Wednesday, March 6, 2019

"Even The Birds Have Business To Attend To"

                Look who's ruling the roost today. Mr. Big Bird himself. 3-6-2019 Perryton, TX
I was amazed this morning to look out my kitchen window and see just one bird in the entire tree. Usually there are at least 10 or 12 all of the same breed seated close together. It appears that this Tree Chairman has canceled the Tree Hearing for today. Is it strange that I would have a thought like this? Not after for over two years now I have sit in front of the television and watched hearing after hearing on some of the most ridiculous conflicts ever heard before in Congress. It's all been about the Democrats wanting to force our elected President out of the White House. They can't find any good reason to do that, but they will never give up. They know for sure if President Trump keeps being successful with his agenda, they will be the losing party from now on.

The most fearful thing that these Democrats are fighting the hardest against is securing our borders so no more illegals can come into our country without proper vetting. The only way the Democrats have been elected into an office for many yeas is because of illegals, who illegally vote for them. President Trump is now bringing that unlawful situation to an abrupt stop. For the Democrats this means shoot to kill. They know they are in serious danger of losing their evil election practices, and they are loading for bear. They also know that they have not hit the bull's eye once since President Trump has been the President. How can a blind person hit the target? They can shoot, but they cannot hit. Eventually they have to put down their weapons. I hope this happens before millions are killed while fighting a civil war. I truly believe that we, the Christians, are safe on the side of the Holy Spirit. The bible tells us that evil is not fighting against flesh, and blood, but against the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 6:12. KJV. I still am determined to watch, and pray, for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh.

I am spending the day at home today because I felt like I must stay tuned into this devastating news which is now a hearing between the Secretary of State, Kirstjen Nielson, and Congress. The liberal left is demanding that she prove there is a crisis at the border. The facts declaring that claim are overwhelming, but the blinded, rather nervous enemies of America, are fighting for anything they can think of, to impeach the winning President of this Great Country called, “America.” God expects you, and I, to fight for our President even though He, God, is in control. We cannot say, “soul take thy rest,” when blood is still being shed. I can eat, drink, and be merry after the war is over. This day is the day of the Lords. I will honor Him with my undivided attention.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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