Monday, March 18, 2019

"I See A Grown Up Baby Bird"

Another one of my feather friends visiting me from the pine tree in my front yard. 3-18-2019 Perryton, TX
These beautiful days of sunshine are bringing my birdie friends to visit me by the score. Their flopping wings, and landing as close to me as they can get makes my heart happy. I can watch them from my recliner in my living room through a large plate glass window, but when I walk out on my porch they come flying from all directions. I get a lot of entertainment from these pretty birds since I live alone, and have a lot of idle time. I am waiting for the new hatch before I put my feeders up because those little ones needs the food more than the grown ones. Bird seed is quite expensive these days. I found out last summer the birds don't like the seeds that come from my own flowers, or garden stuff. They seem to eat the sunflower seed from the flower while still on the plant, but not when I put them in the feeders. They rather have the baby bird seed I put in the feeders.

I uncovered the strawberry, and asparagus plants today. Both plants are looking good, and I am anxious to start eating their fruit. I try not to think about all the yard work involved after spring finally arrives. I just take it one day at a time. All the fruit trees are budding, and I hold my breath hoping not to get a late freeze again. I will be fertilizing my lawns in a few days. They are starting to green up also. The weed and feed I spread on them do a good job, each their own. I do have to mix grub killer in with the other two chemicals. The lawn mower fellow does the rest of caring for my yards. I cannot, and will not give up my yard exercise as long as I possible can do it. I'm so thankful I can still do most things I could do at 35. Amazingly God is still using me with wisdom power He gave me down through the years. I am speaking of name calling when I am needed to help with a project that Satan has broken down that displeased God. I am always listening, even though I might not understand at the time, but I never doubt God's calling when I hear my name. I will retract that a bit. I do have to question my own wisdom because I am human like everyone else. Sometimes we make mistakes, and it can be hard to correct them. “Trust and obey” are two of my favorite words found in the bible. I have no other solutions, and that is the best wisdom one could ever hope for. That's my job even though I have no title for it. I cry some, pray a lot, and laugh when I am not doing either of those. I have to fight anxiety because I am a hurry-up person, but God always reminds me of what's He's done for me in the past.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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