Monday, March 25, 2019

"A Mere Home Body Speaks Out"

The fruit trees are not waiting any longer. They are ready to produce. 3-25-2019 Perryton, TX

I can't tell them to wait awhile because it might come another big freeze. These fruit trees are ready to produce, and I am holding my breath for them. For the past two years after all the trees were solid blooms we got a late freeze, and had no fruit at all. Hopefully this year we will not be disappointed. Within another week I expect all the trees to be bloomed out. Apple, cherry, plums, and peaches. The strawberries are growing, and the asparagus is coming up.

I have been watching news most of the day. It is time for me to change the atmosphere in my house. The same old commits are being said over, and over about the findings of the Special Council Report. I predict that many people are going to lose their minds before the war of words are ever finished. I am hearing from very knowledgeable people several times a day that this country is suffering the very effects of a coup attempt. I have said that myself from the start of our President's inauguration. It has been obvious to me, and I think many others have believed the same thing. Those who didn't want to believe that are waking up now, but I am afraid it's too late. It will take nothing less than a miracle of God to save this country from evil destruction. Things are happening that makes one wonder why our President has any power left at all. Some of his own party is against him. The Democrats have helped the Muslim religion take seats in Congress, and are letting them control already. How much more are people going to have to see before they admit it's just about all over for America. Israel is being attacked more and more every day, and that religion also is being split. Confusion is rampant all over the world. Mental illness has tripled in the past few years. Brilliant people are losing their minds by the score. Is it too late to fix the mess we are in? Only God can answer that, but I believe He has put the right person in our White House to deal with the odds. Let us all stay faithful, and pray more than ever before. We still have some hope, but it seems to be fading daily. The giant was a way bigger than anyone imagined. But I truly believe we have a lot of Little David's that haven't showed up yet. They will be waiting to be called, but in the meantime they are herding sheep. Sheep herders don't fill their bellies full of drugs, and alcohol. They are sharp shooters, and never miss a bull's eye. Hold on dear brother's, and sister's, we are close to the finish line. God is on our side.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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