Saturday, March 16, 2019

"Too Real To Be Real"

Absolutely astonishing. A perfect rainbow of jet stream from the east bottom of the earth to the west. So very low to earth's surface. See the sun daring to be outshines. 3-16-2019 Perryton, TX
I have had my thrill for today. As I went to the sink this morning to wash dishes, I noticed this very wide jet streak so close to the earth; I was shaken. I grabbed my camera and went outside. What I saw was something I've never seen before. A perfect rainbow from the east earth surface to the west surface, except it was a white jet stream rainbow. It stayed in sight for several minutes. I don't know how long it had been there, but thirty minutes later it was still visible. I called my son, Chuck, and he said this unusual sight was because of the wind. That don't make sense to me. The wind is not blowing here at the ground today. The bright sun can be seen in the picture I posted. The temperature is 57. If this is really a jet it may need to be grounded. Too close to earth for comfort. So what's next for us anxious sky watchers? If we can't see it on TV we look to the sky. There just has to be some excitement somewhere close by. I'm not going on an air flight any time soon. And I've been thinking about missing church. If our congregation grows much I may do that. I feel pretty safe right now. But the Christian churches are being targeted also. I was having a boring day till I finally decided to wash the dishes. I got hyped up fast after that. Now I have something to think about. The dishes are finished, so I can think, think, think.

As I sit here writing this blog I have to take a minute to pray and ask God for something positive to say. It seems as though the past year or two has been flooded with bad news both from television, and from my reading of the Holy Bible. I have been reading the Old Testament for about a year reading just a chapter each night. It is almost entirely about sin, and the severe punishment for doing it. If nothing else bad was happening in the world there would still be a depressed feeling by just reading the Old Testament. I understand many people don't believe in reading the Old Testament, but it is the biggest part of God's Holy Word. It declares that we shall not take any part of God's Word out of His Holy bible. We are instructed to read, and believe every word it tells us. I have known most all of my life what the New Testament was about, but I also know we have to use the Old Testament as a reminder of why the New Testament was written. God sent His Son to live, and die on the cross, for sins that we were born with. But that is not to say we do not have to shun the very appearance of evil. We must accept Christ as our Savior, and live the cleanest life we possible can. The New Testament is a collection of books from Jesus' followers, and are inspired to write what Jesus told them to write. It is a command that we must follow. We are not exempt from obeying the Word of God just because Jesus came to forgive us. The world is now in the depth of sin because people ignored the message Jesus left them. This may not be considered by some to be positive, but it is a fact, and it will bring happiness to everyone who accepts, and follows it. There are tears of joy, and tears of sorrow that must be shed for the death of Jesus Christ.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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