Wednesday, March 20, 2019

"Flowers From An Evil Seed"

                  These may be weeds but I think they are pretty. 3-20-2019 Perryton, TX
My son's back yard is covered with these little purple flowers. I think they are pretty, but he is fixing to spray and kill them all. Of course they are just weeds, but a new birth of anything is usually pretty. It's as they get older, and grow that they become enemies to the soul. They must be controlled before they have a chance to mature to damage age. We are seeing this with our own country no-goods. At first they seem innocent, and even pretty in some ways, but once they are let go, and even helped to keep growing, the damage is on it's way. It takes more than spray to kill the full blown roots of evil. It takes a mowing down of the jungle type weeds, and it takes more than a lawn mower. A powerful tractor with a sharp bladed cutter is needed to remove all the messy, poisonous , growth that has overtaken any chance of a beautiful yard again. The piles of dead cuttings must then be raked, and hauled to the landfill.

I have tried to show how American democracy has become as pretty little weeds that were left to grow into the taking over of our beautiful land of the free, Nothing less than God's big engine, cutter will ever remove the deadly, poisonous, weeds from our proud, respectable house, and senate, that have been working great for us for years. I am asking God to unload that super powerful mower now, and get rid of all the ugly, harmful weeds that have grown to full maturity. We as a nation cannot go on without a great cleaning up of our country ground. The spray chemical is far fetched from killing these poisonous weeds that are multiplying daily. It's time to demand they be cut down, and raked up. I believe we have the power within our prayers to make this happen.

I was able to make it back to the Center today for lunch. I had missed far too many times due to other priorities. It was nice to see everyone again, and find most of them well and doing good. I will continue to fight for my country even if I have to give up a few of my favorite things to do. I am sowing a few seed everywhere I go, and I believe they all will sprout, and make growth for the good of God. In the mean time I will chop down every ugly weed I possible can to slow down the take over of what God has made beautiful for us. I have learned that the smaller they are the easier they are to chop down. What's better is to pull them up by the roots while the ground is soft. Being a farmer's daughter I have been doing this most of my life. I know the difference in a weed and a flower, although it's easy to get fooled sometimes.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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