my windows, and sit and watch me at both my computer room, and my kitchen sink. When I'm sitting outside they always come close, and entertain me with their sweet birdie personalities. They often sit on my sidewalks or the driveway, and do their little birdie dances. I tried feeding them last summer, but they ate more than I did, I had to stop feeding them because it was too expensive. The feeder would empty out within minutes, but it was a pleasant sight to watch as long as it lasted.

We did get that rain we were supposed to last night. This morning there were puddles of water everywhere. It's been cloudy all day, and I think more rain is coming. We never get floods, but lots of slow rain. I can see green stuff on a lot of different things, trees, grass, flower pots, and rose bushes. How nice to see everything waking up. It makes me want to take a short trip or two. I will be making plans for that soon.

I came home from work feeling good today. It looks like I, myself have partly been asleep all winter. Now it's time to green up, and enjoy the season. I just talked to my sister in Oklahoma City. She has moved into a new house, and I can't wait to go visit her. It might be possible that we get back to having good times together again. Due to difficult circumstances with both she, and I, we haven't gotten together for a long time. God knew just what we needed, and He made it possible. I am bubbling over with joy at so many good things God has blessed us with just since Christmas. My youngest son has also been relocated to another town, and I am all excited to go visit them. Where there is a will there is always a way, and I'm so thankful for the way God has answered our prays, so many all at once. We had to go through some uncertainty phases, but thank God it's all down hill all the way now.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, March 11, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Between The Houses I Saw The Sunset"

Jean's Comment's: "Between The Houses I Saw The Sunset": The sunset last evening taken between two houses across form my alley. 3-11-2019 Perryton, TX   This sunset could easily have been mis...

"Between The Houses I Saw The Sunset"

The sunset last evening taken between two houses across form my alley. 3-11-2019 Perryton, TX
This sunset could easily have been mistaken for a great, huge fire last evening at my house. I can't get two pictures on the same blog, but I took a picture at the same time of a half moon shinning directly down on the sunset. It was quite interesting to see the sunset, and see the moon high in the sky at the same time. What an interesting world we live in, even with hate, and human destruction at the highest it's ever been. I am involved in this phenomenal place we call earth. I am not just a stranger passing through, I am here to serve a purpose, and even though I may not know just what that purpose is. I am at work. Since I have been left a widow I have been more, and more convinced that I am a worker of the wonder. Just call me, and I will be there. You might be surprised at what I might be able to tell you after I have been, and seen your situation. Nothing could been more rewarding for me than to know I am a discerning factor of the time, both local, and external. To be more clear, I am a person with an unusual opinion. Thank God He changes my opinion from time to time. But it does fit in place many times. “Happy are those who trust the Lord.”

This has been another one of my stay-at-home days. It started out to be a day out for lunch at the Center, but the cold wind quickly changed my mind. I ate pizza at home, and made roast beef with carrots, and potatoes for dinner. My better judgment said stay home today. I'm still waiting on that warm, windless weather that don't change. We are suppose to get some rain sometime later today. We need all the moister we can get.

I visited with my son in Houston last night for over an hour on the phone. I miss him so much, but am thankful he lives close to good doctors because he has a lot of physical issues. He also lives alone, but seems to keep in good spirits. I feel so blessed to have three sons whom I believe were given great knowledge, and understanding about most every day common conversations. This is the best thing I have to depend on for clarification when I am in doubt about something. I also have a daughter who shares that talent. I have to give God all the praise for my children. They had two hard working parents who were children of poor parents, who never learned anything much but to make a living and trust God. The talent thing had to be a gift from God, although as parents we did push them to the limit of their ability. Now I can enjoy the long conversations with them that I never had while they were growing up. It was after they raised their families, and retired before I was allowed this privilege. So proud of them.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "The Clocks May Change But Time Never Changes"

Jean's Comment's: "The Clocks May Change But Time Never Changes":                             I sat the clock up one hour last night. 3-10-2019 Perryton, TX   I didn't forget to set the clock u...

"The Clocks May Change But Time Never Changes"

                            I sat the clock up one hour last night. 3-10-2019 Perryton, TX

I didn't forget to set the clock up an hour last night before I went to bed. I was on time to church this morning. I am more than ready for the time to stay the same without changes. Five states have already voted to keep it that way, and I hope Texas will do the same. I just don't believe it's a good thing to keep changing the time. That's my vote if I get one. I was glad to be in church this morning after missing the past two Sundays with that stomach virus. I learned that several in church had had it too. I am feeling great now. I know spring is in the air, and I'm waiting for the birds to start singing any day now. They perk me up a lot. Just a voice from nature is enough to make me sing along with them.

I will say though that I am quite disturbed about hearing of so many of the churches in America closing their doors. The bible does say in the last days there will be a great falling away in the churches, but I always thought that would be after my time. The church I attend has already experienced that prophesy, and is struggling to keep it's doors open. I am amazed at the determination of the few who will never give up their church. I truly believe it will be one of the last to close it's doors. Anyone who fails to see the enemy chopping away at this Christian Nation, must be totally blind. It has crept right into our Congress, and is gaining steam daily. People are setting back saying awe! What happened? It happened because the once trusted people who were elected to uphold our constitution, has joined with the haters of America, and now they have lost control of any good they might have been. God knew this was going to happen billions of years ago. That's why he gave warning by His Word so all people could be ready for the never ending pain, and suffering. Too sad that so many didn't believe, and it's now to late to say I'm sorry. God will always forgive, but He will not remove the punishment from the guilty ones. Suffering must be endured by all who chose to disagree with God's word. I am living day by day to try and help the small remnant of faithful ones who never gave way to Satan's lies, and tricks. Eve was one of the deceived in the very beginning, but she has been an example for all of us to flee from. Many were not believers of the early, first sin, and ignored every word God spoke to them. Yes, we all were made sinners after Eve's sin, but we had a life time to make up for that first sin. Too many waited till much of their life was finished before they asked for forgiveness. My faith still holds strong, and I am sorry for all who put themselves before the children of God, and ended up in the deep miry clay.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Put On A Happy Face"

Jean's Comment's: "Put On A Happy Face":                              St. Patrick's Day at the Center. Fun for all. 3-9-2019 Perryton, TX I'm looking forward to a fun w...

"Put On A Happy Face"

                             St. Patrick's Day at the Center. Fun for all. 3-9-2019 Perryton, TX
I'm looking forward to a fun week at the Center next week. St. Patrick's Day is always exciting, and for some reason people like to celebrate it. The Senior Citizen's Center is always decorated to the hilt, and it makes people forget their aches, and pains, while enjoying good food and foolishness. I regret that I can't be with friends out of town, but I will be spending time with friends at home. That is unless something changes my plans. I have several rows of green bead necklaces, and bracelets that I have collected over the years. I will be piling them all on, because I like attention. Most of all I'm thankful to be over the stomach flu. For the past two months I have been fighting that awful virus. As for now the weather is beautiful, and I am rejoicing in the sunshine.

Tomorrow I will be going to church again, I have missed the past two Sundays because of the flu. I am expecting something good to be announced, but I don't know what. Most anything would sound good at this time in our needy church. The enemy has been working overtime in many of our churches trying to destroy the very power of God. Somehow I feel positive that our church will make a come back, and be blessed beyond imagination. The only hope for this mean old world is God. I am putting all my confidence in Him, and I know we will win in the end.

I have to give God a big praise for the remnant He left at the church I attended for years before leaving because of unpleasant circumstances. At least we have hope of rebuilding the congregation, and coming together again as a renewed, and revived, spiritual group of steadfast believers. We have a lot to gain, but a lot of faith to work with. Our President Trump has been a great inspiration to me the past two years. If he can accomplish all the good that has happened, with all the hate, and slander that came right out of the pits of hell to stop him, then I believe anything is possible. Let us wake up, and shake up the world, for Jesus is coming back soon. We can win the war of evil with God's love in our hearts. It doesn't matter if we get recognized or not for what we do to help take back our churches. After all God was the one who provided the wisdom, and guidance to kill the giant. David was the shooter, but God directed the rock. Let us not look for glory for ourselves, but enjoy the blessings that followed the death of the giant. It's time for everyone to pull together, and agree to stay the course. Victory is ahead, and it's not far off.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, March 8, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "A Healthy Appetite Maketh The Soul Merry"

Jean's Comment's: "A Healthy Appetite Maketh The Soul Merry": Grilled New York Strips, baked potato, and apple pie in the making for dinner tonight. Chuck bought the steaks. Salad, and ice cream to be...

"A Healthy Appetite Maketh The Soul Merry"

Grilled New York Strips, baked potato, and apple pie in the making for dinner tonight. Chuck bought the steaks. Salad, and ice cream to be added. 3-8-2019 Perryton, TX
This pretty spring weather has brought on the outside grill fever. New York Strips are on the menu for this evening. Baked potato with sour cream, and lettuce salad will complete the three course meal with fresh apple pie, and ice cream for dessert. God bless the food He has provided. We give thanks unto Him for all good things. We may have our troubles, and trials, but at the end of the day our bodies are blessed with scrumptious food, and a comfortable bed to rest on. The angels watch over us while we sleep, and God gives us strength for the fears, and misfortunes of another day. The insults, the disappoints, the disagreements, and the future hopes of changes are all in God's hands. We can nearly always be assured that any good changes are not going to happen, but our God will always shield us from the worst of the worst. That means He has something reserved for those who live by His word, and trust Him. I truly believe not a day goes by that everyone has to endures some pain whether physical, or mental, but the Heavenly Father will not fail to comfort His own. This is God's Covenant to us. Contrary to this “God given blessing,” those who did not have the New Covenant blessing given them, will not be spared from extreme pain, and failure to overpower the righteous birth right. They will cause much pain to others who are believers of God's plan, but they will never succeed. Prepare yourself for a continued cruse from the lesser blessed who chose to live their own way.

I started my day off feeling great, but I was tempted to make amends for a terrible thing that had happened to me most recently. I was meet with disappointment, and even more disappointment when I refused to accept the first disappointment. I cannot change a person whom I love, if God had plans to make them the way they are. I have to accept, and trust God for peace over something I cannot change. I am now sitting in even a larger tragic happening, that I cannot change, but have been called to join forces with. I have already resigned to be whatever I have to in order to keep peace in both myself, and others involved. Of course that is not even near doing something that I know is a definite no no with God. It's more like patience bringeth miracles. I am in that class of believers, and I am happy to say I am in for the long haul. I have put my feelings on the shelf, and will love everyone as myself. A song I learned in Booster Band at the church I was raised up in. Three year old's, and up to whatever age you wanted to attend. I cherish my memories of Booster Band days. I still remember my leaders as the best. People change, but God never changes. Too bad people don't change from bad to better.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp