Thursday, March 14, 2019

"Time To Rebuild Our Fences America"

                The high wind did take my fence down. 3-14-2019 Perryton, TX

I came home from work today to find my fence lying on the ground. I feel lucky because lots of damage all over town has been done. We probably will have high wind the rest of March, all of April, and into May. It happens that way almost every spring. It makes me want to leave this part of the country, and go elsewhere. Except my sister in Oklahoma City said they were having high wind also. Some things you just can't get away from. At least everything else is going fine, so I have a lot to be thankful for. I do have a repairman who helps me with my repair jobs, and that too is a blessing.

I am very angry at my Rino Senators. I am wishing them bad luck, and as soon as possible. Twelve of them voted today to cancel Presidents Trumps call for an emergency at the border. I am more than shocked, yet I should not be because those Rino's have been fighting our President every since he was elected. The more good he does for our country the harder they fight him. I have no mercy for any of them, and am asking God to get rid of them. They have to go, and I am positive they will. It's not only our President they are fighting, it's also his supporters. One of my face book friends put on face book today that she is being investigated by the FBI for saying there was an invasion of illegals at our borders. She is repeating what every Border Patrol, and many Congress people have been saying for a long time. Sorry to say, but all Trump supporters are under attack. I don't know where it will lead, but it is seriously bad. I hope people will hold onto God no matter how much they have to suffer, because there is no other way to make it to heaven, if I understand the bible correctly. We who trust in God have a right to ask Him to continue to fight our battles for us, because that is what He said He would do. War is not without bloodshed, and I hate to see that, but evil is evil, and it must be killed. The bible clearly says “be sure your sins will find you out.” We are seeing that happen today in an landslide way. The evil ones are definitely on the run, but they are shooting backwards as they go. The spotlight is on them, and the fear is what's killing them. The Lord is our buckler, and our shield. In Him we cannot be hit by the evil swords that are thrust at us. Faith, and bravery was exercised today by my face book friend who has been targeted by the FBI. She may be reprimanded in some way, but she was brave enough to stand by her conscience. Her fence may blow down, but it can be put back up.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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