Monday, March 11, 2019

"Between The Houses I Saw The Sunset"

The sunset last evening taken between two houses across form my alley. 3-11-2019 Perryton, TX
This sunset could easily have been mistaken for a great, huge fire last evening at my house. I can't get two pictures on the same blog, but I took a picture at the same time of a half moon shinning directly down on the sunset. It was quite interesting to see the sunset, and see the moon high in the sky at the same time. What an interesting world we live in, even with hate, and human destruction at the highest it's ever been. I am involved in this phenomenal place we call earth. I am not just a stranger passing through, I am here to serve a purpose, and even though I may not know just what that purpose is. I am at work. Since I have been left a widow I have been more, and more convinced that I am a worker of the wonder. Just call me, and I will be there. You might be surprised at what I might be able to tell you after I have been, and seen your situation. Nothing could been more rewarding for me than to know I am a discerning factor of the time, both local, and external. To be more clear, I am a person with an unusual opinion. Thank God He changes my opinion from time to time. But it does fit in place many times. “Happy are those who trust the Lord.”

This has been another one of my stay-at-home days. It started out to be a day out for lunch at the Center, but the cold wind quickly changed my mind. I ate pizza at home, and made roast beef with carrots, and potatoes for dinner. My better judgment said stay home today. I'm still waiting on that warm, windless weather that don't change. We are suppose to get some rain sometime later today. We need all the moister we can get.

I visited with my son in Houston last night for over an hour on the phone. I miss him so much, but am thankful he lives close to good doctors because he has a lot of physical issues. He also lives alone, but seems to keep in good spirits. I feel so blessed to have three sons whom I believe were given great knowledge, and understanding about most every day common conversations. This is the best thing I have to depend on for clarification when I am in doubt about something. I also have a daughter who shares that talent. I have to give God all the praise for my children. They had two hard working parents who were children of poor parents, who never learned anything much but to make a living and trust God. The talent thing had to be a gift from God, although as parents we did push them to the limit of their ability. Now I can enjoy the long conversations with them that I never had while they were growing up. It was after they raised their families, and retired before I was allowed this privilege. So proud of them.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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