Sunday, March 31, 2019

"Birds Are Free So Are We As Yet"

       Shying away from my camera, but otherwise very friendly. 3-31-2019 Perryton, TX

This bird was eager to greet me this morning, but he shied away from my camera. Or maybe he just wanted me to get a good view of his head. Either way I was pleased with the shot. He never left his position until after I left mine. Gotta love my birds. I am reminded of something I read on face book yesterday. It said birds eats ants, but when the birds die ants eat the birds. Something to think about. This could be said about humans eating wildlife if the human body was left on top of the ground. My grandfather loved rabbit, and squirrels. My husband was an elk, and deer hunter, We ate their meat. All of those would probably gobble up human flesh if they could get to it. Not a good subject to talk about this Sunday morning. I have heard even worse than that.

Tomorrow is April Fools Day. I'm trying to stay alert, and be prepared for the jokes. I will be having lunch at the Center, and those dear folk love playing tricks on each other. This year is passing so fast. I don't like to think about it, but how can I keep from it. I need more interesting things to do. I'm through with work, and I want to enjoy the rest of my life. I do a lot more thinking than doing.

I talked to my sister a few minutes ago. She is not doing well after falling and breaking her hip, and fracturing her shoulder. She is having lots of pain after surgery on her hip and will be have surgery tomorrow on her shoulder. This accident was worse than the usual hip-breaking accident. Although she is 68 she still has other health issues that hinder her healing process. I'm thankful that she has a good attitude. I need to work on mine.

So glad to report that I have talked to my daughter, and my other two sisters within the last 30 minutes. We are keeping each other updated on the condition of our sister in the hospital. It is nice to have someone to share our concerns with, At least maybe I can now relax a bit, and get my mind on something else. There is a lot of news in the making for this next week. Things could get real bad for America, since our President is not going to give into bullying. I am with him all the way. The swamp still has plenty of sewer that has to be cleaned out. However, millions of tons of stinking, liberals have been dug out. They now need to be buried, and covered up. I see that coming soon. We have just the right person in the White House to do it. He can, and will finish the job. What a day of rejoicing that will be. The brightest star in heaven will shine even brighter.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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