Sunday, March 10, 2019

"The Clocks May Change But Time Never Changes"

                            I sat the clock up one hour last night. 3-10-2019 Perryton, TX

I didn't forget to set the clock up an hour last night before I went to bed. I was on time to church this morning. I am more than ready for the time to stay the same without changes. Five states have already voted to keep it that way, and I hope Texas will do the same. I just don't believe it's a good thing to keep changing the time. That's my vote if I get one. I was glad to be in church this morning after missing the past two Sundays with that stomach virus. I learned that several in church had had it too. I am feeling great now. I know spring is in the air, and I'm waiting for the birds to start singing any day now. They perk me up a lot. Just a voice from nature is enough to make me sing along with them.

I will say though that I am quite disturbed about hearing of so many of the churches in America closing their doors. The bible does say in the last days there will be a great falling away in the churches, but I always thought that would be after my time. The church I attend has already experienced that prophesy, and is struggling to keep it's doors open. I am amazed at the determination of the few who will never give up their church. I truly believe it will be one of the last to close it's doors. Anyone who fails to see the enemy chopping away at this Christian Nation, must be totally blind. It has crept right into our Congress, and is gaining steam daily. People are setting back saying awe! What happened? It happened because the once trusted people who were elected to uphold our constitution, has joined with the haters of America, and now they have lost control of any good they might have been. God knew this was going to happen billions of years ago. That's why he gave warning by His Word so all people could be ready for the never ending pain, and suffering. Too sad that so many didn't believe, and it's now to late to say I'm sorry. God will always forgive, but He will not remove the punishment from the guilty ones. Suffering must be endured by all who chose to disagree with God's word. I am living day by day to try and help the small remnant of faithful ones who never gave way to Satan's lies, and tricks. Eve was one of the deceived in the very beginning, but she has been an example for all of us to flee from. Many were not believers of the early, first sin, and ignored every word God spoke to them. Yes, we all were made sinners after Eve's sin, but we had a life time to make up for that first sin. Too many waited till much of their life was finished before they asked for forgiveness. My faith still holds strong, and I am sorry for all who put themselves before the children of God, and ended up in the deep miry clay.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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