Monday, March 4, 2019

"That Was Then This Is Now"

The lovely view from my living room window this morning. 3-4-2019 Perryton, TX

Just when I was about to become depressed this morning after waking up to snow still on the ground, and 10 degree temperature, an exciting thing happened. Glancing out my living room window I saw the most beautiful streaks of fire-like images, then within minutes a perfectly round ball of yellow sun became overwhelmingly center stage of the red sky. It may not be visible all day, but it did let me know it was still there. I am encouraged to get up, and go get-em. By the middle of the afternoon I will have to get out and run several errands, but hopefully it will be warmer by then. Sometimes it just takes a quick sign to bring you to your feet. That has always been a fact of life. Who is responsible for making it happen? Yes indeed, our Heavenly Father. We must never, ever give up on Him. He can't wait to give us a big blessing for trusting Him, and I can't wait to get it.

Many people are saying our President Trump is hated more than any one human being ever was, but the truth is; it's not President Trump they hate it is America. For those who haven't already recognized that fact, I urge you to open your eyes. It is a definite fact that our country is being overwhelmingly taken over by the Muslim religion, the biggest populated religion in the world. The Koran will soon be replacing our Holy Bible. The so-called Trump hatters, are nothing but American hatters with plans to take control at what ever the cost. The so-called Democrat party is not a part of our beloved constitution any more. The party name will soon be changed to the “Socialist Party.” It will be “Socialist verses Republicans.” Regretfully I have to say a few of the Republican party members will be joining that Socialist party also. I believe this is going to happen in order to fulfill God's promise when He assured the Egyptian maid, Hagar, who gave birth to Father Abraham's first son, Ishmael, that He would multiply her offspring. Genesis 16.
The law was that the first son of Abraham would inherit his wealth and power, but that son was born out of wedlock, so he was denied the inheritance. Abraham's second son, Issac, was born to his wife, Sarah, and he inherited the wealth. But God kept his promise to Hagar, and her son became a great nation. I believe the Muslim Nation. The moral of the story was this. The Muslim nation would live under the old convent law, which they would earn their living by fighting with the sword. The Jewish, Issac's nation, would live under the new convent law, and would be saved by grace, and prosper above all the old convent nations. The Muslim population is the greatest in number, but is still living under the old law. Their aim is to take all the Jewish population, and the new convent nations, grafted by God into the Jewish population, and we now can see that coming to pass. The sin of Abraham is the cause of all the evil greed in the world. He would not wait for God's promise to have a son by wife, Sarah. His wealth and power was about to be left without a heir. Sarah encouraged him to lay with his maid, and have a son by her. He did that, and later become the father of a illegitimate son, Ishmael. He was not a legal heir to his fathers wealth, and has ever since been angry about his denial. This raises a lot of questions that will always be unanswered, but the best part of it is we accepted Christ Jesus, and the Muslims did not.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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