Friday, March 15, 2019

"Dragging Them Out One By One"

Peace after the storm. Gorgeous sky last evening after the wind laid. 3-15-2019 Perryton, TX

The past two days have been wicked here in Perryton with winds up to 60 mph doing lots of damage to building, fences, and vehicles etc. It had to be an awesome sight least evening to see these gorgeous, colorful clouds to change the mood of the sadden hearts. Trees were uprooted, limbs blown all over yards, shingles from roofs blown off, and fences lying on the ground just to mention a few. But when the eyes behold such beauty in the sky as was the case last evening, the smile quickly returns. God is still in control without a doubt.

As I write this blog I am listening to the President, Donald Trump, veto his first bill since he's been in office. The television right behind me is so much help to keep me updated when I need to be busy at my computer. It is a very sad thing to learn that the President's own party has gone against him, and helped the evil liberals block the emergency bill to bypass Congress and build the wall. Twelve of the rino's were happy to support these evil liberals, and stop the President from protecting America. They have spoke loud, and clear that they are not the Republicans that people voted for. They fooled their way into Congress, and now they are doing damage to America just like the ones who openly declared their intentions. President Trump is the reason several of these rino's who have now gone against him, got elected. You can't get dirtier than that, and no doubt they will receive their due punishment. They are a big part of the swamp the President swore to clean up. It's strange how wisdom works to get the dirty job done. God Bless Our President. How I love to see his spiritual power at work. The more damage people try to do to him, the more powerful he becomes. I am so proud to be part of his successful army.

I say to these twelve rino's you have been a fool, and you will remain a fool. There is no forgiveness for you, because you have sealed your conscience. You played the dirty game, and you will reap a dirty game winner. Yes, the swamp is getting dragged out from the bottom up. We see you, even those who thought they could stay covered, but the teeth of the dragging machine goes deep. What a happy time the workers of God are having, exposing all that garbage. I'm looking forward to that day when the saints go marching in. I am aware of the price one has to pay to keep their promise to God, but it is either suffer for His cause, or suffer for Satan's cause. Which one will you suffer for? I promise those who choose God will be included in the march when the saints are called to Glory.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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