Sunday, March 24, 2019

"Beauty Among The Beast"

          My first flowers of spring to dress up and make me cheerful. 3-24-2019 Perryton, TX
A happy day today. My purple Crocus are looking pretty, and they make me cheerful. They were the first flower I have to bloom. Tulips will be next, then daffodils. The only thing I don't like about these flowers is they don't bloom very long. But I can say they are beautiful while they are blooming. I made a start today in getting my yard ready for the major treatment. Lots of raking, and cleaning leaves out of the flower beds. Then the mower guy will come, and get the yard ready for me to weed, and feed. Plants have to come out of winter storage, and be placed in their usual places. I have a large planter of Texas Blue Bonnets almost ready to bloom. I sprayed my gold nugget today, and a planter that struts a bright gold finish. I am on my way to recovery from winter cabin fever. Little by little I am gaining on my ton of yard work.

I know this is Sunday, but I stayed home from church to wait for the Special Council's report on the Russian Collusion. I was delighted to hear that Our President Trump has been right from day one. He did nothing wrong, and the entire two year probe was nothing but a witch hunt. The Democrats were scared to death after Hillary didn't win the presidency because they had done so many evil things and they knew President Trump had them trapped. They all were involved in treason, and selling our countries security to other countries for billions of dollars. They used the money to make themselves rich. It was a do or die for them to take after President Trump with some of that stolen money. They paid money to a Russian spy to make up lies on our President, thinking that would get him impeached, and they could get away with their crimes. Today we learned they were proven wrong, and I believe they are shaking in their boots. I pray every one of those evil doers will be charged, and prosecuted for their war crimes. Their sins have caught up with them, and no lawyer will be smart enough to argue their case to God. The billions of dollars they stole from our country, and others will do nothing but haunt them. The many murdered lives they are responsible for will lay heavily on their minds. I fully believe those evil people will rot even before they are buried. They deserve every bit of the misery they will be laden with. If I were allowed I would say to God, “hurry up and give them their punishment.” I wonder how much longer He will wait. I know that much suffering is already happening to a lot of those evil demons, but so far they have been able to keep it covered up. Their money hasn't all run out yet, but it won't last much longer. I pray that God will strip them all of their American power they are still hanging onto.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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