Friday, March 22, 2019

"Before His Funeral He Cried"

                             My vision of my savior, Jesus Christ. 3-22-2019 Perryton, TX

It's getting close to Easter, and I was given a thought this morning that cheered me up immensely. After a scandalous, injustice, and testing of my faith the past two or three days, I was seeking favor from someone, anyone, besides my Heavenly Father. I needed someone to share my anger with. I have repented of that. I remembered my baby sister who lives 250 miles from me, but was the right person at the time to understand my frustrations. I called her, and was unloading my anger, confusion, and yes, pity, when another call came in and settled the whole conglomerate. At the end of the day a new me was resurrected. I was still wondering this morning what lesson I could take from such a discouraging few days of almost defeat.

It was at this time that I remembered the most loneliness, and almost unbearable pain that anyone human could possible endure. Our Lord, and Savior was about to be crucified for a sin He never committed. He knew who He was, and He knew what He was facing, yet the human He had become after leaving His Heavenly Father, had made Him suffer immensely before the final death on the cross. Finally the grief overtook the human feeling that possessed him, and for a short moment Jesus cried out. “ Father if possible let this cup pass from me, not my will, but Thine be done.” I had written a blog before on this subject, and posted this same picture of Jesus that I had depicted of Him. Now it was obvious to me that my frustrations, insults, and even being ignored by others, was a testing just like our Jesus had to endure. But there is always a good ending to the inevitable if we keep trusting God. Many, many times Satan has tried to trap me into saying God don't care about me, or He wouldn't let me be treated the way I am sometimes. But I always remember the millions of times I have felt blessed to the highest of highs. Like Jesus, I always say, “not my will Lord, but Thine be done.”

At this time I feel positive I am still going through that testing time, and I was just given a temporary relief, but I will keep trusting God for whatever lies ahead. It's hard, and many will say we are crazy to go through some of the things we are forced to do, but I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to do that which He has promised unto me until that day. God knows when we have had enough, and will not put more on us than we are able to stand. That is His own words from His Holy Word. He is my rock, my fortress, my Savior, and my Heavenly Father. In Him I shall not want. It's better to suffer for God's sake than to suffer for Satan's sake. Suffering is inevitable, and we have a choice as to who will gain for our suffering. I hope all will say “God is my choice.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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